At 6PM Eastern, "Smells Like Bitter Almonds" will debut. Then, we shall see about constructing a virtual drum room, one with nice, warm, reflective wooden doors.
We will give the free gift of TRS Subs for qualifying tips & donations: $35 for 3 months, $70 for 6 and $140 for a year! To speed up your redeem, create an order for your subscription at the paywall page and email a screenshot of your Odysee transaction to trstlemania at protonmail. Thanks!
Tip of the hat to Sven Patel— I donated towards the end of the livestream and not an hour later my TRS account was renewed, thanks again! Ticket closed!
Very convenient, thanks!
There’s is something wrong with my IP address when going to Odysee.
Sorry guys, I will miss this stream today…
Comfy riffs to work the chest and abs too. Keep it up Unc!