In the before time, dairy cows were inseminated the old fashioned way. Sometimes you got a male calf. Sometimes you got a female calf. Back then, veal was cheaper than steak, and considered a byproduct of milk production. That’s what almost all of veal used to be: male dairy calves. In the current year, dairies use sex selected semen to inseminate their cows. Not even because the calves are necessary (now female calves get processed into veal too), But because you have to make the calves in order to make the milk, and in the dairy business you just really… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by anonkommando
Comrade Dyatlov
August 4, 2022 11:47 pm
Jesse’s show should be the edgiest on the network and the graphic should be the ATF confused fed meme wearing headphones
Bill Carson
August 4, 2022 6:38 pm
In the south, if we cook our own barbeque, we call it cooking a hog. when we grill stuff, we call it grilling stuff
August 4, 2022 6:21 pm
People are listening to Simply Sven
August 4, 2022 6:16 pm
“Go get my friend here a nice veal parm sang gwick, and hurry the fuck up about it”, Beansie demanded of his teenaged employee. Shortly after that, Richie smacked Beansie with a coffee pot, and broke his coffee pot. The employee, having just been talked down to by his asshole boss, thought this was pretty funny.
Karl Messer
August 4, 2022 5:57 pm
Pretty sure a veal calf is male. Nothing else to do with them.
August 4, 2022 5:14 pm
Even the most ethically dubious of slaughtering practices that White people ever created is infinitely more humane than kosher slaughter. This practice actually requires specifically that the animals are conscious and undergo prolonged suffering before their death.
I always appreciate some “Just Jessie” content! I really appreciate the “conservative priors” as I believe they are not always wrong. Covid was retarded & that doesn’t make me a “cOviD eNjOyEr”… my father in law died & we lost our home…we didn’t “eNjoY” that….I feel like Sven can relate to many of us who have wives & kids! Keep up the great work & don’t let Mike dominate the show….we need more Sven!
FUD-Thirsty Ghoul
August 4, 2022 4:58 pm
I’m fukin stahvin!
August 4, 2022 3:54 pm
If you read the Jewish Bible, Yawey warns the Jews explicitly against worshiping the Gods of the Nations.
Ace McNasty
August 4, 2022 3:50 pm
My humble suggestion delayed download for freefags, 2 hrs? A day?
Or put it all paywall and give the freefags a 15 min clip from each half for all shows
(((PETA))) also euthanizes significant numbers of pets given to them for re-homing despite the massive amount of donations to do just that.
Pick any single aspect of what they claim to be doing, and what they’re actually doing, it’s enough to make even a complete moron incandescent with rage if they actually care about animal rights.
Unfortunately most people want to be dazzled by slick production, and showmanship on par with used car salesmen. No amount of evidence is going to sway them.
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
August 4, 2022 2:53 pm
Mom life is mostly active on IG as far as I can tell Sven. I’d never heard of them until a few days ago but the content IS pretty grating.
When my kids were really young, and I’d escape to the bathroom to take a shit, they’d slip paper under the door with things like “poop man” and it stinks” written on them.
August 4, 2022 2:20 pm
Veal is the best! I’d bet that Dairy farmers invented Veal as a way to eliminate extra or inferior bulls. After all, you can only milk a cow.
What they do to baby cows is disgusting and cruel by killing them using inhumane methods like electric stunning or bolt guns followed by slicing their throats. I slaughter my own cattle and hogs on a buddy’s farm in Western NC and I use a 9mm for hogs and 20 gauge slugs for cattle. Afterwards once no breathing, vocalizations, or eye movement is detected then I sever both carotid arteries and vertebral arteries but the animals at that point are already dead and out of pain. You can eat meat but be ethical in how it is treated while on… Read more »
Doesn’t a bolt gun just shove a metal rod into the cow’s brain as fast and deep as a bullet would normally go? How’s it more cruel/inhumane? Does it have a significantly higher miss rate, or it just takes a fraction of a second longer?
There are penetrating and non penetrating bolt guns. Most slaughterhouses use non penetrating(these stun the animal but do not kill it so the animal suffers as it’s arteries are severed) because it is cheaper to maintain/replace. Btw even a penetrating bolt gun does not have near the energy as a 9mm or a 20 gauge. After I shoot a hog or a bull it drops, kicks once or twice, and it’s over. With a bolt gun 9 out of 10 times it is just going to temporarily stun the animal and they are alive and fully aware when the arteries… Read more »
That’s the same way my grandad killed the cows they kept. They had 3-4 at any given time on their 30 acre hobby farm.
When it was time the 20 gauge Winchester single barrel came out in the morning, and we had steak on the table for dinner. The chickens, got a sharp hatchet on a stump, and the goats got a .22mag or Hornet round.
From my younger years in a rural area, it’s great!
August 4, 2022 1:25 pm
I’m reclaiming the term “woke”. The whole cuckservative influencer system worked to hand the word “woke” to the judeo-left. I’m sick of judeo-conservative influencers. Not only that but they attack anyone that names the Jews.
That word is so MKUltra’ed and Finkel-Think‘ed to the point that I see them as a detriment for any political discourse.
August 4, 2022 1:08 pm
I know nothing about this Stu Peters person except that his name sounds like Stupiders.
August 4, 2022 12:51 pm
Oosh if what you’re describing is what I’m picturing that sounds like tennis elbow waiting to happen. There are better ways to get at the inner biceps. If you really want to isolate them that much you can just take two dumbbells and face your palms out at 3 and 9 (or 2:30 and 9:30) and the benefit of that is you can keep your elbow joint parallel with the lever
That outside grip on the EZ bar is generally for prone grips – reverse curls, upright rows, etc
I thought veal was deer. Baby deer. Bambi nigga
There is no origin
In the before time, dairy cows were inseminated the old fashioned way. Sometimes you got a male calf. Sometimes you got a female calf. Back then, veal was cheaper than steak, and considered a byproduct of milk production. That’s what almost all of veal used to be: male dairy calves. In the current year, dairies use sex selected semen to inseminate their cows. Not even because the calves are necessary (now female calves get processed into veal too), But because you have to make the calves in order to make the milk, and in the dairy business you just really… Read more »
Jesse’s show should be the edgiest on the network and the graphic should be the ATF confused fed meme wearing headphones
In the south, if we cook our own barbeque, we call it cooking a hog. when we grill stuff, we call it grilling stuff
People are listening to Simply Sven
“Go get my friend here a nice veal parm sang gwick, and hurry the fuck up about it”, Beansie demanded of his teenaged employee. Shortly after that, Richie smacked Beansie with a coffee pot, and broke his coffee pot. The employee, having just been talked down to by his asshole boss, thought this was pretty funny.
Pretty sure a veal calf is male. Nothing else to do with them.
Even the most ethically dubious of slaughtering practices that White people ever created is infinitely more humane than kosher slaughter. This practice actually requires specifically that the animals are conscious and undergo prolonged suffering before their death.
What’s the difference between Halal and Kosher??
I always appreciate some “Just Jessie” content! I really appreciate the “conservative priors” as I believe they are not always wrong. Covid was retarded & that doesn’t make me a “cOviD eNjOyEr”… my father in law died & we lost our home…we didn’t “eNjoY” that….I feel like Sven can relate to many of us who have wives & kids! Keep up the great work & don’t let Mike dominate the show….we need more Sven!
I’m fukin stahvin!
If you read the Jewish Bible, Yawey warns the Jews explicitly against worshiping the Gods of the Nations.
My humble suggestion delayed download for freefags, 2 hrs? A day?
Or put it all paywall and give the freefags a 15 min clip from each half for all shows
Magnus Hirschfeld should have been guillotined.
I was always more of a thrown on top of the book pile type of guy.
The adult cows just spend a longer time living in hellish conditions, veal is merciful and benevolent.
The way they kill both is inhumane and cruel.
and very Kosher.
It’s infuriating that (((PETA))) doesn’t talk about Kosher & Halal practices, fuck these organizations who advocate so call “animal rights“!
We live in a world of lies!!!
(((PETA))) also euthanizes significant numbers of pets given to them for re-homing despite the massive amount of donations to do just that.
Pick any single aspect of what they claim to be doing, and what they’re actually doing, it’s enough to make even a complete moron incandescent with rage if they actually care about animal rights.
Unfortunately most people want to be dazzled by slick production, and showmanship on par with used car salesmen. No amount of evidence is going to sway them.
Mom life is mostly active on IG as far as I can tell Sven. I’d never heard of them until a few days ago but the content IS pretty grating.
When my kids were really young, and I’d escape to the bathroom to take a shit, they’d slip paper under the door with things like “poop man” and it stinks” written on them.
Veal is the best! I’d bet that Dairy farmers invented Veal as a way to eliminate extra or inferior bulls. After all, you can only milk a cow.
What they do to baby cows is disgusting and cruel by killing them using inhumane methods like electric stunning or bolt guns followed by slicing their throats. I slaughter my own cattle and hogs on a buddy’s farm in Western NC and I use a 9mm for hogs and 20 gauge slugs for cattle. Afterwards once no breathing, vocalizations, or eye movement is detected then I sever both carotid arteries and vertebral arteries but the animals at that point are already dead and out of pain. You can eat meat but be ethical in how it is treated while on… Read more »
Doesn’t a bolt gun just shove a metal rod into the cow’s brain as fast and deep as a bullet would normally go? How’s it more cruel/inhumane? Does it have a significantly higher miss rate, or it just takes a fraction of a second longer?
Probably a bit of both of not done with competence. Indios probably get in a hurry and muck the job up often.
There are penetrating and non penetrating bolt guns. Most slaughterhouses use non penetrating(these stun the animal but do not kill it so the animal suffers as it’s arteries are severed) because it is cheaper to maintain/replace. Btw even a penetrating bolt gun does not have near the energy as a 9mm or a 20 gauge. After I shoot a hog or a bull it drops, kicks once or twice, and it’s over. With a bolt gun 9 out of 10 times it is just going to temporarily stun the animal and they are alive and fully aware when the arteries… Read more »
That’s the same way my grandad killed the cows they kept. They had 3-4 at any given time on their 30 acre hobby farm.
When it was time the 20 gauge Winchester single barrel came out in the morning, and we had steak on the table for dinner. The chickens, got a sharp hatchet on a stump, and the goats got a .22mag or Hornet round.
It really is the only way to do it humanely.
For both animals, and humans lower than. With state sanctioned due process of course.
That’s the modern rationale. The origin though? Does the term “fatted calf” ring a bell? Every.Single.Time.
I was just about to put why veal is a thing when you said not to. lmao Ahhhh I want BBQ now.
If you had bet me in 1999 that we would still be “Watto Posting” in 2022 – I would’ve lost money on that bet.
Sven what about lamb?
Black Phillip is a goat
all joking aside, lamb is a glorious beast to consume. I love it, and I can speak for Sven
From my younger years in a rural area, it’s great!
I’m reclaiming the term “woke”. The whole cuckservative influencer system worked to hand the word “woke” to the judeo-left. I’m sick of judeo-conservative influencers. Not only that but they attack anyone that names the Jews.
It’s basically to the point where anyone using “anti-woke” is as bad or worse than someone who is unironically “woke”.
That word is so MKUltra’ed and Finkel-Think‘ed to the point that I see them as a detriment for any political discourse.
I know nothing about this Stu Peters person except that his name sounds like Stupiders.
Oosh if what you’re describing is what I’m picturing that sounds like tennis elbow waiting to happen. There are better ways to get at the inner biceps. If you really want to isolate them that much you can just take two dumbbells and face your palms out at 3 and 9 (or 2:30 and 9:30) and the benefit of that is you can keep your elbow joint parallel with the lever
That outside grip on the EZ bar is generally for prone grips – reverse curls, upright rows, etc