Strike and Mike have a chat with special guest Shane, a member of Ireland's National Party.
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by Mike P
Strike and Mike have a chat with special guest Shane, a member of Ireland's National Party.
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Great humor, nice show
Very good episode and Guest!
Good episode. I liked that the guest was allowed to speak for more than 20 seconds. Would like to hear more of you guys interviewing nationalists in Europe.
They still quickly took over though.
About time TRS had some real men on its show. Hail the fucking national party. Death to antifa.
This one is so good to red pill normies. Can you put it out somehow so we can post links to it on twitter?
Not sure Tatchell was ever a member of PIE – Paedophile Information Exchange. He may be thinking of the Scottish “gay rights” campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn.
There are alot of links between the IRA & “antifa” eg a militant communist group Red Action & also Irish gangsters in the UK who attacked the BNP as happened to your guest’s group
I think you’re right that Tatchell wasn’t a full member, but he wrote a chapter for a book published by PIE where he argued that the age of consent should be abolished. He also had a similar thing published in The Guardian arguing that some children enjoy sex with pedophiles. IMO If a British ‘gay rights’ activist is over a certain age, it goes without saying that they were at least sympathetic. Extreme perverted sex is the LGBT optics debate so it’s just a case of how much they are willing to say out loud. Even shit-eating (literally) pedo rapist… Read more »