It’s just entertainment, dont read too much into it. To me it’s equivalent to Star Wars posting. I trust TRS to not actually get involved or derrive any political takes from it beyond: “lol nick felted”
Last edited 2 years ago by Trotsqui
High Chief Vercingetorix
June 3, 2022 12:07 pm
More like John FELTED MAN
Punished White Home Owner
June 3, 2022 11:27 am
The Fetterman story and the points made were good. If you compressed it slightly it’d make a great short political vid.
June 3, 2022 11:08 am
“I don’t have any recording devices in my bathroom”
*FBI wipes sweat off brow*
June 3, 2022 8:09 am
P.S. – Great analysis and podcast
June 3, 2022 8:08 am
“ Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman does not have a timetable for returning to the campaign trail, sparking some worries in the party nearly three weeks after he suffered a stroke and surgeons implanted a pacemaker with a defibrillator to regulate his heartbeat.”
I don’t think you get any more right than Sven even Moike goes on with a red shoe diary death squad
June 2, 2022 7:48 pm
You’re a true Pennsylvanian now if you’re wearing slides
Honk Hogan
June 2, 2022 7:42 pm
Fetterman sounds very jaaaaaish. There are 7′ jews.
Speaking of collapse, dude, WTF is going on? I enjoy White Boy Summer as much as the rest of us, but already 3 missing FTNs after constant “paywall mid-week 2 shows per week” shilling…and now Mike and Warren is AWOL. Downvotes coming, but it had to be said for longtime pay chads. Nothing but love, later sven.
This is a good show. Better -mostly- than Jazz and Jesse. Pleasant Surprise.
June 2, 2022 6:10 pm
I am not sure if the centrist cucks are trying to preserve a fiefdom or not, because you would think they would try to leave the door open to the right, yet they slam it shut every time. That and centrists don’t punch left like they punch right, the call the left silly and crazy, they call the right bad. I think it’s the anti-Nazi MK ultra holohoax trauma that these people get a twinge in the neck, a chill in their spine, and they shut down. When I was a leftist I used to not like illegals, and I… Read more »
Blood In, Blood Out It had been a long night. From the time they had opened up shop, fiends had been coming back and forth scoring slices of ready-rock happiness, lining the pockets of the death dealers who slung it. Rock Head had been beyond thrilled when 2:00 A.M. finally rolled around and he was able to close up shop. All that was left to do was lock the remainder of the drugs away and bag up the money before he closed down for the morning. Getting money in Pittsburgh was hardly as glamorous as what he was used to… Read more »
trekker disrespecter
June 2, 2022 5:52 pm
Thanks again for all your hard work making sure us poor paychuds get content. I’m super jealous you’re living in PA I drive through there all the time. In fact I’m on my way to Pottsville, it’s so hilly it must be like driving through Italy kek.
Last edited 2 years ago by trekker disrespecter
June 2, 2022 5:28 pm
So I remember the Joel Keith stream vividly because it was the first time I left a comment offended by what you in peticular said. I checked it up to being warn out from COVID, which you had at the time, but you basically called Joel a jew (at least implied it) I’m so glad it wasn’t a big rift behind the scenes but I could see how it blew up like it did.
Hey Sven, would you consider doing a Thursday show with Larry? I mentioned the idea to him in his memorial day livestream and he said Thursdays are actually the perfect day for him because he gets Fridays off. Larry has said in previous podcasts that you’re hilarious and you mentioned wanting to go on Hatehouse so it makes perfect sense to do a Thursday Sven and Larry Shitposting Hour.
You should go on the off chance it’s a white like the McMichaels.
June 2, 2022 4:53 pm
“An entertainment square on the opposite wall displayed live coverage of a school shooting. A reporter from Rolling Stone followed the young shooter, asking him about his favorite bands and whether or not he was single. A young girl appeared in frame and was promptly blown to pieces. The interviewer smiled and quipped that she found a completely new way to give explosive head.”
June 2, 2022 4:23 pm
There is one time Democrats will punch left, and that’s when you start getting a little too pro-Palestine.
Comrade Dyatlov
June 2, 2022 4:10 pm
You can’t see the full picture, but I’m actually wearing the Jesse Show Poncho.
I wish that I could articulate as well as all of you. Sometimes I have really profound thoughts in agreement to the content but I’m too awkward and dumb to amplify. I would get absolutely owned in an argument because the Jews have so much support for their narrative. I’m not too scared to represent but I also refuse to make our side look stupid. I imagine I am not alone in this feeling.
I appreciate the encouragement. I’ve been a paychad since 2018 and I download and listen to every podcast faithfully. My wife is on board but I am so squeamish about confrontation I’ve never tried to “redpill a normie” lol. I am trying to get vetted in hopes of making some friends who I can talk to about our future. I’m just so fuckin awkward. We will win because I have to believe there are a lot of guys like me in this thing.
June 2, 2022 3:31 pm
No collab I am cry
June 2, 2022 2:59 pm
The level of cuck in that last interview was hilarious.
Another great ep Jess.
June 2, 2022 2:14 pm
Looks like Fetterman’s married to a Brazilian, too:
“In February 2020 Fetterman criticized the company Amazon for selling an anti-immigration bumper sticker with the text “Fuck Off, We’re Full” written on the shape of the continental United States.[24][25] The sticker was described on the company’s website as an “Anti Immigrant Vinyl Car Bumper Window Sticker.”[25] She tweeted at Amazon, asking the company to reconsider the “power and influence” of their platform.[25] Amazon responded on February 3, 2020 stating they would remove the sticker from their website.[25]” “Fetterman is a strong supporter of the U.S.–Israel relationship and said if he is elected as a U.S. senator, he will “lean in” on the “relationship between the United States and Israel”.[98] He said that the U.S.–Israel relationship “is a special one that needs to be safeguarded, protected, supported and nurtured through legislation and all available diplomatic efforts in the region”.[98] He supports foreign aid to Israel, including funding towards the Iron Dome.[98] Fetterman criticized the Democrats in Congress, who voted against Iron Dome funding, as “fringe” and “extreme”.[98] Fetterman has said he supports the right of Israel to… Read more »
The refocusing of TRS and co towards NJP has made the entire “trs-o-sphere” a thousand times better imo. It keeps the narratives and research on point. When the need arises to take down a controlled op movement, its quickly done and back to work.
Just get the jews out of western countries. I personally won’t be answering to any more fake Whites (jews) on anything and especially not novelty faggot nonwhites geared towards those on drip fed netflix propaganda.
Klout Schwab
June 2, 2022 2:10 pm
Oh sweet! Content!
June 2, 2022 1:45 pm
The “left” punches left if its a group they arent in complete control of. Antifa and dsa are completely funded by the “left”.
The best example of this was the antiwar movement. It was completely a left movement that was mercissily destroyed when they shifted.
The antiwar movement in the US in 30s and 40s to keep America out of another war in Europe probably wasn’t controlled.
June 2, 2022 1:36 pm
Ray Bradbury was probably an enabler of the enemy.
June 2, 2022 1:35 pm
George Orwell was a piece of shit.
June 2, 2022 1:25 pm
I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This country, whatever you want to call it, I can’t stand it any longer. It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your hymie stink and every time I do, I fear that I’ve somehow been infected by it. It’s — it’s repulsive! Isn’t it? I must get out of here. I must get free… and in this mind is the key, my key. Once Israel is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the… Read more »
June 2, 2022 1:25 pm
I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your ethnic group/religion and I realized that you’re not actually human beings, not even mammals really. Every mammal and before the spread of industrialization every human being on this planet instinctively developed a sort of natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you heebs and your minions do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area.… Read more »
Best not to get involved in E-Drama, comment on it all you like. Metokur makes E-Drama his bread and butter, but it only takes you so far.
It’s just entertainment, dont read too much into it. To me it’s equivalent to Star Wars posting. I trust TRS to not actually get involved or derrive any political takes from it beyond: “lol nick felted”
More like John FELTED MAN
The Fetterman story and the points made were good. If you compressed it slightly it’d make a great short political vid.
“I don’t have any recording devices in my bathroom”
*FBI wipes sweat off brow*
P.S. – Great analysis and podcast
“ Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman does not have a timetable for returning to the campaign trail, sparking some worries in the party nearly three weeks after he suffered a stroke and surgeons implanted a pacemaker with a defibrillator to regulate his heartbeat.”
A 7 foot tall ex-college football player? It’s possible he’s Jewish sure but he’s an outlier if he is.
He could also just be the Democratic Party equivalent of J.D. Vance.
he’s 7 foot tall? No wonder those niggas voted for him, genetic memory of massa.
just kidding lol blacks don’t vote in these sort of towns.
I checked a few weeks ago and found something saying Fetterman’s dad is Jewish Karl D Fetterman
I don’t think you get any more right than Sven even Moike goes on with a red shoe diary death squad
You’re a true Pennsylvanian now if you’re wearing slides
Fetterman sounds very jaaaaaish. There are 7′ jews.
Speaking of collapse, dude, WTF is going on? I enjoy White Boy Summer as much as the rest of us, but already 3 missing FTNs after constant “paywall mid-week 2 shows per week” shilling…and now Mike and Warren is AWOL. Downvotes coming, but it had to be said for longtime pay chads. Nothing but love, later sven.
Our patients has it’s limits
apparently. missed it by 5 minutes.
have their* limits
This is a good show. Better -mostly- than Jazz and Jesse. Pleasant Surprise.
I am not sure if the centrist cucks are trying to preserve a fiefdom or not, because you would think they would try to leave the door open to the right, yet they slam it shut every time. That and centrists don’t punch left like they punch right, the call the left silly and crazy, they call the right bad. I think it’s the anti-Nazi MK ultra holohoax trauma that these people get a twinge in the neck, a chill in their spine, and they shut down. When I was a leftist I used to not like illegals, and I… Read more »
Centrist need to get out of the goddamn way.
Blood In, Blood Out It had been a long night. From the time they had opened up shop, fiends had been coming back and forth scoring slices of ready-rock happiness, lining the pockets of the death dealers who slung it. Rock Head had been beyond thrilled when 2:00 A.M. finally rolled around and he was able to close up shop. All that was left to do was lock the remainder of the drugs away and bag up the money before he closed down for the morning. Getting money in Pittsburgh was hardly as glamorous as what he was used to… Read more »
Thanks again for all your hard work making sure us poor paychuds get content. I’m super jealous you’re living in PA I drive through there all the time. In fact I’m on my way to Pottsville, it’s so hilly it must be like driving through Italy kek.
So I remember the Joel Keith stream vividly because it was the first time I left a comment offended by what you in peticular said. I checked it up to being warn out from COVID, which you had at the time, but you basically called Joel a jew (at least implied it) I’m so glad it wasn’t a big rift behind the scenes but I could see how it blew up like it did.
I most certainly did not imply that he was a jew.
Hey Sven, would you consider doing a Thursday show with Larry? I mentioned the idea to him in his memorial day livestream and he said Thursdays are actually the perfect day for him because he gets Fridays off. Larry has said in previous podcasts that you’re hilarious and you mentioned wanting to go on Hatehouse so it makes perfect sense to do a Thursday Sven and Larry Shitposting Hour.
YES!! We need SvenHouse!!
Svenhouse would be kino
Oosh. I hear you on the jury duty Sven. Just got my second in 4 years, and I’m only registered to vote because 2016.
My wife and I have ignored our summons every damn time and nothing happens.
You should go on the off chance it’s a white like the McMichaels.
“An entertainment square on the opposite wall displayed live coverage of a school shooting. A reporter from Rolling Stone followed the young shooter, asking him about his favorite bands and whether or not he was single. A young girl appeared in frame and was promptly blown to pieces. The interviewer smiled and quipped that she found a completely new way to give explosive head.”
There is one time Democrats will punch left, and that’s when you start getting a little too pro-Palestine.
You can’t see the full picture, but I’m actually wearing the Jesse Show Poncho.
I wish that I could articulate as well as all of you. Sometimes I have really profound thoughts in agreement to the content but I’m too awkward and dumb to amplify. I would get absolutely owned in an argument because the Jews have so much support for their narrative. I’m not too scared to represent but I also refuse to make our side look stupid. I imagine I am not alone in this feeling.
Keep listening and you will soon be able to.
I appreciate the encouragement. I’ve been a paychad since 2018 and I download and listen to every podcast faithfully. My wife is on board but I am so squeamish about confrontation I’ve never tried to “redpill a normie” lol. I am trying to get vetted in hopes of making some friends who I can talk to about our future. I’m just so fuckin awkward. We will win because I have to believe there are a lot of guys like me in this thing.
No collab I am cry
The level of cuck in that last interview was hilarious.
Another great ep Jess.
Looks like Fetterman’s married to a Brazilian, too:
No Dickies shirts for her, lol. She dresses like Jackie Kennedy.
“In February 2020 Fetterman criticized the company Amazon for selling an anti-immigration bumper sticker with the text “Fuck Off, We’re Full” written on the shape of the continental United States.[24][25] The sticker was described on the company’s website as an “Anti Immigrant Vinyl Car Bumper Window Sticker.”[25] She tweeted at Amazon, asking the company to reconsider the “power and influence” of their platform.[25] Amazon responded on February 3, 2020 stating they would remove the sticker from their website.[25]” “Fetterman is a strong supporter of the U.S.–Israel relationship and said if he is elected as a U.S. senator, he will “lean in” on the “relationship between the United States and Israel”.[98] He said that the U.S.–Israel relationship “is a special one that needs to be safeguarded, protected, supported and nurtured through legislation and all available diplomatic efforts in the region”.[98] He supports foreign aid to Israel, including funding towards the Iron Dome.[98] Fetterman criticized the Democrats in Congress, who voted against Iron Dome funding, as “fringe” and “extreme”.[98] Fetterman has said he supports the right of Israel to… Read more »
I bet he doesn’t often mention his masters in public policy from Harvard…
Kike in working man’s clothing
The refocusing of TRS and co towards NJP has made the entire “trs-o-sphere” a thousand times better imo. It keeps the narratives and research on point. When the need arises to take down a controlled op movement, its quickly done and back to work.
Just get the jews out of western countries. I personally won’t be answering to any more fake Whites (jews) on anything and especially not novelty faggot nonwhites geared towards those on drip fed netflix propaganda.
Oh sweet! Content!
The “left” punches left if its a group they arent in complete control of. Antifa and dsa are completely funded by the “left”.
The best example of this was the antiwar movement. It was completely a left movement that was mercissily destroyed when they shifted.
I don’t recall an anti war movement that wasn’t controlled in the first place
The antiwar movement in the US in 30s and 40s to keep America out of another war in Europe probably wasn’t controlled.
Ray Bradbury was probably an enabler of the enemy.
George Orwell was a piece of shit.
I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This country, whatever you want to call it, I can’t stand it any longer. It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your hymie stink and every time I do, I fear that I’ve somehow been infected by it. It’s — it’s repulsive! Isn’t it? I must get out of here. I must get free… and in this mind is the key, my key. Once Israel is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the… Read more »
I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your ethnic group/religion and I realized that you’re not actually human beings, not even mammals really. Every mammal and before the spread of industrialization every human being on this planet instinctively developed a sort of natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you heebs and your minions do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area.… Read more »
Ah yes, the & Jesse Show. My favorite
Acktually, I do find the one man show Intriguing.