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Sven and Alex scout out unsigned, up and coming musical talent.
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
by Seventh Son
Sven and Alex scout out unsigned, up and coming musical talent.
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
If they ban groomer, we should call them what they are: Pedophiles
Besides, groomer is a term they came up with to avoid the label pedo.
We should call them daisy pushers, because they should be pushing daisies from 6ft in the ground.
A Persian dude does mass-shootings.info?!
I’ve directed so many damn libtards to that site.
“no non white is shooting up white grocery stores”
Except the Boulder whole foods shooter..
Don’t worry Sven, although the late 00’s wigger whitechapel era of deathcore has been completely been replaced with gay metalcore with pop-punk vocals, there seems to now be a new contender in the fight. Allow me to introduce you to the second wave of deathcore, merging tech-death into the sound. Try Archspire, and Vulvodynia.
That shit fucking sucks too
Just let me be a bugman in peace
No u!
By the way big dox but Sven I was at an OC Guitar Center with my son. He was like dad look there isn’t anyone back there playing the drums. He was looking at the security camera screen for the back where they give lessons. So we go back and start shredding on the drums. Then the dude came back and was like excuse me but you guys can’t be back here. Other locations like Palm Desert and Tempe are cool with it. They had some Mexican Strats and some decent Gibson acoustics but that’s about it. Different locations seem… Read more »
Early metalcore that was just heavier NYHC was great tbh. Stuff like Earth Crsis and Merauder and all that shit.
I listen to pro-Ukraine bands like M8L8TH or Absurd or Peste Noire. That is real man’s music.
I guarantee it was Dr. Manhattan institute that put this clearly repeat child molester as the head of twitter safety
It was only 40 years ago a father could shoot some faggot who raped his kid in a court room and be aquitted
Like that guy who played it off on the pay phones in the airport and you know when the cops were bringing that guy who raped his son back from wherever. I totally disavow but not really in a metaphysical sort of way.
The only bands I keep up with and listen to when they release new music are Mastodon, Meshuggah, Deftones, Aborted, and Sunn O))). If Mudvayne ever released any new music I’d listen to that as well. L.D. 50 is still a phenomenal album almost 23 years later.
That’s my favorite bumper too. Has a good feel to it.
Hey captain console, whats that genre of music is it you play again?
Is it pop-rock or punk-rock?
None of my Metal friends growing up did not like Dream Theater under the premise that they were music teachers but not real rock performers.
theyre all still doom 1 clones son
The left says “The Great Replacement is a fake racist trope to stir up fear in the white working-class .” Why would such a concept make white people afraid? What are they implying that diversity does to law and order? If diversity is such a great thing, what would white people have to fear? “If you don’t like diverse casts in film remakes, you’re a racist.” So wanting a cast that represents what you look like is bad? Seems like a double-standard. “Finally, the population is majority minority and here’s why that’s a good thing…” If the goal is to… Read more »
I miss moike.
When Mike is gone we need an algorithm or AI that detects when Sven is speaking and autoplays Mike drops on top of him
There is one movie genre in which they are not increasing the diversity one bit, and that is the increase fly gruesome extreme violence, extreme gore (“goreporn”) horror genre. I don’t think there is even that much of a market demand for these movies, I just tho k they are a vector of psychological warfare akin to pumping hardcore porn over the Palestinian airwaves by Israel. These movies are having kids vomit and faint, and are basically simulated snuff films; and White women are always the torture subject. What is it doing to our people’s minds to routinely watch and… Read more »
It appears niggers have not been a Great Value™
I see what you did there, good stuff.
Sven played star wars pod racer
The guy in Florida is pearlman. I saw him in a Walmart once in Orlando buying nothing but cheap pillows.
This is the shitting on great music podcast now
Sum 41 is a national treasure.
They’re Canadian
I want to start a band and write fedpost lyrics like rappers get to do. All rap was in the 90’s and early 2000’s was fedpost lyrics with catchy beats.
That second band kinda triggered Fleshgod Apocalypse vibes in my mind but a Wish.coom Fleshgod Apocalypse
I remember liking those spaghetti niggers but I haven’t checked out any of their new stuff. Thanks for reminding me of them.
We still have boy bands. This time they are Korean
I dare you to look up a band called Dexcore. Pleased to be ruining your day sir
Muck bang metal when?
i like sunday bloody sunday of the popular u2 songs but i never paid much attention to them
How long, how long must we sing this song, how long?
I wish I were deaf – core
My father was the ER doctor who treated Jackson when his hair caught fire. He was crying for his monkey bubbles
Pepsi cola burn him up, now he’s drinking 7 up.
Lord Musk is currently running a new poll. Mass amnesty for all suspended accounts. Tell your friends to go vote. Twitter is good for radicalizing normies and fighting poz, even if all you do is hit like. Plus pay the free speech tax. Defend free speech from the ADL. If Musk depends on advertisers for revenue he’ll cave to their demands. If Musk depends on subscribers for revenue he’ll cave to our demands. Also Why let the Alt-light rule the roost? Mods if this post is inappropriate please erase, I’m not trying to intentionally give business to twitter but I… Read more »
“Defend free speech from the ADL.”
Can I get this on a T-Shirt?
Blink 1488 > Blink 182
Sven is echoing my exact feeling on this rock genre. Its no wonder the younger gens want no part of it.
Happy Thanksgiving guys, hope you all have a good holiday with your families. Very thankful for the show and everybody on this website that keeps me sane as I watch the world sink deeper and deeper into cringe degeneracy.
Based as usual 👌
Who did that song Rendezvous that played constantly for an entire year in the late 90’s
Apple is a militant homosexual tech company. I want Tim Cook’s head on a stick
I block the youtube cookie so I’m not being force fed some ghey algo videos.
I cannot go to target or Walmart without being bombarded with giant ad posters featuring an obese sheboon in lingerie.
“Battlestar Sciatica”…nice
Once again I would like to submit the Leprechaun in the hood for a half in the bang review.
Fuck. Ok I guess I’m the guy with the tickled tisms today. That band was def not deathcore that’s just what passes for metalcore now. We went from pop punk and metal core to post hardcore which combined the emo sound with the metalcore riffs and breakdowns. A day to remember would be a perfect representative of the post hardcore sound. That band you were playing though is trying to be a clone of contemporary metalcore bands like Erra. There are some deathcore bands that have branched into doing clean vocals like veil of maya but they basically completely transitioned… Read more »
You’re 100% right though this shit is so cookie cutter and derivative now in the age of digital distribution and home recording and all these vocalists sound nearly identical.
im surprised theyre not jsut doing softt reboots with coloreds.
Sven, stop shitting on the White bands who know nothing more than to be whiny effeminate cuck boys. Teach them. Also, I’d rather listen to unoriginal shit tier metal all day than listen to any nigger influenced trash,
Was not expecting an episode today
Hey Mike you said something interesting in yesterday’s Strike and Mike about how Twitter’s Trust and Safety team must have been extremely gay because Yoel Roth was the head of it. Well I can say anecdotaly that the only times I’ve been banned off of Twitter was when I was going after gays and trannies so that might give some credence to your theory.
Hate the corpse-paint trannies the most. And an all-white background is the worst possible background for these poseurs.
Pound stakes in their vampire ham-ginas and baste with stage-blood before ovening.
Only Graveland 90’s photoshoots were real
Another Shoah this week? Sven can talk all he wants about contempt, I know he loves us
Sven, how do you feel about Emmure?
One of my biggest guilty pleasures. They’re a metalcore band but with a lot of nu-metal callbacks. The singer is a New England wigger guido that says a lot of offensive shit.
Ok so the guy (film courage or whatever) may be skipping over the obvious agenda but he’s not wrong that they have to check those boxes. The check boxes are just the antiwhite policy checklist to make sure they don’t accidentally make something for white people that makes it seem like we are a distinct group with a history or culture that was ever ours. This is part of tikun olam where part of their preparation for the messiah is the erasure of the memory Edom/Esau/amalek from the earth. Rabbi’s say openly this is about white Christian europe and america… Read more »
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. o/
My dad was really into building PCs from components he’d get from those computer show flea markets. In like 90/91, I’d come home from kindergarten on the bus, let myself into the house because my parents were still working for a few hours, and my dad would leave instructions on a 3×5 card for me to access wolfenstein and Commander Keen through dos on our PC.
Computers were more fun and rewarding those days, actually managing to get the games working was an accomplishment.
Not to sound like a boomer, but stuff is better when you have to work a little for it. My kids have countless Switch games and I feel like they don’t have any appreciation for them. Same with music. I counted pennies and rolled them myself in fourth grade, then walked to Wherehouse Music with all the penny rolls in a grocery bag to buy Green Day’s Dookie on cassette. I listened to that damn tape so much is eventually ripped. Now you don’t even have to seek it out to download like with Slsk, you just stream that shit… Read more »
Things deserve and receive different amounts of appreciation based on a greater context of circumstances and those have changed. I’m sure you know this, and yet despite this you were still compelled to type this weird entitled boomer post and hand-wave away your natural self-awareness. Did this compulsion build up gradually or were you suddenly overtaken? God help us it seems to be spreading
This tbqh.
Having to constantly edit autoexec.bat and config.sys to get a game to work properly was always “fun”. And loading 25 floppies to load a game was also fun. Back in my day…
Early 90’s PC gaming is the most underrated genre of TDS content.
Your dad is awesome.
Have a great Thanksgiving all!!
Thanks for the content. Have a great Thanksgiving
For being a based Chad.
Should check out that new movie coming out that claims a black violinist is responsible for the French Revolution.
“We wuz Jaconibs!”
Or alternatively
Jacoboons come on man.
Lmao Fucking wut. Will definitely look that up.
Yea it’s ridiculous. It’s named “Chevalier”, here’s the trailer https://youtu.be/-LtCIImfSCk
Wow, who would’ve guessed that every major event in European history was caused by a nigger? How do they do it?!
he was banging dabo girls two at a time. Players couldnt get a synth ale at the table