VSTs are being sold as NFTs now? Wtf? What is the world coming to? What happened to being able to run your DAW at a gig without an ethernet connection? God help us. If I ever end up buying more gear I’m sticking with only hardware produced before 2015 and eschewing software entirely
July 1, 2022 8:45 am
I actually saw Sven’s kid at the last NJP. He’s a big guy. Tall and solid. Definitely takes after his Dad
July 1, 2022 3:47 am
Thank you, Jesse. Brilliant show!
July 1, 2022 2:02 am
What a delightful Svedpost. Goes without saying that we would love to get the BTTF monologue at some point (now)
July 1, 2022 1:18 am
Quickly becoming my favorite show, thanks Sven
June 30, 2022 11:16 pm
Also, gonna push back on urbanism, even before kikes and niggers city living sucked. Read about Rome and London in the olden days of yore, basically tinderboxes where the dregs of society accumulated.
Once we understood the causes of infectious diseases and built proper infrastructure (firefighting, fire resistant buildings, sewage systems and clean sources of water), cities ceased being death traps and became healthy places to live. Prior to that cities tended to kill off more people than were born there; population growth only happened in rural areas because cities were places where open sewage would get into the drinking water and diseases were rampant — there’s a famous water spigot in London that killed a lot of people by spreading cholera until they figured out how the disease was connected to the… Read more »
June 30, 2022 11:14 pm
Piss is sterile unless you have a bladder infection, so pissing on Daryl Brooks’ would be sanitary and not a contravention of public health.
Im 25 min in, Sven must have had the most bitter cup of coffee and most hyperactive gall bladder ever today. I get ya buddy but its really really bitter. Have beer bro.
Hector Heckleman
June 30, 2022 4:04 pm
Just NNNNNNNNnnnnnnJesse!
June 30, 2022 3:39 pm
greatest nation be Ock Nation
June 30, 2022 3:38 pm
Shitlibs will stab you in the chest while looking at you but conservatards will smile, wave, walk past you, and then stab you in the back.
Honk Hogan
June 30, 2022 3:33 pm
Best rant ever. “What kind of country is this that you can’t piss on a dead nigger’s face?”
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
June 30, 2022 3:00 pm
NJP=non-jewish party
June 30, 2022 2:24 pm
Next NJP protest should have a “Conservatives are Cowards” sign.
That’s an awesome idea. Conservatives are such an easy target anyways. They accuse us of pouting in the corner while it’s actually the conservatives that do that, and the only reason they’re under the impression that they do anything at all is because the ZOG system does everything for them. Conservatives don’t do anything at all!
June 30, 2022 2:08 pm
We would all enjoy SvenLetterMedia, even if you think it wasn’t overtly political enough to be a show.
Of course it’s going to suck at first. Every show sucks at first. Don’t release the first 5 if you don’t want to, but please keep recording them.
Concerning COVID-19, I work with about 25 people and at least half have been vaccinated with family members. About half have had COVID-19 and a couple had to spend a few days in the hospital. But, since vaccination, I know one guys teenage daughter has developed a mysterious unexplained heart condition and another guy has a mysterious unexplained bone marrow condition where his white blood cell count is falling. Coincidence??? With 2 million migrants a year we are all expendable.
Yeah I usually don’t care to argue it one way or the other. Just stay the fuck away from me with your needle & your opinion. Stay the way God made you and keep corporate jew products at a bare minimum, especially any injections or pharma. In the heat of the moment, I support whichever side yields more options in the future but rest assured all sides are fully retarded.
People working for the governments, medical establishment, military or media/tech companies completely dominated by jews and jewish interests are dancing with the devil and can get what they fucking deserve.
Hydrated Quadriceps
June 30, 2022 1:59 pm
I’m going to plagiarize your angry rants word for word because they’re so good
June 30, 2022 1:56 pm
I love you Jesse, and Moike and Striker and Warren and Alan and all the TRS crew. You gents are an absolute lifeline.
June 30, 2022 1:48 pm
Taking down the GOP is simple. Tell anyone who supports them to find the platform/outreach specifically for whites, while showing them gibs for every other group imaginable. Years back this tactic didn’t work but it sure as shit does now after they dropped their mask.
Adolf Quisling
June 30, 2022 1:17 pm
10/10 rant. Go Sben!
June 30, 2022 1:16 pm
Some might say that the reason why you can’t piss on Brooks’ face is “Slave Morality”. Rome Crucified rebel slaves for miles along the highways but the USA worships them.
June 30, 2022 1:07 pm
I’m compulsively nodding my head and muttering “yes, yes” throughout this entire episode.
June 30, 2022 1:00 pm
Every organization not explicitly antisemitic will become Zionist over time.
I often wonder what a world dominated by a fascist Europe would have looked like. :((
June 30, 2022 12:35 pm
there just need to be electoral and financial consequences for these politicians ignoring White issues and it needs to be made known that ignoring us cost them the election.
Won’t get traction with big normie telling them trump lost for not being pro-white. theyre too bought in on that but do it on the local level everywhere. write opinion pieces for all the local newspapers on how ignoring us caused them to lose when they do.
Eugene Hicks
June 30, 2022 11:52 am
The first guys tend to stay in this area over here
VSTs are being sold as NFTs now? Wtf? What is the world coming to? What happened to being able to run your DAW at a gig without an ethernet connection? God help us. If I ever end up buying more gear I’m sticking with only hardware produced before 2015 and eschewing software entirely
I actually saw Sven’s kid at the last NJP. He’s a big guy. Tall and solid. Definitely takes after his Dad
Thank you, Jesse. Brilliant show!
What a delightful Svedpost. Goes without saying that we would love to get the BTTF monologue at some point (now)
Quickly becoming my favorite show, thanks Sven
Also, gonna push back on urbanism, even before kikes and niggers city living sucked. Read about Rome and London in the olden days of yore, basically tinderboxes where the dregs of society accumulated.
Once we understood the causes of infectious diseases and built proper infrastructure (firefighting, fire resistant buildings, sewage systems and clean sources of water), cities ceased being death traps and became healthy places to live. Prior to that cities tended to kill off more people than were born there; population growth only happened in rural areas because cities were places where open sewage would get into the drinking water and diseases were rampant — there’s a famous water spigot in London that killed a lot of people by spreading cholera until they figured out how the disease was connected to the… Read more »
Piss is sterile unless you have a bladder infection, so pissing on Daryl Brooks’ would be sanitary and not a contravention of public health.
Dead nigger storage is not sanitary however.
Sven just stole all of Devon Stack’s fanbase.
I am adding your post to my copypasta file.
Wow this is really good stuff. I normally don’t listen to the Thursday episodes because I don’t have time, gonna have to start making time for these
Powerful episode, Sven.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Sv3n I’ll be honest. Your solo show let’s me know I’m not the only one close to losing his mind in this shit show reality
No judgment on rural living, you’re just all stupid for being born in flyover country
Top shelf id. My compliments.
The best sentiment regarding the nigger and the faggot question.
Read the Tokyo Ghoul manga.
Extremely based episode.
Sven, you should make a speech at the next NJP called “We will all piss on Derrel Brooks’ face.”
Yes Yessy
Piss on your grave, NIGGA BEHAVE
Why all the swamp hate? -t Swampy
swalmb creature
“My Optics” is done
Ever played a Firebird?
Im 25 min in, Sven must have had the most bitter cup of coffee and most hyperactive gall bladder ever today. I get ya buddy but its really really bitter. Have beer bro.
Just NNNNNNNNnnnnnnJesse!
greatest nation be Ock Nation
Shitlibs will stab you in the chest while looking at you but conservatards will smile, wave, walk past you, and then stab you in the back.
Best rant ever. “What kind of country is this that you can’t piss on a dead nigger’s face?”
NJP=non-jewish party
Next NJP protest should have a “Conservatives are Cowards” sign.
That’s an awesome idea. Conservatives are such an easy target anyways. They accuse us of pouting in the corner while it’s actually the conservatives that do that, and the only reason they’re under the impression that they do anything at all is because the ZOG system does everything for them. Conservatives don’t do anything at all!
We would all enjoy SvenLetterMedia, even if you think it wasn’t overtly political enough to be a show.
Of course it’s going to suck at first. Every show sucks at first. Don’t release the first 5 if you don’t want to, but please keep recording them.
funnier version of the valid yet dry poz-button
Concerning COVID-19, I work with about 25 people and at least half have been vaccinated with family members. About half have had COVID-19 and a couple had to spend a few days in the hospital. But, since vaccination, I know one guys teenage daughter has developed a mysterious unexplained heart condition and another guy has a mysterious unexplained bone marrow condition where his white blood cell count is falling. Coincidence??? With 2 million migrants a year we are all expendable.
Yeah I usually don’t care to argue it one way or the other. Just stay the fuck away from me with your needle & your opinion. Stay the way God made you and keep corporate jew products at a bare minimum, especially any injections or pharma. In the heat of the moment, I support whichever side yields more options in the future but rest assured all sides are fully retarded.
People working for the governments, medical establishment, military or media/tech companies completely dominated by jews and jewish interests are dancing with the devil and can get what they fucking deserve.
I’m going to plagiarize your angry rants word for word because they’re so good
I love you Jesse, and Moike and Striker and Warren and Alan and all the TRS crew. You gents are an absolute lifeline.
Taking down the GOP is simple. Tell anyone who supports them to find the platform/outreach specifically for whites, while showing them gibs for every other group imaginable. Years back this tactic didn’t work but it sure as shit does now after they dropped their mask.
10/10 rant. Go Sben!
Some might say that the reason why you can’t piss on Brooks’ face is “Slave Morality”. Rome Crucified rebel slaves for miles along the highways but the USA worships them.
I’m compulsively nodding my head and muttering “yes, yes” throughout this entire episode.
Every organization not explicitly antisemitic will become Zionist over time.
always has been
I often wonder what a world dominated by a fascist Europe would have looked like. :((
there just need to be electoral and financial consequences for these politicians ignoring White issues and it needs to be made known that ignoring us cost them the election.
Won’t get traction with big normie telling them trump lost for not being pro-white. theyre too bought in on that but do it on the local level everywhere. write opinion pieces for all the local newspapers on how ignoring us caused them to lose when they do.
The first guys tend to stay in this area over here
Bill says it’s not from F5ing but I tend to disagree.
I’ve been in the comments five times since we last spoke
we discourage vpn use. guys can use them if they want but most of them refuse.
I don’t want to worry about anything right now. Like catching any black pills. I just want to have fun.