Tonight at 6PM eastern, Sben will make himself feel better by punching downward at YouTubers who are worse at guitar recording than he is!
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Hey Sven- If you want to learn how to be a music producer, I recommend you check out the latest Joe Rogan Experience Podcast:
“Rick Rubin on How Walk This Way Brought Hip-Hop Into the Mainstream”
“If you want good content, you’re in the wrong place” 😆
Crom was a god in Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories.
“By Crom!” Conan would say.
Bell 26 is a Pittsburg Steelers jersey — some nigger named Le’Veon Bell.
It’s a throwback Steelers jersey so it has the old timey black and gold hoops (horizontal stripes aka hoops). Hoops are more common in soccer and rugby; wearing them over gridiron plastic armor makes the players look like fat bumblebees.
1st. and as such, I demand Nigger Nigger parody once again. Do the song.