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The Death Panel can't find a Fetterman (can't find a Fetterman).
- "The Glory" By Svenpai
- The Moral Banksters
- The RNC is the DNC
- PennsylGAYnia
- The Baloney IS Phoney
- The Machine vs The Monkeywrench
- The NeoLibtard
- Adam & The Animals
- The Midrash Minefield
- Cease & Desist Theater: Prager U
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Inflamed in the nig-brain
“Commentary magazine has a podcast that gets fewer listeners than LEZ.” 😂 -Moike
Lies I tell you LEZ is the most popular show on the network
Sven you and Alex should do a movie stream and watch the hollywoodism documentary as a transformative content rebuttal to Dennis prager because it’s an hour and a half about Jews founding hollywood and all the ways they used it to insinuate themselves into gentile society and to promote explicitly negro culture to gentile whites and all for the benefit of Jews.
When Adam was fucking chimpanzees were we on the moral gold standard? How many moral pieces of silver did it cost Adam to fuck donkeys? Oh, right. Jews like that so they are added to “the black” of his moral account when he did obviously degenerate shit.
Antisemites aren’t allowed to have moral bank accounts. The jews, who definitely don’t run the banks, will somehow take away your ability to do moral banking…also regular banking. You can’t have that either cuz they’ll take the fuck out of that too.
“Jews don’t control the media. What I mean by that is Jewish people are not literally filling every position in every media company. We hire some niggers, like Candice Owens. See, goy? Since Candice Owens is a nigger ipso facto Jews don’t run the media.” – Dennis Hooknose Shilock Kikenstein Prager-
Once snapping turtles reach the ancient age-bracket they gain spellcasting abilities additional language slots.
Also a superior treasure table for their cache.
Just a humble request….
Mike please take the time to go to Sven’s place to do TDS. Sometimes parts of these episodes are almost unwatchable with you constantly ploughing over anything Sven says.
No offence meant. Big fan of all you guys.
the song is great
I paused the video to go look at a tab for “beyond good and evil” by At the Gates and within a minute of starting up the video again Sven makes a reference to them when he refers to matt gates as “Matt the Gates”. Weird stuff.
Was just listening to Slaughter of the Soul today. Fantastic album.
As much as I like pickups, there is definitely a correlation between diehard lift kitters and being either retarded and/or out of shape
That PragerU video has been ratioed hard. Currently at 1.1k likes, 4.3k dislikes. Nobody likes you kike. Keep threatening, da goyim (of all colors) know.
Thank Christ. I was worried for a second too many buttgoys saw that video and just fanned his balls
– White beaners
– Dago spics
– Tejanos
Yeah, I don’t have the time and creativity to do this…
They’re all just niggers to me.
TRS: Your number one source for PA election analysis.
Lend Lease of the Moral Bank Account
I really like this argument that without jews you wouldn’t have the Polio vaccine Whitey! Without niggers you wouldn’t have hear transplants, racist! They made these achievements after hundreds of years of progress under the European super structure of medicine. Like it’s a video game and if you don’t select a jew character for your team the “polio vaccine” is locked out of the technology tree. Maybe if the first heart transplant was done with voodoo, then OK that would be a nigger achievement.
That perspective also only takes account for a very narrow part of human history. Since the complete social and political revolution in America between the 60s and 70s (largely pioneered by Jews) very little progress has happened in most scientific fields. The admission of Jews such as Sabin may have yielded a few transient benefits (which would have happened anyway as you noted), but the cost of allowing these people to infiltrate our spaces has likely been a primary cause of the stifling of scientific progress which should have marched on at break-neck speeds if the historical trends from the… Read more »
Why would Pennsylvania be rhe most important election for Jews other than being ground zero for the white nationalism ascendetry
Shapiro is being groomed for The Big Job. Coming out from behind the curtain.
I liked the song the first time, but the second time I could really hear the feels. I listen to Randbot sometimes and he had on a guy from Shing.tv who was a big fan of your songs. He had that technical music nerd kind of appreciation for it.
Why didn’t the Covidtards talk about Max Rose, that Staten Island congressman who then was appointed Secretary of Defense of Covid 19 under Biden. What did all of his DVE initiatives have do Covid? Why not talk about that?
Was that music video run by jews?
Adam Ruins Animals
jesus christ lol
Q! Enough of this! Think of poor Wesley!
Generally speaking, Protestants and Jews use the Masoretic Version of the Bible and orthodox Christians use the Septuagint Version of the Bible.
Wow, impressive song, Sven!
Christian Identity also believes Adam had sex with the animals in the Garden, ain’t that a weird coincidence
Talking to them. serpent = bad fruit = in this context fornification aka race mixing. Cain is the offspring of the Serpent and Adam while Abal (Aryan bloodline) is from Adam and eve. So all nonwhites come from Cain. Now I haven’t figured out where Seth plays a role into their Creation story
Fuck man. That song is amazing.
Will your book ever be made available again, or is it destined to become an extremely rare collector’s item in the future?
Mastriono/Fetterman Chad Voters vs Virgin Shapiro/Oz voters.
Lies LEZ is the most listened to Show on TRS
I would trust June over the Medical Industry because June is a National Socialist but the Medical Industry is Judeo-Liberal.
Hey come on Moike. I’ve always been a big ticket splitter. It was my independence from the GOP which made me more open to supporting this thing back in the day!
Mastrichiono/Fetterman Chad Voters vs. Virgin Shapiro/Mehmet Oz Voters.
This is the second best name on the site
Mike still not getting the joke that ari saw a sign that says free is why he got excited is driving me Insane
He ran away when he saw the “work” part.
Yeah. At face value it’s kind of a funny joke. Jew sees “free” and rushes over because he’s such a tightwad kike. Gets freaked out when it says “free Palestine”.
I can’t wait for the day disgusting kikes like Prager are groveling on their knees begging to not be sent to Madagascar with all the other Jews
“sent to Madagascar”
The Glory Will be Ours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don’t pull into a parking space. You back into it.
If you’re a nigger
Niggers are too high time preference to back in.
Prager is terrified of losing both kanye and candice all in one fell swoop.
As bad as Doug Mastriano did, he still did better than the Wagner did in 2018 against Tom Wolf. It does show a significant part of the electorate will resist the new Shapiro junta and that’s not something they want. PA is about to get a lot more noticing.
Especially with all the new laws he’s about to ram through. Worth keeping an eye on.
Vance beat out Josh Mandel who was jewish, so that probably endered him somewhat. Although, Pukita ran an anti-Semitic campaign and got 22000 votes. That mattered as much as I distrust him. But I will enjoy him and Hawley grilling the Biden cabinet people.
Mike calls them “minders”. An alternative is “overwatch”.
The rabbinical interpretation of many things are quite grotesque and implausibly profane. They’re not paragons of honesty and transparency when it comes to God. The whole schtick of like, ‘hey what you guys believe is pretty ridiculous if we take these rabbis at face value’ .. I mean ok. I don’t. I’m a little peeved at the prospect of being convinced by rabbis, it’s like the theological version of the hermeneutics of gay suspicion.
The theological reason that God created man first and then woman from man is literally explained in the passage. From verse 24: “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” God is not only setting up the sacrament of marriage, he’s also setting up the social order between men and women. Again your asserting that there are things in the Torah that just aren’t there because Jewish rabbis want to have a discussion on what a certain verse means 3000 years later. And even then only a… Read more »
If the way you see the world or read a book is in some way the product of believing literally the one kind of person that *you already say you know* is dedicated to lying to you and general perversion .. like what are we doing here, guy.
Unfortunately this is Mike’s one big weak spot. And it’s frustrating to see it every time the OT gets brought up. Mike is much better at political analysis than OT textual scholarship and whenever he drifts into that realm it’s easy to see.
He opts for a comprehensive sociological critique of the jew, up to and including their supposedly observed holy book. Because of his secularist cosmopolitan priors, it’s easier to suppose that they do observe it (and take them at their word) and accept as a given that their behavior is a result of a faithful observance of it. That way, he can just drag and drop disdain, intellectually, from one category to another. Because that disambiguates a certain ontology of his that allows him to be comfortably credulous about his cohesive theory on jewish behavior. And at times I feel that… Read more »
That’s exactly what it is I’ve just never been able to put it into words. I obviously don’t expect Mike to be an expert on everything, but yes the criticism of the OT is definitely the one that requires the least amount of deep thought. I just wish he would take a look deeper on this like he does with literally everything else.
The good part about this is that Mike continually makes me have to go back into Scripture and figure out if what he’s saying is true. So I guess in that sense he’s actually made me a better Christian lol
I’m already used to doing that because he’s essentially just telling me the jews are holy, but reflexively and ironically. So I already know the answers, and I know it’s wrong as I hear it.
It seems his entire identity regarding God is based around the presumption of knowing the Bible better than the people at the church he left.
Which I’m willing to grant him, even that.
The issue is, in your average American Protestant church, that’s really not impressive.
I also do not envy the task of the person who says that something is oh so hopelessly “open to interpretation” trying to make a clear, declarative statement of their own.
He probably does know the Bible better than the people at the Church he grew up in. But a liberal Episcopal church isn’t setting the bar very high in the first place
Christianity is irreconcilable with the white race. It has served as nothing but an attack vector. A secular anti-racist is a successful end-goal of OG Christianity. I will never understand why so-called Christians bother with racialist circles when they could be joining their Christian brothers in helping Yael Eckstein give some holocaust survivors a can of tuna fish via Mastercard, Visa, or AMEX.
A very basic understanding TDS does not have on jews. Their religious dogma is NOT the Old Testament or Torah. It’s the Talmud, which is an endless jew lawyer debate that includes ways to trick God into not having to follow Biblical rules.And codified jewish psychopathic behavior. And the Zohar, which is where the jewish satanic witchcraft comes from (kabalah.)
Indeed they see the Torah as something that contracts GOD to *them*. Which is a case that they would lose.
And some things, Mike, if you handwave it as “open to interpretation” it’s just weak bullshit. That’s pilpul.
If you don’t think that’s a fair statement, you’re apparently free to interpret it differently.
Ultimately if one says “the Talmudic interpretation of the Bible is better” they may want to analyze why they are thinking like a satanic jew on the subject of the actual Bible. Which, if one thinks jews are the great satan, should give one pause and lead to a reanalysis of the subject.
I didn’t know the Irish ran the media. As such, I hearby apologize for all the disgusting, degenerate, subversive garbage that is broadcast every single hour of every single day for decades. Sorry about that!
Filthy Irish.
Will bet ari edits out that part of the video and reuploads it.
Honestly tho, a tribe of goat fuckers fucked a goat…Is anyone surprised? lol
When I was listening to JRE more I remember ari shaffir giving another comedian ‘friend” molly secretly while he was at his home with his family . Ari refused to apologize for some time after that
“neolibtard” lmao classic
SVEN, the song is wonderful. More OG SVEN.
Sven is so talented. If the standards of the world were “real” ones Sven would be a famous musician. I always love the shows that feature his original content. Hell yeah Sven.
Herschel Walker is a person of football
technically he’s people of football
or.. person of footballs
>Old El Paso tack mix bad even though it’s the best goyslop.
Hey Mr. Prager, are Jews morally bankrupt for visiting the grave of a Jew who shot Palestinians in the back while they’re in prayer inside a mosque? God I really hate the self righteous sober toned wet throated voice that these Jews do when they’re trying to be “serious about Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust”.
“Well goy, you know, antisemitism is morally bad, a sign of ignorance… educated smart people don’t engage in that… but just in case you don’t care about these benevolent warnings, you’re gonna be horribly destroyed along with everyone else you care about”