Kirk Hammett’s sheet music looks like he’s doing the same fucking LEGO kit in a different order.
Comrade Dyatlov
June 10, 2022 1:08 am
They turned the internet into a digital torture tank for white males. Silicon Synagogue. I can’t wait for my EV to play ads at signs to save 10 cents on my next recharge stop, and I have to watch the negropuff unbox product with his coalburner to some fucking daycare music that unoffensive to the mongrelized masses. Hail Marquees Brownlee, you will see him every time your car stops, on your 12″ OLED LG dash. It has dimming zones so you can really see where the nigger skin stops and starts in rich blackness. More tech = more torture as… Read more »
Last edited 2 years ago by Comrade Dyatlov
June 10, 2022 12:06 am
You and your wanky prog metal aspirations, meanwhile I’ll listen to a 10 minute Bathory song with 4 riffs and be happy as a pig in shit
Recently I listened to Bathory for what seems the first time in years. Most albums from Blood Fire Death up to Nordland II feature many amazing long songs that never overstay their welcome. Love the airy, mystical mood.
trekker disrespecter
June 9, 2022 10:22 pm
New J&J just dropped 😎
June 9, 2022 9:06 pm
There’s a Pierce quote on the legal system that goes something along the lines of “Now the anglo saxon legal tradition has had problems since before the jews got involved, and we certainly need to fix that. But they’ve made everything worse.”
I don’t think as White nationalists we are under any obligation to keep shitty systems or principles just because they predate total jewish subversion. The past is full of mistakes and nationalism is a relatively new concept in a lot of ways so we shouldn’t shy away from innovating even on ideas that aren’t jewish.
Altruistic Extinction
June 9, 2022 8:47 pm
I am really enjoying “Uninterrupted Jesse” content. Show title? Thanks for doing it dude!
June 9, 2022 8:33 pm
Quick response on the echeck from this morning. Danke.
June 9, 2022 7:11 pm
Very soothing and thoughtful, until the 1 hour mark!
Honk Hogan
June 9, 2022 6:34 pm
Incredibly fucking based rant starting at 1 hour. Holy shit. o/ Do it again tomorrow.
America literally ideologically dedicated to spreading AIDS around the world
June 9, 2022 5:40 pm
I’ve been rewatching Breaking Bad myself over the past couple weeks. I’m on season 3 ep 9 right now. To back up your point about lawyers, remember that Skylar also tells her divorce lawyer about Walt’s meth and bag of cash in the house. So that’s 2 separate lawyers who know about Walt and don’t say anything.
I haven’t seen the show in like 5 years but It’s still pretty solid and entertaining. I haven’t seen Better Call Saul yet but I’m gonna hop into it after I finish getting through Breaking Bad again. I’ve heard that it’s even better.
June 9, 2022 5:30 pm
If you listen closely, you can hear Rand screaming, “fruit fags!!!” far over the horizon.
Last edited 2 years ago by Kick-chef
June 9, 2022 5:12 pm
lol’d @ the seed soil comment
June 9, 2022 4:55 pm
Why no more Jazz? Did I miss something? What happened?
Ah damn I missed the announcement, congrats to McDadFeels
June 9, 2022 4:16 pm
what if the black bear consents?
June 9, 2022 3:53 pm
Sven Sven Sven Sven, and more Sven. Good show big guy.
June 9, 2022 3:40 pm
I have to renew my subscription in 4 day. I am TRYING to do it with Echeck BECAUSE I have the money now. I thought I’d have time to do a money order BECAUSE I’M A GIRL AND I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO CRYPTO. I’ve had s lot of expenses these past few months and I haven’t been able to get a money order and I don’t even know where to get Bitcoin. I can do Paypal crypto. But I don’t think you take it and you probably think it’s lame and pathetic. I WANT TO PAY wth Echeck… Read more »
I’ve already done all of that. Don’t patronize me. I’m the one that redpilled the Hubster. He knows about TRS, and listens to podcasts – but it’s all theoretical with him. When push comes to shove he’s a Normie. I’ve told him to try to get vetted. He’s not interested..because….uhhh….ahhhh…
This download is different from the Strike&Mike download link. Might have something to do with permissions. Brave mobile L. Plays fine in-browser. Thanks for show.
Last edited 2 years ago by PAWGcreamer
Chuck Neely
June 9, 2022 1:17 pm
Sven So Much
June 9, 2022 1:07 pm
Come on Sven you know it’s the simplicity that makes music accessible to people who aren’t musicians. Metallica became the biggest metal band of all time by being accessible to the music normie. I too suffer from complicatitis where I can’t stand to have a simple riff. But then I listen to other stuff and envy those solid simple riffs.
June 9, 2022 1:03 pm
Sven of the Third Position
“Well, heil Hitler there internet people.”
Just a NNNnnn.. Jesse
Left an 8 off of the episode number
Punished Jessie, a man denied his interruptions.
What a crescendo! Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Kirk Hammett’s sheet music looks like he’s doing the same fucking LEGO kit in a different order.
They turned the internet into a digital torture tank for white males. Silicon Synagogue. I can’t wait for my EV to play ads at signs to save 10 cents on my next recharge stop, and I have to watch the negropuff unbox product with his coalburner to some fucking daycare music that unoffensive to the mongrelized masses. Hail Marquees Brownlee, you will see him every time your car stops, on your 12″ OLED LG dash. It has dimming zones so you can really see where the nigger skin stops and starts in rich blackness. More tech = more torture as… Read more »
You and your wanky prog metal aspirations, meanwhile I’ll listen to a 10 minute Bathory song with 4 riffs and be happy as a pig in shit
Recently I listened to Bathory for what seems the first time in years. Most albums from Blood Fire Death up to Nordland II feature many amazing long songs that never overstay their welcome. Love the airy, mystical mood.
New J&J just dropped 😎
There’s a Pierce quote on the legal system that goes something along the lines of “Now the anglo saxon legal tradition has had problems since before the jews got involved, and we certainly need to fix that. But they’ve made everything worse.”
I don’t think as White nationalists we are under any obligation to keep shitty systems or principles just because they predate total jewish subversion. The past is full of mistakes and nationalism is a relatively new concept in a lot of ways so we shouldn’t shy away from innovating even on ideas that aren’t jewish.
I am really enjoying “Uninterrupted Jesse” content. Show title? Thanks for doing it dude!
Quick response on the echeck from this morning. Danke.
Very soothing and thoughtful, until the 1 hour mark!
Incredibly fucking based rant starting at 1 hour. Holy shit. o/ Do it again tomorrow.
Thought the same. Spot on.
Sven is your “Just Jesse” music inspired by Rush’s theme song?
Sven this has nothing to do with anything you just said but Dymatize Fruity Pebbles Protein is amazing.
I love it
“America is AIDS for Earth”
America literally ideologically dedicated to spreading AIDS around the world
I’ve been rewatching Breaking Bad myself over the past couple weeks. I’m on season 3 ep 9 right now. To back up your point about lawyers, remember that Skylar also tells her divorce lawyer about Walt’s meth and bag of cash in the house. So that’s 2 separate lawyers who know about Walt and don’t say anything.
I haven’t seen the show in like 5 years but It’s still pretty solid and entertaining. I haven’t seen Better Call Saul yet but I’m gonna hop into it after I finish getting through Breaking Bad again. I’ve heard that it’s even better.
If you listen closely, you can hear Rand screaming, “fruit fags!!!” far over the horizon.
lol’d @ the seed soil comment
Why no more Jazz? Did I miss something? What happened?
Jazz talked about it a few weeks back. His wife is pregnant and hes writing a book so he had to scale back a bit.
Ah damn I missed the announcement, congrats to McDadFeels
what if the black bear consents?
Sven Sven Sven Sven, and more Sven. Good show big guy.
I have to renew my subscription in 4 day. I am TRYING to do it with Echeck BECAUSE I have the money now. I thought I’d have time to do a money order BECAUSE I’M A GIRL AND I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO CRYPTO. I’ve had s lot of expenses these past few months and I haven’t been able to get a money order and I don’t even know where to get Bitcoin. I can do Paypal crypto. But I don’t think you take it and you probably think it’s lame and pathetic. I WANT TO PAY wth Echeck… Read more »
Get married, have babies and let your hubby pay for your babies and family subscription.
I’ve already done all of that. Don’t patronize me. I’m the one that redpilled the Hubster. He knows about TRS, and listens to podcasts – but it’s all theoretical with him. When push comes to shove he’s a Normie. I’ve told him to try to get vetted. He’s not interested..because….uhhh….ahhhh…
Don’t mind me if I have over stepped my lady. Hats off to you.
you have to wait for sub expire
Thank you.
You fucked a man and had children? Gross. You know that’s super gay, right?
Just Juicy
And then… And thennnnnnnnn!
Jesse showed up
Why not call it The Sven Soliloquy if Just Jesse doesn’t fit right?
This download is different from the Strike&Mike download link. Might have something to do with permissions. Brave mobile L. Plays fine in-browser. Thanks for show.
Sven So Much
Come on Sven you know it’s the simplicity that makes music accessible to people who aren’t musicians. Metallica became the biggest metal band of all time by being accessible to the music normie. I too suffer from complicatitis where I can’t stand to have a simple riff. But then I listen to other stuff and envy those solid simple riffs.
Sven of the Third Position
“Well, heil Hitler there internet people.”
Jesse vs the Bears
Not til the very end, with a nice twist