Cut off the head of the snake and post it on a stake, to scare off the other snakes.
August 17, 2022 7:20 pm
Mike, if you are impatient waiting to get help lifting the tank what you do is get a piece of timber to use as a lever and some bricks or timber posts or thick books to use as shims. Place the tank in front of the stand. Lift one side and get Jamie to place a shim on each corner, so that you can insert the lever in the middle between the shims, then use the lever to lift it higher and get Jamie to stick more shims in as you lift it with the lever, then repeat on the… Read more »
August 17, 2022 7:12 pm
BB guns suck, get your son a pellet rifle. They fire little pointed lead pellets. They have rifling and they’re way more accurate and fun to shoot. I have a couple break-action ones where you break the barrel open and pulling it down all the way compresses air into the tank, so you cock it each time you load. You can nail soda cans or eggs or whatever at like 40 yards pretty consistently once you get good with it, and that’s just with the iron sights. You put a scope on a decent pellet rifle and you can reach… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Nemesis
August 17, 2022 5:16 pm
What you must have for the pond are Water Lilies! Also, plant Irises or Primroses by the bank. The yellow flag Iris is the ancient emblem of the Franks, AKA fleur-de-lis AKA Flower of the Lys, where the Franks settled on Roman territory.
High Chief Vercingetorix
August 17, 2022 4:12 pm
Get Ambrose over to help you lift it Mike. He has fat guy strength.
August 17, 2022 3:50 pm
August 17, 2022 3:25 pm
Maybe with the fish in the water, the kids that come by won’t throw rocks into the pond.
August 17, 2022 3:20 pm
When do we get Prep From the Koi Pond?
August 17, 2022 1:59 pm
Damn, I just was CALLED OUT for being too slow in the ordering system. ouch
Forest Brother
August 17, 2022 1:12 pm
Mike is lacking in grip strength 💪✋️
Last edited 2 years ago by Forest Brother
Sum Dood
August 17, 2022 1:05 pm
The saga of the fishepherd and his battle against snek-satan.
This whole conversation about Moike and his koi fish reminds me of the first episode of The Sopranos. He’s gonna walk out there one day, the fish will be gone, and he’s gonna have a panic attack.
Bill Carson
August 17, 2022 12:35 pm
Don’t Koi just go into a sort of frozen hibernation when their pond freezes?
“There must be improved methods to move these large, unwieldy objects with a more decisive, and fascist tempo.” -Mussolini (probably)
August 17, 2022 12:21 pm
If its on the second floor you can use temporary jacks posts underneath to hold each affected joist in place.
August 17, 2022 12:16 pm
Be careful of herons mike! Those faggots will land in a puddle if they think there are fish in it.
August 17, 2022 12:09 pm
Protector of the fish race.
August 17, 2022 12:05 pm
This German, Frisian, Flemish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Dutch surname of HAGERMAN was originally derived from any of various places in Northern France, named from the Old Norman word HAGI (enclosure). It was a locational name simply meaning the dweller at the hedged or fenced settlement.
August 17, 2022 12:02 pm
Hageman is married to a malpractice lawyer can’t figure out if he’s Jewish. Named John tho which is typically not the Jew spelling
August 17, 2022 11:58 am
I like the idea of freefags getting exactly the 1st 30mins of hour one, a midroll paywall ad, and then the last 30mins of hour 2
August 17, 2022 11:44 am
Moike, how do you grab a snek by the neck when it’s all neck?
Does killing a snake make you Irish?
Don’t kill the snake
Eastern water snake! Probably!
Cut off the head of the snake and post it on a stake, to scare off the other snakes.
Mike, if you are impatient waiting to get help lifting the tank what you do is get a piece of timber to use as a lever and some bricks or timber posts or thick books to use as shims. Place the tank in front of the stand. Lift one side and get Jamie to place a shim on each corner, so that you can insert the lever in the middle between the shims, then use the lever to lift it higher and get Jamie to stick more shims in as you lift it with the lever, then repeat on the… Read more »
BB guns suck, get your son a pellet rifle. They fire little pointed lead pellets. They have rifling and they’re way more accurate and fun to shoot. I have a couple break-action ones where you break the barrel open and pulling it down all the way compresses air into the tank, so you cock it each time you load. You can nail soda cans or eggs or whatever at like 40 yards pretty consistently once you get good with it, and that’s just with the iron sights. You put a scope on a decent pellet rifle and you can reach… Read more »
What you must have for the pond are Water Lilies! Also, plant Irises or Primroses by the bank. The yellow flag Iris is the ancient emblem of the Franks, AKA fleur-de-lis AKA Flower of the Lys, where the Franks settled on Roman territory.
Get Ambrose over to help you lift it Mike. He has fat guy strength.
Maybe with the fish in the water, the kids that come by won’t throw rocks into the pond.
When do we get Prep From the Koi Pond?
Damn, I just was CALLED OUT for being too slow in the ordering system. ouch
Mike is lacking in grip strength 💪✋️
The saga of the fishepherd and his battle against snek-satan.
Can you heat the pond somehow during winter?
The Middle-Aged Man and the Pond
I’m back … that was a tough wall to scale 😅
Harvey Milk Snake
This whole conversation about Moike and his koi fish reminds me of the first episode of The Sopranos. He’s gonna walk out there one day, the fish will be gone, and he’s gonna have a panic attack.
Don’t Koi just go into a sort of frozen hibernation when their pond freezes?
It has to be deep enough.
Milk Snake Lives Matter
“There must be improved methods to move these large, unwieldy objects with a more decisive, and fascist tempo.” -Mussolini (probably)
If its on the second floor you can use temporary jacks posts underneath to hold each affected joist in place.
Be careful of herons mike! Those faggots will land in a puddle if they think there are fish in it.
Protector of the fish race.
This German, Frisian, Flemish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Dutch surname of HAGERMAN was originally derived from any of various places in Northern France, named from the Old Norman word HAGI (enclosure). It was a locational name simply meaning the dweller at the hedged or fenced settlement.
Hageman is married to a malpractice lawyer can’t figure out if he’s Jewish. Named John tho which is typically not the Jew spelling
I like the idea of freefags getting exactly the 1st 30mins of hour one, a midroll paywall ad, and then the last 30mins of hour 2
Moike, how do you grab a snek by the neck when it’s all neck?
Thought it was all tail
all penis
First seven vertebrae are neck.
Sounds like mike needs a BB gun to shoot that snake
NJP! TRS! Heil the Death Panel as well as Warren Bahlogh!
As Mike’s beard grows his eyes somehow get smaller
It’s probably the same effect that makes your face appear thinner if your beard is shaped right
Yeah probably. Giving Mike shit about his eyes has been a long time joke. Just fucking around.
He’s just concentrating on pushing the hairs out
He rolled the dice and came up shark eyes. 🦈
Good morning assholes.
I’m a nice guy. 🙁
I’m unable to set my profile pic.
Don’t give in to them brother
It’s because you’re a retarded fed faggot, perhaps. Fuck off.
Shut the fuck up nigger!
I now, of course, have to say that I resemble that remark.
“I’m unable to set my profile pic.”
This is your best troll yet
Justice For Ethan!