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The Death Panel interview Dr. Kevin MacDonald!
- Interview with Dr. Kevin MacDonald
- You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
- Oh Nooooo OAN
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- Drehery Bigotry
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PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Glad to see that KMac brought up our lord and saviour Aleksander Dugin
I can here Striker’s SQUEE!! from here.
“Welcomed to MacDonald’s, what I can I get started for you today?”
Uhm, yes, I would like one evolutionary psychology deep dive of Jews, and two angry Sven rants
“Anything else I can get you?”
Uh, I’d like a Merchant Minute
“Sorry, our Merchant Minute machine is down at the moment”
Okay, I’ll just take the evolutionary psychology of Jews and the two angry Sven rants
“Your total will be $14.88 at the first window”
That’s what I call a happy meal. (Almost)
Happy merchant meal
Sven is right but skull measuring can be attacked. The trick race with some rite of initiation and I think “this thing” is doing exactly that: You have to be white to get in and only whites who go to a poll party and deny the holocaust are truly in. Race + Initiation. … either that or what jews did, race + initiation and one a person cannot walk back from (circumcision).
Ehh Mike, Hungarian is a Ural-Altaic language & Magyar is pronounced ‘Mudge-are’ in that language.
Not really, it’s more like muh-yar
We’ll need Striker to weigh in on this
I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced Tasha Yar.
Fully functional.
I hope the t-shirt is not of metric fuckton of piss-poor quality.
Dreher Bigotry?… Try Dreher Brewery instead!
Omg do we HAVE to make the “nigger slave bad” argument? Why? For whom? To whoom are you trying to appear virtuous? I don’t give a FUCK about the niggers being enslaved. Good! They are hate worthy and we should laught when awful and cruel things happen to them!
Nigger slave bad? NO. Well didn;t seem to do much damage to the Arabs…ohh wait, they had the foresight to castrate theirs, ahhh there is the issue!
Imagine wanting to be around niggers in any capacity.
Mike only says it’s bad because of the consequences of it (i.e., a shit ton of blacks in America causing racial conflict). It has nothing to do with appearing virtuous.
Okay but the consequence is of not cutting their nuts off! Not of actually enslaving them!
And I’m sorry I will never, in my life, be convinced that Mike is NOT interested in appearances. He is. Not a good or a bad thing per se, but it clearly is a thing.
Don’t get me wrong, I hold no cares for these other Peoples…
But this is less of an appearance issue and more of a lose your own soul consequence. If we’re being honest, it’s what set the Germans above other peoples with more savage reactions of past and present brutality. They had a standard of justice that once executed, still allowed them to maintain a sense of humanity and pure spirituality, instead of devolving into a mindset of chaos. That depravity is born out of the same baby dick sucking Volcano Demons who relish in the death of everyone else.
LOL, try and backpedal harder Pedal Power Pressing Machine. I don’t want blacks around. I don’t want to help them. I don’t want to harm. I literally don’t care what happens to them. You are under some weird assumption also, that you anon no avatar guy has the right to criticize or otherwise undermine the Chairman. Where do you get that right from?
I’ve told people before that I oppose slavery because it was bad for white people and you won’t believe how pissed off it makes people when you say that.
I get you have violent fantasies about niggers but satisfying them isn’t worth lying about nigger slavery. Nothing good ever came of it.
I have no “violent fantasies” about anything. And I never claimed anything good came of it, I claimed you did it wrong, and the Arabs didn’t, hence why their nations are NOT flooded with niggers, and America is, even though the Arab world is much closer to niggers than America.
Bro this is a bad look and the majority of us disagree. I don’t like seeing any race enslaved, and I also don’t want anything to do with niggers at all.
Since you have such violent feelings about them, then advocate for their cruelest fate — living amongst themselves without any white help.
What violent feelings? I’m literally saying what the Arabs did, did they not do it?
24 minutes in, Arch-Jew says Jewish bodies are different from those of gentiles, Mike says that is wrong and unscientific. Gotta disagree with you and agree with the Licht-Heeb, but that they are gross creatures and this is readily observable. You can spot them under rocks, crawling in and out of damp places looking for gold filings or unguarded gentile children. They are clearly a different species, and that is without bringing up the inbreeding and Neanderthal theory and so on.. also the whole panel should have yielded mics to the good Doctor. Good show gentlemen.
Yeah Mike’s tendency to off-handed disregard all the spiritual and cultural trappings of the jew is a mistake.
These people know the history of the world FAR better than they would EVER allow the goyim to start teaching in universities.
So yeah I totally believe the kike when he says “we are a different species” yeah I agree. And why not? What? They have 4 limbs and thumbs and eyes and noses? So do Lemur and Apes.
Who the fuck knows what the actual origin of these people is?
Herman Wirth knew, and would have told us if his life’s work wasn’t destroyed by them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinabuch
Just started reading You Gentiles it’s infuriating so far haha. Dr. MacDonald’s foreword was great, would have liked to have heard more from him in this interview.
It was good of Dr. MacDonald to agree to come on and interview Mike.
edit: scrolled down and saw I was beaten to this joke
Glad I’m not the only one who wanted to hear more from macdonald. Mike will not stop talking
The time for honoring jews will soon be at an end
rod dreher posting about his awful sex life is so dreadful i wish hed drop dead already so he couldnt post any more thermonuclear cringe.
There’s something very wrong with the man.
Isn’t he just a stock standard conservitard? I swear those people need to STFU and get out of the way.
I’ve never read any of MacDonald’s books, but after listening to this, I will.
Where should I buy his books so that he gets the money?
All of his books are listed at the bottom of his website The Occidental Observer – White Identity, Interests, and Culture
It’s very true that anti-Zionist and (Jews who don’t go with the program) are miniscule and not in power. The problem is that most other movements are about trying to give those Jews power over everything and agitating on their behalf. Jimmy Dore’s comrades at the Greyzone stand out in this regard or Glenn Greenwald. The difference for us is that we don’t say we need to replace the bulk of other Jews with a different group, way say, stop searching for outliers.
The download was corrupted & cut off dead at about 25 min in .
Had to use the alternate option.
You don’t need forgiveness for quoting Hitler
My favorite thing is sharing inspirational quotes from Hitler without telling people that it’s Hitler.
Respect your elders.
I’d just like to point out that a great way to reject the concept of “chosen people” is to reject the validity of their God. They certainly reject the validity of our Gods.
In You Gentiles, he talks openly about the original native Gods of Whites, and he doesn’t get it! His criticisms are the same the Christians use today! You worship a guy with a bow or a hammer! It’s basic-bitch levl stuff, he can’t understand the metaphors behind the myth.
I know this has been said for years and years now, but Mike really needs to work on speaking. The rambling, cutting people off, and not letting others speak, it just gets frustrating. It’s not as bad when he’s in the studio with Sven, but it’s pretty terrible when he’s remote from home.
keep up the culture of critique, guys
Remember when you said this, vulture: “I’m honestly not a white nationalist. I don’t need a white ethnostate. I’d be happy with just a nice white majority and a bunch of based minorities who understand their position in society.” Go suck off one of your “based minorities”, you conservative faggot.
There’s no need for that. I think we should try to be civil instead of drudging up old things.
Nah, he was just bad this episode because Dr. MacDonald deserves deference, this isn’t some systemic issue ya faggot.
Good show. Dr. MacDonald should interview Mike more often.
Just imagine David Duke and Mike Enoch on a show together.
Mike was on Dr. Duke’s show and got in trouble for speaking too soon. lol.
About to sign up for my 5th year of paywall
Thanks guys
Adorno specifically spelled out, in a lecture called “Aspects of the New Right Wing Extremism”, the mechanism by which all right-of-center politics should be treated as proto/neo-fascist as a means of constantly keeping right-wingers on the defensive and guarded against fascism, to make them incapable of ever entertaining fascism or making coalition with fascists.
My automatic response to hearing “fascist” in a negative connotation is just to outdo them in the hyperbole. “Anyone who calls X a fascist is a pro-pedophile baby killer” where x is some milquetoast centrist like Ngo or Pool all the way up to Franco or Pinochet. Past that point I just agree and amplify.
Awesome first hour!!!!! Always enjoy listening to Dr Kevin MacDonald. Sven, you pretty quiet the 1st hour!
Rod Dreher is infinitely more cringe than Bo #5 on account of the fact that Rod is entirely sincere
There has to be a debate showdown with Rod. People would pay money for that shit.
How long are we gonna to go without any interaction with him? It’s so frustrating 😡
INB4 = “There’s no way” – I honestly believe there has to be a creative way in which he can be persuaded or bullied.
I get good feels whenever KMAC says, “white people have interests.”
Yeah, that’s definitely the third rail
It’s the third rail, you will be destroyed.
“They [the Israelis] have their own ideas about martial virtue.”
Right. Drone strikes on civilian population centers. I’m not sure I’d call that a virtue, but then I’m not a filthy, cowardly jew.
“They’re VERY careful about the lives of their troops.”
Oh, I know Mike. I’ve seen the adult diapers on infantry.
Drone strikes on civilian population centers are also standard operating procedures of American military action. Really makes you think.
give richie torres an 8-ball and hell say what you want and do ed buck stuff.
Hitler did nothing wrong!
It’s too late for you. You’re a sperg
I mean he is but this was the wrong post to criticize Dick.
If you think he’s a squared away dude all the sudden then y’all are dumb.
I don’t really know much about him, other than I’ve seen he’s posted weird stuff before. If you are trying to police speech on here, you don’t want someone to experience negativity no matter what they post, only when they do something wrong, that way they learn their lesson.
We don’t need anymore autistic weirdos
Maybe a new vetting protocol should involve taking them some place public and having them try talking to women.
Yes, thank you guys. Comments like that, said anywhere outside of a board like this, demonstrate a real loss of touch with the common man’s sensibilities.
One of your best shows ever, honestly. Dr. MacDonald has more real understanding of American history than the combined history departments of every university in the nation.
All of them do. TRS University.
Amazing first hour much respect to Dr. MacDonald
we have the best content
After all the hype this show was disappointing. The entire first hour is mostly Mike going on lengthy rants while Dr. MacDonald sits in silence.
Wrong, also gay.
Hail Randbot!
I would have liked to hear more from Dr. MacDonald, but Mike was clearly excited and tends to talk a lot in these situations. Dr. MacDonald just doesn’t have a dominating personality in talks/interviews.
I’ve been listening to TDS for years, this is a typical guest episode.
quit whinin
Mike needs to ask a question, then refrain from answering the question he just asked.
I was not disappointed.
Yeah, more from MacDonald would have been good. In Mike’s defense, he was on a roll though. Every point hit. Dr MacDonald’s style too – he usually makes a few heavy points, or adds some factoid that I never knew. He’s not the type to carry the whole thing and guide it. There were some pregnant pauses Mike tried to fill too, so it wasn’t all one way. I liked it.
You make some good points. At the end of the interview I get the impression KMac was proud of what his research has sprouted.
I wish Mike would let a popular conservative like Lauren Witzke on his show. I love listening to women.
Lol I know it’s a joke but that would toss a huge turd in the punchbowl over at griftdox central. Guentes would hard disavow.
Finally someone reasonable around this place!
Peak Mike tbh but usually he’s the smarter guy so it’s cool.
The Talmud permits Jewish people to lie to gentiles. The Talmud also permits Jews to lie to gentiles about what’s in the Talmud when a gentile asks.
Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Seriously, for all our marginalisation, we still have the best, talented and intelligent people. It’s an honour and privilege.
It’s well established that pornography induces persistent sexual satiation, but, what are the indications that it diminishes martial competence? What would be the mechanism for that?
The same reason women in the military are a bad idea: sexual distraction divides men…from each other and from their military objectives. That’s my guess.
Depletion of Vril energy.
I hurt my neck!
🎶 “Old MacDonald had a farm EE-I-EE-I-O
And on that farm he had some jews EE-I-EE-I-O
And then one day a strange illness came up EE-I-EE-I-O
So Old MacDonald had to put them all down EE-I-EE-I-O” 🎶
That is the third rail, saying white people have interests.
You will be destroyed.
Ahhh so that’s where that’s from.
Das high voltage.
IN the opinion of this reporter, if this nation, or in fact the world, ever needed heros: that time is now! THAT TIME IS NOW!
That hits the turd rail, saying “Hyperreality” for three hours straight.
I think most liberals and white people generally are conforming to the system out of fear rather than genuine belief. Yeah, we’re never really gonna know what goes on in people’s minds and WNs are gonna debate this forever but I think deep down most white people already agree with us.
I agree and it’s more than just fear of “getting in trouble”; it’s fear that the solutions are not easy.
Dr. MAC-donald
To keep the conversation on an academic level
Gas Iudaeorum
My new favorite Kmac quote: “They just make the shit up”
You know its a special show when mcnabb puts up his shower curtain
I’m not gonna listen to this until I finish the book
Dr. MacDonald barely speaks. Mike stream rolls the entire interview.
Thanks for letting me know. Will still read the whole book, but now I’m just gonna listen to it.
It wouldn’t spoil the book. The book is page after page of delicious antisemitic bon-bons.They mostly spoke in generalities with some reference to the book, but it’s not like there’s a trick ending or something.
Just got to the final chapter yesterday. Kinda found it hard to read because of how rage inducing it is
subscribe to the occidental quarterly
I may be wrong, but I think at one point they stopped putting out the print editions. im glad theyre back
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Be a good white man.
Name the Jew.
Upvoted and stealing it!
Have at it brother!
Huge guest!! Can’t wait to listen
Need dat Mack Donal’N’Oysta’s yo
f5 for dat Mac Donal
Lemme get some dat um…double-meat double-chee burger…a spicy chiggin…and a Hi-C Ornge.
Your Bixnoodian is quite refined good sir….
If you ever worked fast food, it’s for you!
we are having it Our Way
Gibs me dat Big KMac, mufugga.
Wayment…is dat KMac still on 2-fo-2….or just dat firss hour?
Shooting of episode of Mac Donald unrelated to other episode shooting.