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Sven and Alex scout out unsigned, up and coming musical talent.
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
by Seventh Son
Sven and Alex scout out unsigned, up and coming musical talent.
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Hi. Slava Ukraini. Slava Nazi 1488 white power heil Hitler hail skinhead hail the KKK hail the ghost of kyiv hail all the saints like Robert Matthew’s.
why are you saying this
Because white power you Jew boy nigger Satan spic noon cricket Cotten picker. I drive a big KKK truck and I rev it to dial coal and intimidate minorities and Jews with a big swastika flag. Got that you Jew spic nigger?
jew trolls like to come out of the woodwork while it’s still evening in Palestine, and most Americans are winding down, I’ve noticed
I think tard_revolt changed his username.
I replied to him when the content of his comment was 100% something else. I forgot what it was but it was something dirty and stupid
Needed some screenshots for the ADL highlights?
A Darker, Grittier Kiss? Ffs, the only new not gay music is Appalachian County and AntiSemite parody apparently. Maybe Nazi rap and death metal. Grab the fence I guess fam. Me and the Ghost of Wagner will be over in the storage unit blasting Holdaar and Wolfkrieg.
Not all modern metal is leftover emo trash trying to be metalcore. Exhibit A
Sven, knowing full well he got impatient and paused the clip on the punchline: “I guess you spoke over it Alex”
I paused it because he started speaking. I am polite and considerate.
The genre is called…soy metal.
do a thanksgiving warren and mike live from the maternity ward and mikes dinner table.
Whitest Kids You Know is implicitly pro-White, none of the skits I’ve seen have actually had an anti-White message. Also, very funny.
Recommended Skit: moon bears (proto-alt right reference at the end)
I will need to revisit these but I remember liking them, the Bowser Tattoo skit in particular.
Happy thanksgiving guys .
I like this. It’s relatable. Thanks for the show, guys.
Timberlake is a real cunt. However, the flannel/woodsy & wigger bit is very common when you grew up on the cusp of Memphis.
wkuk is old enough to be mostly non-political though there are definite instances of old anti-white tropes, one of the best examples is their skits called “european history” that pretend that we’re taught in school that europeans were perfect innocents but in reality were pure evil.
a perfect case of what mike has expanded on before where-in the school system tells you it taught you one thing but the truth is actually some other thing when they never taught the first thinganyway
the brock story reminds me when they were comparing the case of brock to some football nigger that gangraped and brutally beat a girl and got a slightly worse sentence than brock and were saying it was a clear case of white privilege
I work as a fact checker and I’ve had to fact check the “paypal has reinstated its misinformation fines” and their explanation is that because it only applies to sellers it doesn’t count
Boomer shooter is one label, but WolfenQuake is a better one.
-t massive Half-Life fan.
I was so invested in the Half-Life story. The opening sequence when you’re on the work tram going in for your shift is so amazing. Half-Life 2 was also a masterpiece.
Thank Mike for mentioning the “commentary magazine podcast”. The jews are so angry about the student loan forgiveness that it almost makes me like Biden.
I enjoy the implied value judgement in the phrase “value judgement”. Obviously I’m supposed to think that’s bad and wince when I hear it.
I don’t know about Sting or The Edge, but Striker would make a killer stage name.
I like how when you google Eric Striker you get a bunch of pictures of some football nigga.
Sven: “If you listen to Hate . . .”
Anything I listen to on TRS is Hate! lol
The guitarist of Ghost wreck looks like Mike!
A non Jewish Philosophy PHDs ceiling in the corporate world would probably be managing a department at Target. Unless they managed to get some BS job helping write corporate propaganda for required training videos on the “____ corporate family” and so on. So he is a Jew, with a PHD in philosophy, with a dissertation on how not giving adult male pedophiles access to pre teen or teenage boys is “harmful” or “dangerous” or “hateful.” It is only with a heavy amount of Jewish privilege he has been in control of speech on Twitter for however many years.
If you look closely, it’s a doctorate of philosophy in communications, not a PhD in philosophy, so you’re more correct than even you thought. This is garbage-tier faux-intellectualism of the lowest kind.
Rich evans thanked zykon Ben…
“I don’t think I need anything” best take on black friday
sven is one step away from being to music what mike is to movies and TV. “It all sucks I dont even listen to music” *proceeds to listen to music*
Just sayin.
Boys I’m not sayin but I’m just sayin the name Cruz means cross and that could be a crypto name. Like “Mayorkas” from Mallorca España. You know Cubans.
Shit makes me appreciate the total Recall remake where they didn’t insert blacks and gay shit. That remake is 10 years old already so I’m sure there prepping to remake it again this time properly pozzed
Apparently, manvantara is a Hindu unit of time representing the lifespan of humanity over the course of billions of years. The seventh manvantara is our current one. Those ancient Aryan mystics were into some wild shit.
Yes, correct.
That PhD Dissertation made my power level skyrocket. My hatred of jews and faggots reached a new milestone today. This Yoel Roth makes me appreciate the damage a single mid-level no name Jew can do to a society. I want to design a gold medal and give it to the family of Robert Bowers and tell them that his actions potentially saved untold number of children from being sexually exploited or killed
Pop punk reminds me of simpler… whiter time….
Same. I love Blink-182.
Kind of reminds me of the link someone posted to Tony’s old band ha
What band was it I gotta know lmao
Wait is that Tony playing drums? Haha I never knew what he band was called.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Storage wars was fun for a while. Brandy Passante was a total babe.
Saying nigger on a podcast sells
But who’s buying….
Me, i am buying & i’ll place what ever order is needed to advance the NJP’s cause.
Hemlo sir, I am here for the racisms
New jew! Same as the old jew! @Disney
Sven is in the Merchant’s Guild, based. I recommend MandaloreGaming for more videos of that kind. Mandy is Sseth on his meds.
Extremely painful when Sven paused right on the punchline in the Rich Evans clip.
I replayed it
Thank God
Metal Blade seem to be a decent label. Primordial are a great band. Might not be totally our guys but not pozzed.
Ireland in the 80s and 90s we were really hopped up on saving the world and Africa in particular. Trocaire boxes in every house collecting for “the poor starving children in Africa”. There were no black people here then so we believed everything that was said about them in the media and movies.
Primordial is awesome.
“Born too late to say ‘eat shit nigger’ at a Goldeneye 64 party, too soon to say it during societal collapse” -t.zoomer
“Protect yourself today from all the little glow in the dark nigger faggots that want to steal your precious white semen. Baseball bats work too.
In 1972 Bill Gates and I killed a hooker, well she was 8 years old, but I’m sure she was a whore so it still counts. Sometimes I role up moist towelettes and insert them into my anus and bark at my neighbors. It teaches them who is in charge. I am. I am the alpha. They are the nigger faggot.“
you and me both bro. you and me both.
😂 the title … so good
Everything you guys say about sites like Grindr is absolutely true. These Jews openly want to deconstruct the idea of the older male predator. They specifically want access to children. They explicitly want it in their own writings.
I cannot believe we did this episode without a Star Trek TNG joke about Brent Spiner.
You all need to rethink your life choices
Good show mate.
Revisionist Historian Udo Walendy passed on to Valhalla recently. https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/11/udo-walendy-soldier-patriot-and-scholar-1927-2022/
Why do “progressive” societies have the highest rates of murder, suicide, substance abuse and mental illness, and the more “progress” is being made, the worse it gets?
Uhhhhh. Shut up, goy.
Because niggers and faggots. That is all.
Why do you notice such things? You must be a natzi.
It’s just emo, scream, hard-core music.
It’s been around since 2003. It’s just making a come back.
There’s some good emo, screamo/skramz, and hardcore out there. Deathcore and post-hardcore are not those/the gay shit sven played
What ab polyphia?
“Projection me-too”
Sven needs to come up with a better slogan for that.
Sven- it’s a really good, catchy bumper. Excuse the fanning of ball sacks, there’s a song there somewhere. I’m a fan of it.
It’s a full 5 minute song, just no lyrics or vocals. I tried a few times but never succeeded
Well deserved rest, Mike. Sven, not so much. I hope everyone and TDS listeners a Happy Thanksgiving!
The Michael jackson mouth sound thing is a sub genre. That’s what that negro chap from animals as leaders does on the guitar.
*ow* *sm-uh* *huh* *chucka-ah* *hee-hee-hee*
Cha-oohhh. Shah*mow*an
Sabaia Pittman.