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The Death Panel are back with the first clever episode description of 2023.
- Seasonal Depression
- Temporarily Embarrassed Falconers
- Waffle House Puns
- Sun-Man!
- Romanian Pizza
- Idaho Murders
- Defamation
- Coconut Diaphragm
- The Way Of Xanax
- Indian "The Rock" Johnson
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
New year, back to the routine of working out, consuming TRS content and high quality protein. I was fasting and working out up until December. I was looking pretty ripped but the pre-Christmas crazy period with work and constant overtime meant that all went out the window. I enjoyed Christmas with food and booze but now I’m back in the healthy regime.
I’m apologize to anyone trying to answer my question. There may have been a problem with my internet. I was curious about the reference Alex made to “Emily’s people” and why they were to be dismissed without the movement you are holding. If someone could enlighten me why they should not be admitted I would be greatly appreciated.
I didn’t understand when Alex made a reference. Who are “Emily’s people’s”? Why should they dismissed?
Falconer with a hard R
Have you seen these black bird watchers?
“nepo baby” sounds like a term a drunk australian would use to refer to his sister’s 1/2 aboriginal kid
Lex Friedman kike bux get him a bunch of interested guests, at least for those interested in ai or biology. His hosting is simply Joe Rogans, but significantly less skilled. Rogan keeps the pace going, while Friedmans show constantly stalls. Good eps would be the ones with Joscha Bach, Nick Lane and (((Michael Levine))) (dont google the latter, his work is nonsense imo and he´s annoying, but his podcast appearance was alright). Joscha Bach is peak German autist.
“Millennials are all gay”
Zoomer bros…we´re back!
“Zoomers are all trans”
It´s so over…
The Andrew Tate op has puzzled me for a while. This ultra “banned” guy comes up on your you tube feed nonstop and probably other platforms. Even after his “banning” I kept having him surface on my feed over and over and over again. But you see he is being targeted in the algo towards young men across the globe. I can only assume it’s a test, seeing if certain behaviors change in the young male demographic after consuming his content. I notice the majority of his fan base seems to be nonwhite as well, black guys, Muslims of various… Read more »
They really don’t want a White guy to be doing this manure-sphere crap. It too easily turns off track into White nationalism and anti-Semitism. We already saw that happen a few years ago. Eventually the jewish role in the war between the sexes becomes obvious and instead of hating women you start hating jews. Better to have a quadroon glowie there as a backstop.
Some white guys would have to actually talk about manosphere stuff for it to be a threat. Currently it’s territory that’s been voluntarily ceded to blacks and Mexicans.
Creating a large number of nihilist White men who aren’t interested in societal convention doesn’t work too great when society is fake and gay. That’s the best they can do right now. They might not join us (for a long time) but they also won’t be amplifying Judeo liberal bullshit either.
I don’t think they can do with the other races either as we seen with Kanye shenanigans and one time FTN mentioned a Spanish radio spouting antisemitism.
They’ll have to select someone who is either pro-Jewish, only say that “women” are the problem, a glow-nigger, just ignores Jews, or someone that is paid from Jews. This isn’t the first time they used centralized and neutered individuals.
Mike seems to be really impressed by Santos’s lying.
Anachronistic niggers in entertainment product for me is like seeing typos all over a written work. I’ll immediately pass it over with the thought, “If the creators don’t care about what they’re doing, why should I?”
In Mongoria Eager eat a worves.
Andrew Tate has also caused divisions in the online Muslim community. The women are really mad that Muslim men are defending him. If his conversion to Islam was authentic, he shouldn’t be promoting this lifestyle anymore. Online Muslim personalities are burning their social capital defending him, Im also starting to think he’s an op.
He was always a gayop from the start, likely his father was a fed and Tate is just a tool for ZOG. He’s a inauthentic as Lex Fredman and Juden Peterstein.
Fuck you New Years resolutions are based.
Cringe normie night guacamole cheese ass tradition.
“Falconry is a scalable solution to the black problem” LMFAO 🤣