Svens rants of hating on physical things is always funny because its like a constant presence of frustration. If it wasnt true youd have to make it up because its such a good source of laughter of how fucking ridiculious audio problems and tech problems are. Haha chefs kiss
December 16, 2022 12:12 pm
I will always enjoy guitar center kvetching.
December 16, 2022 12:22 am
post 6 warren n mike hours before tomorrows tds
I hope Hezbollah wins
December 15, 2022 11:55 pm
Whew, my paychad status has been restored. I can now gonsume product. Praise our heckled and benevolent overlord
I was giving the original song info, but I like where your going.
December 15, 2022 7:26 pm
good episode! dont be self conscious about the audio we enjoyed the content
Honk Hogan
December 15, 2022 6:47 pm
Audio was fine Jesse. No spurg December. Thanks for the show, despite no pissing on Darrell Brooks’ dead nigger face content.
December 15, 2022 6:46 pm
In reference to your audio complaint; The waveform when it’s just your voice is in stereo when played completely dry through a spectrum analyzer. I assume you aren’t using a stereo mic or multiple mics for a voice only deal. Something in the chain is stereoizing the signal to some degree with bias in either channel at different times, but seems to favor left from what I can tell. Nevermind, I found a flaw in my testing method. Sorry. Thought I might be able to steer you in a direction to look for the issue but nah, not so simple… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Monolyth
December 15, 2022 6:38 pm
The best gontent on TRS
December 15, 2022 6:32 pm
Just Depresse lol
December 15, 2022 5:29 pm
Why would AJ even have him back on? He has to know his arguments are weak against the jq. I don’t think all of his audience will buy the Israel/vaccine bs.
His audience buys his penis enlargement and vitality pills. You sure about that?
December 15, 2022 5:24 pm
I worked at a similar type store and this exactly how it works. Im a pro at repackaging display items. Normally we would only do that if it was the last one in stock.
Last edited 2 years ago by Linus
December 15, 2022 4:59 pm
Great show thanks for gontent Svenpai
December 15, 2022 4:26 pm
I enjoyed listening to this
Judge Holden 🇵🇸
December 15, 2022 3:51 pm
Jesse, you basically worked at the dollar store of music equipment. Guitar center literally has the same business model except for the sales bonuses.
The fact that kikes are still in power amazes me as they rape children, torture animals, start illegal wars, spit in the face of the various different ethnic groups whose countries they control/pillage/plunder, push every form of degeneracy across the globe, all while having their own ethnostate to top it all off. These are not people, they are biological vermin and demons from the deepest pits of hell and hell is where they need to return.
For good or ill, Hitler’s cause was an attempt for a white european nation to become masters in their own house by removing jews out of power. My only criticism of AH are not in terms of his intent but rather in regards to tactics and strategy. Was Operation Barbarossa really necessary? In hindsight, the USSR in Stalin’s time seems far less jewed/pozzed than Great Britain/US ever was. Was Hitler really bound to “muh Lebensraum” at all costs to the point where it became impractical? If someone can point me to a deep dive podcast episode that delves into and… Read more »
Yes Barbarossa was absolutely necessary. Read Degrelle’s “The Eastern Front” account of the Ostfront campaign, and he details what he saw with his own eyes.
In the fire of the Eastern Front by Dutch Wiking division veteran Hendrick Verton is as adamant it wasn’t a matter of if, but when Stalin was going to unleash the mongol hordes on not only Germany, but Europe as a whole.
Simply from a resource standpoint it was necessary. Panzers, planes, and troop transports require petroleum. Soldiers, and civilians require food.
December 15, 2022 3:38 pm
aaaaaah you said ye by accident but you still said it dont worry i wont tell anyone
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
December 15, 2022 2:54 pm
Just Jesse is my favorite show on the right stuff dot biz.
Pretend there’s another host on & Jesse. Leave pauses where it seems like someone else should be talking. When people say they can’t hear him, blame their speakers. Insist he’s there and the audio is perfect.
I disagree that doxing should be banned unilaterally. Our guys should be protected from doxing and the opposition should have their information publicly available. A lot of ttranny pedos have been caught because they got doxed or were exposed. Our enemies don’t deserve any protection.
This. Not interested in universal rules or whatever. That time is over. Rules to protect us, yes; different rules to facilitate the removal of our enemies, also yes.
One of the only good things about the European Union is the privacy laws. They have just the kind of laws you’re talking about here Sven, protecting personal privacy and imposing strict regulations on Twitter, Facebook and others to ensure this privacy is respected. At least that’s how it is on the books. I don’t know much about the actual enforcement or if it is always applied consistently.
On the Nordic Resistance Movement’s podcast Nordic Frontier they discussed the EU privacy laws a while back and said many of their members have used them to good effect.
If you look up doxxed members the information doesn’t come up in a search on jewgle, and even US based sites have been forced to remove personal information.
You can still find the information with enough perseverance, it’s the internet after all, but the process of getting it removed when found is fairly straightforward from my understanding.
Svens rants of hating on physical things is always funny because its like a constant presence of frustration. If it wasnt true youd have to make it up because its such a good source of laughter of how fucking ridiculious audio problems and tech problems are. Haha chefs kiss
I will always enjoy guitar center kvetching.
post 6 warren n mike hours before tomorrows tds
Whew, my paychad status has been restored. I can now gonsume product. Praise our heckled and benevolent overlord
Great job fellow payking. We must secure the fish feed for Mike’s koi pond and the future of slightly autistic men mumbling into microphones.
I thought the terrible search results were a deliberate design choice to obscure information on BANG. Searching anything on BANG is like that.
Sven I have a parody suggestion: The New Radicals – You get what you give
I think you and the singer have a similar voice.
Nah, try ‘you only get what you grift’ and the song is all about the fags on the alt-lite.
I was giving the original song info, but I like where your going.
good episode! dont be self conscious about the audio we enjoyed the content
Audio was fine Jesse. No spurg December. Thanks for the show, despite no pissing on Darrell Brooks’ dead nigger face content.
In reference to your audio complaint; The waveform when it’s just your voice is in stereo when played completely dry through a spectrum analyzer. I assume you aren’t using a stereo mic or multiple mics for a voice only deal. Something in the chain is stereoizing the signal to some degree with bias in either channel at different times, but seems to favor left from what I can tell. Nevermind, I found a flaw in my testing method. Sorry. Thought I might be able to steer you in a direction to look for the issue but nah, not so simple… Read more »
The best gontent on TRS
Just Depresse lol
Why would AJ even have him back on? He has to know his arguments are weak against the jq. I don’t think all of his audience will buy the Israel/vaccine bs.
His audience buys his penis enlargement and vitality pills. You sure about that?
I worked at a similar type store and this exactly how it works. Im a pro at repackaging display items. Normally we would only do that if it was the last one in stock.
Great show thanks for gontent Svenpai
I enjoyed listening to this
Jesse, you basically worked at the dollar store of music equipment. Guitar center literally has the same business model except for the sales bonuses.
Now maybe. I worked there over 20 years ago
The fact that kikes are still in power amazes me as they rape children, torture animals, start illegal wars, spit in the face of the various different ethnic groups whose countries they control/pillage/plunder, push every form of degeneracy across the globe, all while having their own ethnostate to top it all off. These are not people, they are biological vermin and demons from the deepest pits of hell and hell is where they need to return.
For good or ill, Hitler’s cause was an attempt for a white european nation to become masters in their own house by removing jews out of power. My only criticism of AH are not in terms of his intent but rather in regards to tactics and strategy. Was Operation Barbarossa really necessary? In hindsight, the USSR in Stalin’s time seems far less jewed/pozzed than Great Britain/US ever was. Was Hitler really bound to “muh Lebensraum” at all costs to the point where it became impractical? If someone can point me to a deep dive podcast episode that delves into and… Read more »
Yes Barbarossa was absolutely necessary. Read Degrelle’s “The Eastern Front” account of the Ostfront campaign, and he details what he saw with his own eyes.
In the fire of the Eastern Front by Dutch Wiking division veteran Hendrick Verton is as adamant it wasn’t a matter of if, but when Stalin was going to unleash the mongol hordes on not only Germany, but Europe as a whole.
Simply from a resource standpoint it was necessary. Panzers, planes, and troop transports require petroleum. Soldiers, and civilians require food.
aaaaaah you said ye by accident but you still said it dont worry i wont tell anyone
Just Jesse is my favorite show on the right stuff dot biz.
Fuckin hell yeah! Unexpected content!
There’s a strong argument to be made that Jesse is the hardest working man in Radio. He is carrying the TRS network.
The gay pedal mafia doesn’t want you to know this, but the schematics are online. You can just take them.
I have 458 PDFs.
Pretend there’s another host on & Jesse. Leave pauses where it seems like someone else should be talking. When people say they can’t hear him, blame their speakers. Insist he’s there and the audio is perfect.
Cover the lights with black electric tape. There’s no problem if you can’t see it.
Complaining gives him strength, it nourishes him. A day without bitching about stuff would leave him withered and faded.
Also iI think it helps him notice things (besides jews) and keeps maintenance of problems up lol
Its always the best sounding podcast but I appreciate the autistic quest for more.
No it’s not. It has the incorrect amount of mids.
I disagree that doxing should be banned unilaterally. Our guys should be protected from doxing and the opposition should have their information publicly available. A lot of ttranny pedos have been caught because they got doxed or were exposed. Our enemies don’t deserve any protection.
This. Not interested in universal rules or whatever. That time is over. Rules to protect us, yes; different rules to facilitate the removal of our enemies, also yes.
Making our enemies suffer makes me feel good. Fuck forgiveness
I don’t disagree on any particular point but I prefer N towers to be a community building exercise.
They’re not mutually exclusive tho.
One of the only good things about the European Union is the privacy laws. They have just the kind of laws you’re talking about here Sven, protecting personal privacy and imposing strict regulations on Twitter, Facebook and others to ensure this privacy is respected. At least that’s how it is on the books. I don’t know much about the actual enforcement or if it is always applied consistently.
On the Nordic Resistance Movement’s podcast Nordic Frontier they discussed the EU privacy laws a while back and said many of their members have used them to good effect.
If you look up doxxed members the information doesn’t come up in a search on jewgle, and even US based sites have been forced to remove personal information.
You can still find the information with enough perseverance, it’s the internet after all, but the process of getting it removed when found is fairly straightforward from my understanding.
Also first.