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The Death Panel want independent verification from the Debunker Community.
- Melaninic Collapse
- So The Tea Is Gay
- Just Be Antisemitic
- Israel Secret Intelligence Service
- Andrew Shidpantz
- Debooonked
- Fucking White Mail
- Boland Found Ashes
- Sundbergman
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
The “Bullshit Football Game!” speech was pretty good.
Estimated ash weight from a cremated human is 2-3kg. Thats a well cremated human. So 17 metric tons divided by 2, about 8000. The problems mentioned above are yes, how do you account for mineral leaching, addition, water weight, ect. Its 2-3kg per adult human when totally dry after the process. Now, they also only say how long and deep the trenches are (12 and 28, both 1m deep), no breadth. But lets say the trenches are full of pure grade compacted human ash. You need a 3L urn for an average well cremated human adult. If you assume its… Read more »
Jesse doing Jesse is definitely best imitation
“Orriful” is a very valuable moment of insight into how the mind works. We have this notion that there’s a little man in our head that does a bunch of thinking and then pulls levers on mostly mechanical gizmos to use the body to do stuff in the world. Atheists and materialists will deny that that’s what they believe, but they really do. The alternative is that the brain is a massive cluster of cells, each with a smidgeon of agency, albeit of a mechanistic kind: inputs and outputs all the way down. If that’s so then ‘orriful’ makes perfect… Read more »
Here is a link to their shitty netflix “documentary”. When I saw it I brought on a friend and we went to town with commentary on it in one episode of my show. Total attempt at a hit piece, but mostly a goofy failure. Kind of really makes the alt right just look cool as hell really; except the dumb bitch, probable a fake actress that they get to play the main character. The whole thing is total bull, it’s defiantly like “yea, cool story bro”. The pool party reenactment in the beginning is laughable. The funny thing too is… Read more »
@Sven @Alex @Mike – you guys actually should grab the file and take a look, might be a lot of shit for you guys to rip on and mock the hell out of in there. Their “expert” is some dishonest weasel Jew boy.
Isn’t forging government documents such as an arrest warrant where they misspell Emmit Till name wrong claiming they found it in a basement a crime
Did Timothy Tyson commit a felony lying to the feds about the Emmit Till stuff
The T represents a desire for more T cells
Even if muh 8,000 Polish #resistance fighters got literally smoked by the Nazis, it’s still 100% justified. Partisans are not protected by the Geneva Convention, and they were fighting, effectively, to put their country under Soviet rule. Sucks to suck.
Everytime Mike recites that Bible verse I translate it to Nigger Rich by God’s decree
I don’t get why you have such hate towards Yair Divedey when he helped me find my Hebrew Celtic roots and to find out that we must defend Israel because it’s the true land of our Celtic ancestors. We were the true Hebrew Israelites.

yeah, shove it.
I hate niggers and kikes.
The whole AK Nation panel last week was thanking the gliders for keeping the lights on, the water running, etc. last week.
Got a link or title of the video? We all believe in seperation here but nonetheless it’s white pilling to think some bleg folks are level headed and get it.
It’s spilling the tea. I’m sad I know this
Sunbergs adopted a sunman? Simulation confirmed. We live in a fucked up Sims 1 mod.
The worst of us. That type, idk if anyone can save at this point
All of the ones that could be more easily convinced have already been turned to us from about 2014-2020, the only way you could break them of their mold now is if god forbid something traumatic happens to them personally. At least for adults, younger jannies seem to be more eager to throw in the towel if they don’t get anything out of the signaling
Imagine being a normal republican. A star wars toy collector is more respectable.
Or someone who is obsessed with American politics to begin with, except /ourthing/ obviously.
Deuteronomy 28:37
Unfortunately Colorado, despite being a “nice ski area”, has had an ungodly influx of latinos/castizos, which is a shame.
The rockies are too picturesque for the likeness of bean people
I picture Ian Miles Power sitting in a lab coat with bubbling beakers over Bunson burners, staring through his goggles, making notes on his clipboard, and with a frown announcing that German’s observations are incorrect. But then I laugh remembering that I.M.P. is a scientist the same way that pewdiepie is a decorated space ranger…on the internet.
I dont understand the play here in dismissing peoples real world concerns and problems and writing them off as some kind of distraction.
Approaching people and convincing them of how the jew is the primitive root of their problems would do more than telling them we aren’t concerned with their personal issues, wouldn’t it?
If I ran the country, and some jews or even white cowards adopted a foreign nigger and brought him into the country, if that nigger grew up to commit violent crimes I would charge the parents with some kind of crime for endangering the community.
They’re already setting the precedent by charging that kid in Michigan’s parents
If said citizen shacks up with a nonwhite and has kids with them, their partner and brood straight up should be denied access to citizenship, period.
I’m amused at how people falling unconscious triggers the nigger’s flee response. There’s an old video of a break dance-off in a mall where an old nigger knocks himself out, and a bystander nigger drops his bag and starts running.
All the episodes of Beavis and Butt head are available on imdb
lost it at the Sunbergs
Does anyone know the Netflix show they were talking about?
This was a great episode, you should do less prep.
You guys missed all the Milo stuff from Lauren Southern where he absconded with all the money for poor White people and she got gaslit over that.
I doubt she was ever as gaslit, naive or innocent as she claims in that video. It was a fun watch, but Southern swam in the same muck as the rest of them and she was good at it. Don’t take her crocodile tears too seriously.
Love the last bit of hour 2 where the death panel discusses libtard reactions to racisms. Was in a crypto currency chat the other day and someone posted a video showing nigs in CA following rich people home and taking their stuff. Someone said the crime was bad because of poverty and covid stuff. I asked him why Cali has so much crime but WV and eastern KY is so much poorer and the people there can sleep with unlocked doors. His reply was “well California is much bigger but it’s also a very diverse state.” I wondered if he… Read more »
So some jews adopted a rescue animal from ethiopia, that animal bit the mailman, had to be put down, and now they’re upset about it.
Instead of letting them block traffic lets put the jews on trial for not declaring and dealing with their dangerous animal, which is a felony in most places.
E. Michael Jones would always say that calling yourself white while calling out the Jewish neoliberal power structure is tantamount to charging at machine gun nests with spears…
Well, I guess Catholics are in the same predicament
They’re literally selling off Catholic Church property to make up for the unmarked graves discovered during the summer of 2020… Wild
Sven, the Morbid Angel song from the beavis and butthead ep you mentioned was God of Emptiness? I just recently got around to checking out MA’s catalogue beyond the first 2 records, which I love, and I hate to say it but Domination really did not hit for me. I need to give it a few more listens maybe but first impression, it kinda sucks lol. I could hear shades of it coming in on Covenant, but that one has some absolute bangers- Pain Divine specifically, holy shit that songs wild. Moving onto Formulas next, heard a bit of it… Read more »
Angel of Disease is fuckin weird too lol, I like it, but it doesnt feel like a MA song. It feels like a punk riff almost, its like a thrash song, idk I guess its just not what I put on a MA record to hear, maybe I’m just being a fag about it tho
Domination sucks, your instincts were correct. Listen to Formulas Fatal to the Flesh. Solid album.
Stick to Blessed, Covenant, and Altars. Put on Gateways or Formulas when you’re feeling experimental. Heretic has a few bangers but you have to crank the bass to make up for the hollow production
Poland= monkey see monkey jew
I met a lot of DPs in Chicagoland. They all hated kikes.
But they weren’t above hitching a ride on a nice grift.
Speaking of forgotten prep, Mike you should do the George Behar prep you had a while ago
Get mentioned on the big show, only to be immediately “well actually’d” by The Chairman… best day of my life.
Former Journeyman Electrician here (an Inside Wireman, specifically. That means my qualifications ended at 600 VAC. I was allowed to install systems outdoors, just not power distribution). Now I’m a Controls Eng with B.S.E. in EE. Utilities workers are Lineman (over 600 VAC). Saying Linesman is a common error. They began as Telegraph Line workers. That’s why Klein Tools was established in 1857, well before electrical distribution systems. Every good electrician has a pair of Lineman Pliers (your Klein’s). It doubles as a hammer while your big slotted Klein screwdriver works as a chisel. This is how we remove knockouts… Read more »
Great, now that damn Glenn Campbell song is stuck in my head
I don’t know what you mean.
Did Glen Campbell perform a song about Lineman/Wireman?
Wichita Lineman 1968
Thanks for the info bread (May I call you bread or is it Mr. honey?). I’ll give it a listen.
I am almost totally ignorant when it comes to country music.
I like “Stranger in My House”, by Ronnie Milsap and “It’s a Heartache” by Bonnie Tyler. That’s about it.
No thank you bread and honey.
Why did you bring it up commodvsdetritvs?
I couldn’t finish that awful song, and I tried. I wanted to turn it off after the second line, but I toughed it out until the musical interlude. I couldn’t take anymore.
Calling that song warmed-over dog-shit is an insult to warmed… you know the rest.
I’d rather listen to Wildfire by M^3, Michael Martin Murphy.
White liberal cucks are the guys parents
also from the shooter
Also Sundberg very while might be Swedish(It’s MN afterall)
well fuck me I’ve gotta listen longer before posting
The bottom of vans have stars of David, but the bottom of my Birkenstock Steel toes have swastikas.
Ak Nation extensively covered the mulatto screaming at the protesters supporting the guy killed after a six hour standoff. He lived across the hall from her and had been stalking her. He was deliberately shooting into her apartment, following the sounds of her movement from the other side of the wall.
Police did EVERYONE a favor.