The Chinchilla Grindset. Brought to you by whwhwh. Tonight at 6PM Eastern. I have dumb things to talk about, and I'll show you the tedious busy-work I've been up to. TRS SUBS:
$35 for 3 months, $70 for 6 and $140 for a year! To speed up your redeem, create an order for your subscription at and email a screenshot of your Odysee transaction to trstlemania at protonmail. Thanks!
i saw in the comments of one of those Uncle deepfakes someone putting “the jews came and broke my heart” – which you have to admit, is a good mishearing of the lyrics to that
I was Striker’s English teacher. Once he turned in a paper on the 19th that was due on the 17th. He clicked the calendar on my laptop and changed it to the 17th and said “what the fuck’s the problem?”
Please allow me to redeem strike and michael. Very much thanks!
I had a dream that I met up with Moike and Sven in Aberdeen WA. It was a weird dream and nothing really interesting happened but we did go to a record store and Sven played some guitar.
Parasocial dreamscapes
Hurry the HELL UP ERIC
without il duce the wheelchairs cant run on time
Med time kept Hitler alive.
Hitler: secret Med.
The one thing I hate about Odyssey on the phone. You can’t hide the app or minimize the video and have it keep playing while you do other things
I dont run into this issue. I use brave on android and there is a setting related to running in background or something similar.
whwhwh is an inspiration to us all.
Also don’t take anything off the table. Ever.