At 1hr12min mark. AmerIndians mixed with the Spanish Jews who enslaved them on haciendas. Ladino is Spanish Jewish language. The people of Spanish aka not North America are called Latinos. The Anglos did not mix with the savages nor did they enslave them. The Spanish Jews brought black slaves to Anglo colonies later
Sam’s Club is beautified Walmart: Scan n Go, everything on brutal architecture pallets, the occasional suicidal slave at the end of an aisle asking if you want a sample off the goyslop griddle, like some kind of corn syrup drug dealer opening their long coat in a dark alley. “Hey man, wanna rock your world with these french toast sausage sticks?”
Last edited 2 years ago by Comrade Dyatlov
October 15, 2022 3:11 pm
Warren “Yaknowitsfunnymike” Balogh ✋🏻
eugene nicks
October 15, 2022 9:04 am
In Enoch’s Soviet America, Walmart in Florida will look like Rainforest Cafe.
October 15, 2022 9:00 am
Mom and pop stores that sell the product they manufacture are based. The mom and pop reseller (what mike is probably referencing) is essentially a mini Walmart.
WW2 Revenge Seeker
October 15, 2022 6:29 am
1:38:20 This is the key point to social control. I’ve been meaning to write about this psychological dynamic. Maybe it has a name? Does anyone know what it’s called?
High Chief Vercingetorix
October 14, 2022 11:45 pm
Merchant’s Square in Glasgow is a marvel of romantic civil engineering
Ironic name though since you think of (((Merchants)))
October 14, 2022 10:50 pm
So if NJP wins, there will not be moves to force the reshoring of manufacturing and thus make the existence of Walmart type places possible, but some (probably impossible) nationalized service economy?
October 14, 2022 10:01 pm
Mike went to Rome and all he got was this lousy selfie stick
I’m not checking anything out from someone trying to replace nationalism with religion.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
October 14, 2022 1:41 pm
I worked in a large publicly traded company many years ago and it struck me even back then how retarded the company had to behave in the short term to meet some arbitrary numbers to make some Wall Street assholes happy — always at the expense of the long-term health of the company. Which no longer exists, so go figure.
Guy Ordinaire
October 14, 2022 1:27 pm
I love this show! I like the discussions y’all have from different perspectives. Too many think we have to agree on EVERYTHING to win. Keep up the great work gentleman.
Archie Bunker Nationalism
October 14, 2022 1:24 pm
“Is Walmart worse than a nation of shopkeepers”?
Yes, in a lot of ways, it very much is. Moike sounds like a Jew Yorker here who hasn’t spent much time in smaller towns around family-run businesses.
Most of NJ is smaller family run businesses, but do go on
October 14, 2022 12:58 pm
Why not organize the economy in such a way where all services are all government run but all production is run by workers’ syndicates organized into government sponsored corporations. So the family farms in a village would be organized into a village agricultural syndicate and all agricultural syndicates organized into a National agricultural corporation which holds a seat in the cabinet.
October 14, 2022 12:42 pm
The death of every mighty aryan civilization lies in the decadence that eventually spawns within ruling class and becomes greater with every succeeding generation. The problem lies in this. While the ruling class is initially formed by highly discipline men born of struggle who are more often of noble quality than their peers what comes after is much different. Their sons that become their succeeding ruling class grow further and further from that struggle with each succeeding generation till their ivory towers stand so tall above their own people that they no longer see them as their own any more.… Read more »
Iirc woody is actually Jewish. Kinda goes into the thing where young jews do genuinely believe the holocaust is real, and are likely even more bought in than most white people.
October 14, 2022 12:31 pm
Maybe someone has already said, but the “Schindler’s List” book came out in 1982 and the movie came out in 1993.
October 14, 2022 11:37 am
The Helenization of Rome was decadent, in that statement he was right at least. It was lipstick on a pig created by degenerated larpy aristocrats of Rome. All you who idolize this always fail to realize these decadent “high art” society’s are now just ruins because the emphasis on high art is a sign of an elite ruling class that had their head ever in the coulds rather than grounded and in line with what was more important, the health and prosperity of the every day man who is the cornerstone of the civilization. Would Walmart be so bad if… Read more »
Without a healthy and prosperous every day man, high art could not come to be.
High art ,in it’s myriad forms, would seem to be the peak of a civilization. Of course that civilization declines from there, it’s hit it’s zenith.
If I didn’t know better I’d almost think you were advocating for communism.
While I definitely agree that goods must be produced and efficiency is a virtue, I think that you are completely missing the value of art. A society will starve without food, but it will never exist in the first place without unified abstractions. You cannot have one without the other.
October 14, 2022 11:13 am
This utopian idea that Warren is pushing on capitalism is reminiscent of some gay Richard Spencer ideology. Most product is art and beyond that is functionally necessary for the average man. Of course there are abuses of it, but to belittle it as a whole is belief rooted in the envy and denial of the importance of the physical reality. You can talk up art museums all you want, but ultimately all they’ve always been aristocrat masterbatory bullshit that in no way assists the honest man who doesn’t have his head in the clouds with his every day life. I… Read more »
An ideas based state, like America, seems very similar to the ideas based religion, and also the people based state seems very similar to the the people based religion, like Germany. The universal religion like the universal state must be the one true religion or state, but the folk religion like the folk state is exclusive.
October 14, 2022 7:58 am
Great discussion. Very enjoyable.
October 14, 2022 7:29 am
“Mom & Pop” stores in UK became a huge vector for processing immigrants as they became totally colonised by Indians & Pakis. You will literally refer to local corner shops as “the Paki shop”.
That’s because Banks will only give loans to Pakis and other browns to buyout the elderly white couple managing the store (instead of the son of the elderly white couple)
Hungarian Spectator
October 14, 2022 7:01 am
Mike’s point about (((American))) propaganda of convincing you that everybody else believes in the “official” opinions is a good one. Peer pressure is actually a big thing for most people. It’s always been a minority, a revolutionary-minded group who are not afraid to defy the views approved and propagandized by the ruling class.
October 14, 2022 6:56 am
I really enjoy hearing Warren’s heartfelt view of the world. I also agree with Mike’s idea of nationalizing the biggest distribution chains. The body of our movement needs both a head and a heart. I am happy to be the hands. I can’t wait to have a white community, friends, and pride…At least, I certainly hope that you guys succeed so that my kids are allowed to feel the pride of blood and soil.
October 14, 2022 6:46 am
@1:57mark – its true – if you were starting your own religion you won’t find ready followers amongst devout Catholics or observant Muslims.
Last edited 2 years ago by flashman
October 14, 2022 5:04 am
Honestly, I was that guy that Warren was talking about. Everything he said was right on the mark. I genuinely felt a deep sense of respect for and duty to ‘America’. I was an unironic American Nationalist from childhood into early adulthood. That began to change as I realized that the abstract ‘America’ that I felt this connection to didn’t actually exist. Now, I’m still the same guy. The only difference is that the abstraction to which I am loyal is ‘Race’. I think there are a lot of people like me, but that may be projection. At the end… Read more »
Warren you fracking turd! You have all these Nazi Propaganda films and you haven’t uploaded a download for us with translations? Something I would appreciate if the community is able to do it.
Kike Tower disrupted. The project is bogged down. While one sees work crews standing around, nothing ever seems to get fixed
Last edited 2 years ago by NormanNC
Slur Machine
October 14, 2022 1:14 am
Open ticket: is anyone else unable to skip ahead or back to a certain time on the video? I encountered this today with the TDS episode. There’s just a white shadow that comes up over the X axis in Opera. It also wouldn’t let me in Brave.
Last edited 2 years ago by Slur Machine
October 14, 2022 12:56 am
WHO remembers Woodysgamertag? being a young teenager during the glory days of Call of Duty, I watched many of the Woodysgamertag YouTube vids. Here he is entertaining Holocaust denial. Very epic. He also has an entertaining podcast with Sam Hyde that is still up on YouTube, I think.
October 14, 2022 12:48 am
One of the points I remember Richard Tedor bringing up about instances of German Treason was the course/timing of supply tankers from Italy to North Africa being relayed to the British in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately the Germans did desperately try to get gasoline to North Africa but almost all of their transports were intercepted and destroyed.
October 13, 2022 11:54 pm
Thanks Mike for enduring the extra hour, great show, I really needed it as a mind cleaner today, preciate it.
I can’t believe Mike had to argue with the Kyle from the video.🤦🏻♂️
October 13, 2022 11:01 pm
If you look into it almost half of Germany’s gasoline was actually made by coal liquefaction which means using coke to burn bodies would have required the Germans to divert coal that would have been used to make coal extracted gasoline which was in critically short supply from their tanks and supply vehicles.
They had to make rubber out of coal too. I think Auschwitz was a big place where they did that. I think it’s Aurthur Butts’ did six million really die , that talks about that.
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
October 13, 2022 10:58 pm
Been a minute since you guys did a hardcore sperg out on the Holohoax. Keep it up. Mike’s revisionist takes, along with the CoC trilogy changed my life. That’s not hyperbole in the least.
Once mike and striker start prepping for their debate on it we will be getting many spreg outs I’m sure
H.P. Hovercraft
October 13, 2022 10:53 pm
I agree with Moike about avoiding the nastier anti-German WWII films. I’ve seen Band of Brothers it wasn’t too bad but Saving Private Ryan was just horrible.
I refuse to watch Schindler’s List and Inglorious Bastards. If it’s obvious the film is going to bash me over the head with Jewish WWII propaganda I don’t want to watch.
WWII films from an earlier era weren’t as bad (think Kelly’s Heroes, Big Red One, etc); there were some anti-Nazi messaging but they always feel rote and tacked on. We’ve reverted back to 1940s levels of anti-German and anti-Nazi hysteria since then.
October 13, 2022 10:47 pm
so 33 episodes in now… will we stick with the name “Mike and Warren” for the name of the show now?
Life is not just about efficiency. I want more places to shop than just Amazon and Walmart. Government run Amazon and Walmart could provide better wages and working conditions, but that would also basically make everyone a government employee. The anti-small shop argument also “works” against the family farm. Corporate farming is more “efficient.” Soviet collective agriculture could have been run with capitalist efficiency but a significant percentage of people would still prefer to be independent farmers. The problem with Moike’s solution is that it just makes everyone a government employee (albeit well payed) and a lot of our problems… Read more »
Government run Amazon isn’t a bad idea though, provided it behaved as “infrastructural” like the Post Office and didn’t cut the legs out of competing small businesses (see the “Amazon Basics” scam). In other words it should act as a common marketplace open for all, thus allowing everyone to compete on a level playing field.
Naw, I say 1001 competing Amazons and they have to use donkey carts for deliveries. Because fuck all ya’ll that’s why, you’ll thank me on your deathbed.
Yeah, I want the economy to be decentralized and inefficient as fuck, that’s what creates more jobs and good competition. We should take the Italians as our model, everything closes by 9, 10 pmat the latest and in the middle of the day everybody takes a 4 hour lunch break with pasta and wine and naps. That’s what makes life worth living, not stupid Anglo Saxon work ethic bullshit.
Maybe we all have a low opinion of government run anything because in america anything related to the government is guaranteed to bring you into contact with a bunch of lazy abusive govmint niggers. The govmint seems to favor the mocha colored wide nosed variety with those ugly ass chocolate chip freckles.
Further, I would add reducing commerce to just “you give money and get thing” neglects the broader human view of it. You can have a relationship with a shopkeeper. Shit, the nigger might even be your neighbor, too. You don’t have a relationship with Amazon Drone #1385. When I moved to a city where I could walk into a brewery or a supermarket and greet the owner and know his name and converse with him, it was so much more gratifying than where I previously lived where everything was a chain or a big box something or other. We talk… Read more »
Heck yeah! Warren has something to say! He has to get forceful with Mike & Jazz Hands McFeels.🤦🏻♂️
Papa Emeritus
October 13, 2022 9:57 pm
One thing I can say about Sikh’s from India and Grukha’s from Nepal they’ve always treated me with a great amount of respect. I don’t know what it is about these guys, but they treat white men pretty damn good.
Yeah, I think so too. Even tho there are bad ones, I think a great deal of them have reverence for us. Not to mention there’s a TRS India, only 80’s kids old school paychads will remember that callback.
At 1hr12min mark. AmerIndians mixed with the Spanish Jews who enslaved them on haciendas. Ladino is Spanish Jewish language. The people of Spanish aka not North America are called Latinos. The Anglos did not mix with the savages nor did they enslave them. The Spanish Jews brought black slaves to Anglo colonies later
Inb4 Catholics. Jesuits are Jews.
Sam’s Club is beautified Walmart: Scan n Go, everything on brutal architecture pallets, the occasional suicidal slave at the end of an aisle asking if you want a sample off the goyslop griddle, like some kind of corn syrup drug dealer opening their long coat in a dark alley. “Hey man, wanna rock your world with these french toast sausage sticks?”
Warren “Yaknowitsfunnymike” Balogh ✋🏻
In Enoch’s Soviet America, Walmart in Florida will look like Rainforest Cafe.
Mom and pop stores that sell the product they manufacture are based. The mom and pop reseller (what mike is probably referencing) is essentially a mini Walmart.
1:38:20 This is the key point to social control. I’ve been meaning to write about this psychological dynamic. Maybe it has a name? Does anyone know what it’s called?
Merchant’s Square in Glasgow is a marvel of romantic civil engineering
Ironic name though since you think of (((Merchants)))
So if NJP wins, there will not be moves to force the reshoring of manufacturing and thus make the existence of Walmart type places possible, but some (probably impossible) nationalized service economy?
Mike went to Rome and all he got was this lousy selfie stick
Best show on TRS
Look, that’s fine. I agree with you. But we gotta go.
How stymied can you get
Can anyone link to the Holocaust bit with FPSRussia?
Awesome show guys! Thank you both!
Art and tasteful decadence, etc. … check out EMJ’s new book “The Dangers of Beauty.”|
guy looks like a bowling pin
I’m not checking anything out from someone trying to replace nationalism with religion.
I worked in a large publicly traded company many years ago and it struck me even back then how retarded the company had to behave in the short term to meet some arbitrary numbers to make some Wall Street assholes happy — always at the expense of the long-term health of the company. Which no longer exists, so go figure.
I love this show! I like the discussions y’all have from different perspectives. Too many think we have to agree on EVERYTHING to win. Keep up the great work gentleman.
“Is Walmart worse than a nation of shopkeepers”?
Yes, in a lot of ways, it very much is. Moike sounds like a Jew Yorker here who hasn’t spent much time in smaller towns around family-run businesses.
Most of NJ is smaller family run businesses, but do go on
Why not organize the economy in such a way where all services are all government run but all production is run by workers’ syndicates organized into government sponsored corporations. So the family farms in a village would be organized into a village agricultural syndicate and all agricultural syndicates organized into a National agricultural corporation which holds a seat in the cabinet.
The death of every mighty aryan civilization lies in the decadence that eventually spawns within ruling class and becomes greater with every succeeding generation. The problem lies in this. While the ruling class is initially formed by highly discipline men born of struggle who are more often of noble quality than their peers what comes after is much different. Their sons that become their succeeding ruling class grow further and further from that struggle with each succeeding generation till their ivory towers stand so tall above their own people that they no longer see them as their own any more.… Read more »
Yeah, monarchists btfo
Iirc woody is actually Jewish. Kinda goes into the thing where young jews do genuinely believe the holocaust is real, and are likely even more bought in than most white people.
Maybe someone has already said, but the “Schindler’s List” book came out in 1982 and the movie came out in 1993.
The Helenization of Rome was decadent, in that statement he was right at least. It was lipstick on a pig created by degenerated larpy aristocrats of Rome. All you who idolize this always fail to realize these decadent “high art” society’s are now just ruins because the emphasis on high art is a sign of an elite ruling class that had their head ever in the coulds rather than grounded and in line with what was more important, the health and prosperity of the every day man who is the cornerstone of the civilization. Would Walmart be so bad if… Read more »
Without a healthy and prosperous every day man, high art could not come to be.
High art ,in it’s myriad forms, would seem to be the peak of a civilization. Of course that civilization declines from there, it’s hit it’s zenith.
If I didn’t know better I’d almost think you were advocating for communism.
While I definitely agree that goods must be produced and efficiency is a virtue, I think that you are completely missing the value of art. A society will starve without food, but it will never exist in the first place without unified abstractions. You cannot have one without the other.
This utopian idea that Warren is pushing on capitalism is reminiscent of some gay Richard Spencer ideology. Most product is art and beyond that is functionally necessary for the average man. Of course there are abuses of it, but to belittle it as a whole is belief rooted in the envy and denial of the importance of the physical reality. You can talk up art museums all you want, but ultimately all they’ve always been aristocrat masterbatory bullshit that in no way assists the honest man who doesn’t have his head in the clouds with his every day life. I… Read more »
If art were irrelevant, kikes wouldnt subvert it
“Das a Norman name” lol
An ideas based state, like America, seems very similar to the ideas based religion, and also the people based state seems very similar to the the people based religion, like Germany. The universal religion like the universal state must be the one true religion or state, but the folk religion like the folk state is exclusive.
Great discussion. Very enjoyable.
“Mom & Pop” stores in UK became a huge vector for processing immigrants as they became totally colonised by Indians & Pakis. You will literally refer to local corner shops as “the Paki shop”.
Paris is the same way, they call it chez les Arabs, the Arab shops
That’s because Banks will only give loans to Pakis and other browns to buyout the elderly white couple managing the store (instead of the son of the elderly white couple)
Mike’s point about (((American))) propaganda of convincing you that everybody else believes in the “official” opinions is a good one. Peer pressure is actually a big thing for most people. It’s always been a minority, a revolutionary-minded group who are not afraid to defy the views approved and propagandized by the ruling class.
I really enjoy hearing Warren’s heartfelt view of the world. I also agree with Mike’s idea of nationalizing the biggest distribution chains. The body of our movement needs both a head and a heart. I am happy to be the hands. I can’t wait to have a white community, friends, and pride…At least, I certainly hope that you guys succeed so that my kids are allowed to feel the pride of blood and soil.
@1:57mark – its true – if you were starting your own religion you won’t find ready followers amongst devout Catholics or observant Muslims.
Honestly, I was that guy that Warren was talking about. Everything he said was right on the mark. I genuinely felt a deep sense of respect for and duty to ‘America’. I was an unironic American Nationalist from childhood into early adulthood. That began to change as I realized that the abstract ‘America’ that I felt this connection to didn’t actually exist. Now, I’m still the same guy. The only difference is that the abstraction to which I am loyal is ‘Race’. I think there are a lot of people like me, but that may be projection. At the end… Read more »
Maybe it’s too nuanced, but I see a distinction between America, the nation of pan-European people, and the country of the United States.
I love America, but hate the united states.
it’s the “Holocaust” that’s the conspiracy theory – oh damn you said it
No, Mike, you’re not a holocaust denier, you’re a holocaust refuter. You’re capable of refuting the damn thing.
A holocaust debunker.
This! Yes “debunker” is the truth, but owning the term “denier” hurts them with their own slur.
Fallacies may be bad logic, but they can be pretty good rhetorically.
When the State nationalizes Walmart, could you please get rid of the riffraff:
Warren you fracking turd! You have all these Nazi Propaganda films and you haven’t uploaded a download for us with translations? Something I would appreciate if the community is able to do it.
My suspicion rises
K as in it’s possible to do this? I think having a tab on the Show List where videos are uploaded weekly with translations would be awesome!
Voice narration even more awesome!
Speeches and everything else recorded in the era even non-German ones, Russian, Finn, French, Dutch, Danish would be great!
Kike Tower disrupted. The project is bogged down. While one sees work crews standing around, nothing ever seems to get fixed
Open ticket: is anyone else unable to skip ahead or back to a certain time on the video? I encountered this today with the TDS episode. There’s just a white shadow that comes up over the X axis in Opera. It also wouldn’t let me in Brave.
WHO remembers Woodysgamertag? being a young teenager during the glory days of Call of Duty, I watched many of the Woodysgamertag YouTube vids. Here he is entertaining Holocaust denial. Very epic. He also has an entertaining podcast with Sam Hyde that is still up on YouTube, I think.
One of the points I remember Richard Tedor bringing up about instances of German Treason was the course/timing of supply tankers from Italy to North Africa being relayed to the British in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately the Germans did desperately try to get gasoline to North Africa but almost all of their transports were intercepted and destroyed.
Thanks Mike for enduring the extra hour, great show, I really needed it as a mind cleaner today, preciate it.
I wished he world do more, lol
I can’t believe Mike had to argue with the Kyle from the video.🤦🏻♂️
If you look into it almost half of Germany’s gasoline was actually made by coal liquefaction which means using coke to burn bodies would have required the Germans to divert coal that would have been used to make coal extracted gasoline which was in critically short supply from their tanks and supply vehicles.
They had to make rubber out of coal too. I think Auschwitz was a big place where they did that. I think it’s Aurthur Butts’ did six million really die , that talks about that.
Been a minute since you guys did a hardcore sperg out on the Holohoax. Keep it up. Mike’s revisionist takes, along with the CoC trilogy changed my life. That’s not hyperbole in the least.
Once mike and striker start prepping for their debate on it we will be getting many spreg outs I’m sure
I agree with Moike about avoiding the nastier anti-German WWII films. I’ve seen Band of Brothers it wasn’t too bad but Saving Private Ryan was just horrible.
I refuse to watch Schindler’s List and Inglorious Bastards. If it’s obvious the film is going to bash me over the head with Jewish WWII propaganda I don’t want to watch.
WWII films from an earlier era weren’t as bad (think Kelly’s Heroes, Big Red One, etc); there were some anti-Nazi messaging but they always feel rote and tacked on. We’ve reverted back to 1940s levels of anti-German and anti-Nazi hysteria since then.
so 33 episodes in now… will we stick with the name “Mike and Warren” for the name of the show now?
Its the mika and Warren report
Life is not just about efficiency. I want more places to shop than just Amazon and Walmart. Government run Amazon and Walmart could provide better wages and working conditions, but that would also basically make everyone a government employee. The anti-small shop argument also “works” against the family farm. Corporate farming is more “efficient.” Soviet collective agriculture could have been run with capitalist efficiency but a significant percentage of people would still prefer to be independent farmers. The problem with Moike’s solution is that it just makes everyone a government employee (albeit well payed) and a lot of our problems… Read more »
Government run Amazon isn’t a bad idea though, provided it behaved as “infrastructural” like the Post Office and didn’t cut the legs out of competing small businesses (see the “Amazon Basics” scam). In other words it should act as a common marketplace open for all, thus allowing everyone to compete on a level playing field.
Naw, I say 1001 competing Amazons and they have to use donkey carts for deliveries. Because fuck all ya’ll that’s why, you’ll thank me on your deathbed.
Yeah, I want the economy to be decentralized and inefficient as fuck, that’s what creates more jobs and good competition. We should take the Italians as our model, everything closes by 9, 10 pmat the latest and in the middle of the day everybody takes a 4 hour lunch break with pasta and wine and naps. That’s what makes life worth living, not stupid Anglo Saxon work ethic bullshit.
Maybe we all have a low opinion of government run anything because in america anything related to the government is guaranteed to bring you into contact with a bunch of lazy abusive govmint niggers. The govmint seems to favor the mocha colored wide nosed variety with those ugly ass chocolate chip freckles.
Yeah, making “efficiency” the sine qua non of human existence hasn’t really worked out so well for us.
Further, I would add reducing commerce to just “you give money and get thing” neglects the broader human view of it. You can have a relationship with a shopkeeper. Shit, the nigger might even be your neighbor, too. You don’t have a relationship with Amazon Drone #1385. When I moved to a city where I could walk into a brewery or a supermarket and greet the owner and know his name and converse with him, it was so much more gratifying than where I previously lived where everything was a chain or a big box something or other. We talk… Read more »
Ascended Warren, eyes glowing: LET ME JUST SAY!
Heck yeah! Warren has something to say! He has to get forceful with Mike & Jazz Hands McFeels.🤦🏻♂️
One thing I can say about Sikh’s from India and Grukha’s from Nepal they’ve always treated me with a great amount of respect. I don’t know what it is about these guys, but they treat white men pretty damn good.
Indians are natural born ass kissers. Its how they get you to let your guard down.
Pajeets are the most pathetic scum. They have these soulless eyes that let you know they’re barely a person.
They instinctively revere the Aryan.
Yeah, I think so too. Even tho there are bad ones, I think a great deal of them have reverence for us. Not to mention there’s a TRS India, only 80’s kids old school paychads will remember that callback.