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The Death Panel interview Dr. Kevin MacDonald!
- Interview with Dr. Kevin MacDonald
- You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
- Oh Nooooo OAN
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- Drehery Bigotry
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The problem with National Socialist head measurement categories is that they got it reversed. The Ancient Aryan Proto-Indo-Europeans from the Eurasian Steppe were excavated and discovered to have rounder heads much like the Polish but the Pre-Indo-European First Farmers were found to have longer heads. It doesn’t really matter because all Europeans are a mixture of both groups in the same way that Indians are a mixture of the Pre-Aryan Dravidians and the Aryans. Just as North Indians are lighter because of greater amounts of Aryan DNA so North Europeans are lighter because of greater amounts of Aryan DNA. Likewise… Read more »
I like seeing Sven gonsoom product. He’s just like me!
South Asian means Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc., and that is what I assume the writer Dreher is quoting is. When Americans hear “Asian” they assume East Asian — Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc but that also includes Southeast Asians: Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Thais, etc. Not sure if Sven and/or Moike got that. The guy Dreher is quoting, the South Asian professor, is probably a pajeet, not a gook. South Asia =/= Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is part of East Asia. Yeah listening further Moike isn’t getting it. A Cambodian isn’t South Asian. Not a big deal but still, it is… Read more »
Thanks, but they can all fuck off to where they came from.
I’m just disappointed that they missed an opportunity to make fun of pajeets.
No forest no trees?
There were trees, Moike — the trees that weren’t cut down in mass numbers to burn the millions of dead bodies that weren’t there.
Bellamy IIRC was a Christian Socialist who wrote the original pledge of allegiance and created the Bellamy Salute o/ which was just his way of waving hello.,,
I always look forward to the Dreher segments. Please continue cyber bullying him.
I really want that faggot to have a public meltdown from the cyber bullying. I suspect though that Dunning-Kruger will be at play here.
Why would the NYT publish an article about Jews running America for the world to read?
Southern Europeans are poorer and have higher resistance to outgroups because we’ve been fighting off jews and shitskins for thousands of years. Way to make us sound like jews, Mike.
“They just make this shit up.”
-Dr Kevin MacDonald
What more is there to say?
Thank you guys for bringing Doc Kmac back. I missed the guy. It was worth hearing from him again.
Monthly specual guests would add variety to the format, if thats not asking for too much. But again, thanks.
“White God” is a very good Hungarian film.
It’s about a canine revolt. It’s basically Spartacus with dogs, but it works.
Not sure why it’s called “White God”. Possible mistranslation or maybe they’re calling the young female owner, of the Spartacus dog, a god.
Dr Kmac: “They just make this shit up!”
Great show
Awesome show lads. Very cool to have Kevin MacDonald on. I discovered his book Culture of Critique which eventually led me to find TRS.
Will Riker with best of both worlds? I think you mean Hannah Montana “Best of Both Worlds” Mike.
I personally think “subhuman shields” should have been the winning title.
this is serious, awesome content, thanks, From Australia