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the only thing missing from this mexican woman crying video is so slinky niglet creeping up and KO-Gaming her while she’s distraught.
With a traffic sign or some shit
That cop volunteered the info on his perm because he didn’t want to be confused for a jew by you
Haven’t listened yet but incels are out whining already, so must be good.
Mike’s “I learned it from watching Jews” joke was pretty damn funny and got no recognition.
Many such cases.
So much of the Bible is absolute myth. That is especially true of the Old Testament. There was almost certainly never an Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Esau. The jews were never in Egypt in large numbers. There was never a Moses. They didn’t spend forty years in the dessert. Further, there almost certainly never were twelve tribes. The missing tribes would have turned up long long ago.
I have and it’s very fattening.
My understanding is that the “Lost Tribes” were just bred out through racemixing, and the Samaritans were their descendants who continued practicing Yahwehism, but I will admit I don’t follow Jewish deep lore that closely.
Sven is right, the zoomer perm blew up because of Patrick Mahomes. They go as far as to imitate the detailing around the temples and I’ve seen plenty of zoomers even walking around with headbands the way he wears them.
Josh Allen, Joe Burrow and even Mac Jones, all White, are kind of more popular than Mahomes now though.
Alex the name of the documentary is “Web of Lies” The alt right episode is episode 3
*JF voice*
“If I am radicalizing u, prez 1 in ze chat”
For a long time I had no real politics I just thought that society was organized really stupidly and I hated marketing and finance because it seemed like those two groups were the source of how broken the system was… little did I know how close to reality I had stumbled.
Same, i’d always hated the way certain media portrayed specific types of otherwise normal people archetypes, made me extremely uncomfortable
Where’s Dzwaldo?
Reminds me of that Evola quote that starts off with “be radical”. Probably my favorite quote by him because of how relatable it is.
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Hope everyone has a good week!
Looking at the new documentaries on Netflix, the only one that seems relevant is called Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America. Looks terrible.
It’s kind of convenient the place Jews chose to occupy. Here we can cause the most problems and fleece the most countries while whining about being surrounded by enemies.
Andrew’s Ashes
I was shunted to McInnes’s Gab account thru one I follow earlier today.
He is constantly barraged by posts asking how many places in his body he can fit Jew schlong. It’s hilarious.
His shame and the ridicule he receives is well-deserved.
And it should continue indefinitely.
Spilling the tea, Sven
Same here. I used to be more incoherent as a youth due to the typical public school brainwashing but over time it refined as I became more honest with myself in what I believed in and wanted.
The young black boy who flew to close to the sun-man. Who is Muh Dicarus?
After Cantwell is free you guys should get him as an occasional co-host on Strike and Moike, it’d be fuckin legendary
They’ll import asians to maintain their megacities and abandon the rest of the infrastructure.
I feel like present day america would be a pretty hard sell to intelligent east Asians who have their shit together
America: “fine… we’ll take twice as many unintelligent east asians then”
😆 go to China and see the beaners of the east.
Then say that with a str8 face again 😆
White nationalism is and will be under attack more than anything else.
By this same virtue, White nationalist organizations and its leaders must be laser focused on what is good for White nationalists.
Making judgement calls on bullshit like medicine or seed oils isn’t necessary unless jews are involved.
Watching and countering jews is very high on the list of effective things to be done for the good of White nationalists.
It’s called entropy micheal, look it up
The land of midwits is torture
haha sorry but I have a history with that word.
In the early 90’s when Limbaugh had his TV show. He had to go to Israel and do some shill job
It’s “spilling tea” Sven! C’mon buddy, you’ve got kids!
“I got a perm. I just wanna let you know that up front.”
The “taking a dump/leaving a dump” was from the show years ago and it was Beavis pretending to be Andy Rooney.
I literally used to be a neocon for a brief period of time but that was when I was just getting into politics at 19-20. I also have evangelical Zionist parents so that influenced my views a little bit. I shifted to libertarianism, then to Hans-Hermann Hoppe styled libertarianism. I was also sympathetic to paleoconservativism. I eventually ended up here. No one becomes a Nazi right away unless you’re Warren
Everyone remotely genetically pre-disposed to be rightwing starts out a National Socialist (I love my family, I want to help my family, my racial kin are my extended family, niggers are smelly and weird and too violent) when he is born and has to be groomed out of that position.
Me too, almost exactly, except I went to school with more than my fair share of niggers so being a shitlib just wasn’t an option.
When I was 10, I was in Lebanon. During the end of the war. The Jews would fly their fighter planes in low altitude over residential areas in an attempt to shatter windows and scare the shit out of people. Combine that with seeing cool looking SS uniforms on the History Channel.
Instant Nazi.
I was a Sven Republican.
Me in 2002: I will join the military and fight Islam to extinction.
Me in 2012: These Muslims have the right idea about a lot of things.
Me in 2022: La Allahu ilaa Allah wa Muhammad rasuul Allah.
La Allahu ilaa Allah wa Dugin rasuul Allah
It would be worth compiling a list of “Israeli” tech companies and describing how they’re plugged into communications. Not just internet but emergency call routing, etc.
In regards to having WMDs justifying a war against you, what would be the average right winger’s reaction to that justification for a war against Israel since they have nukes, a WMD
Rush Limbaugh was the leader of the normal right winger crowd
It’s like Jews don’t want goyim in the position having the debate on whether to genocide them or not. Because the pro genocide argument will always win. You take every race in the room and put it to the vote. They couldn’t justify not to genocide. Especially when you consider everything over the past 100 years.
….I think they’d be happy with just shipping them to Madagascar.
Heyo it’s working lads hit f5
we live
in a (((society)))
Fixed. It was in the wrong folder
Thank you sben, ticket closed
He did it. He picked up the ball.
At this point we’ll have hour one by the Strike and Moike is over tomorrow
Spin baby spin?
“The Daily Dreidel”
maek teh thing do teh does
post applets or gtfo. post 5th hour
Fuck fuck fuck fuck! It’s still goddamn fucking loading. MOTHER FUCK!
Fuck me?! You motherfucker, fuck my mother?!
Prep working. Hour 1 not so much
F5 silver medal
I finally did it. Screenshot and sending this to my mom
She will be proud.
Perfect photo for her refrigerator.