Strike and Mike talk about the Jewish media playing hypocrisy Jenga with the great replacement narrative.
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by Mike P
Strike and Mike talk about the Jewish media playing hypocrisy Jenga with the great replacement narrative.
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Finally finished… you guys touched on this, but didn’t outright create the obvious meme that can be amplified here.
Say, yeah, Great Replacement Theory as an idea is dumb and an obfuscation.
What really happening is GREAT REPLACEMENT POLICY.
Name the next TDS this and get FTN to talk about it. It will circulate.
Under federal law a molotov cocktail is a “destructive device” meaning as far as ATF is concerned they are no different than hand grenades or your garden variety IED. Randy Weaver got his family killed for a lot less than trying to burn cops alive but those kike lawyers in philly get off scott free every time
Picture the collapse like this… We are hummingbirds and the collapse is a human being. (not a nigger). A hummingbirds sped-up perception of reality is a function of the processes of its biomechanical form and as such perceives and operates at a faster pace than a human. Reality occurs at a faster pace for a hummingbird so when it sees a human moving about, the human appears to be moving in slow motion. We are in the collapse. Like a giant, lumbering machine whose gears broke years ago, but grinds on nonetheless by the sheer inertia, a momentum created by… Read more »
The faster a being can calculate reality, the slower its perception of time would flow
Absolutely correct, Horus has been speaking to this for years. The rise in the conspiracy, staged-actor & false-flag crowd and the general distrust in government, corporations and their shills, totally frustrates the plans of the anti-Whites with their greasy hooks on the levers of power, who’s humorless mask is held in place only when everyone trusts them and takes what they say seriously. When you have millions of people who’ve willfully decoupled belief in elite promotions it drives the anti-White parasite-class insane and frustrates their longterm control over the White population. If no one takes them seriously, it disintegrates the… Read more »
Download link 404s… same as for TDS 893.
Edit: Works in chrome iOS. I think it has to do with the “unique downloads” popup with some browsers.
The paywall RSS still isn’t working. It’s been almost two weeks
Very good to hear Strike & Mike talking about relevant racial-political issues, with a lower level of interruptions & cross-talking, compared to the verbal mayhem on TRS. And, no chronic, irrelevant, innane movie & Star Wars chatter either, thank gawd!
Mike – If you say that bit about ‘if it’s not intentional then we can reverse it right’? They will probably say that you can’t reverse it without violence or something else dishonest. All so tiresome
They use violence to enforce it already though, so I’d say what’s the difference?
This is how I respond:
“So what you’re saying is it’s ok to use violence against Whites to get a desired outcome, but violence is never an option for Whites”.
Who is the subjugated group in this scenario?
Google, Twitter, Facebook/Meta, and the other large internet services should be considered places of public accommodation. The freedom of speech did not allow segregated lunch counters or hotels to limit customers to Whites only. Although certainly an argument could be made that those policies were an endorsement of racial differences and racial inequality. If sexual displays and acts can be considered speech then so can the act of businesses that were segregated. Those hotels and restaurants were no less “private property” than the big tech platforms.
RSS is playing episode 213, just a heads up
Better Call Saul is the only good show left
Isolation and lack of community is why pornsites can have hundreds of categories.
She Topsy. Topsy do be speaker now.
Dylan Roof’s tactical bowl cut.
Just putting a thought out there: should we condemn the actions of mass shooters like this guy or should we celebrate them as martyrs or somewhere in between. The Muslims celebrate these kind of people as heros and martyrs because they take extreme direct action against their enemies. Part of me feels like, to hell with this optics shit, let’s just celebrate them for having the balls or being crazy enough to do something like that. Obviously we don’t want most people in our society to be like these guys but I think they have their place and roll in… Read more »
A light condemning.
The only positive thing to come out of things like this is seeing how White people react to it and the ‘hipocracy’ waking people up.
Celebrating it makes you look like an asshole and drives sentiment the other way.
This will be used in anti-2A propaganda and to justify DHS/FBI/CIA anti-White actions.
But, by people’s reactions, they won’t get anywhere with the public.
I think that complete non response from the black press secretary was because she actually doesn’t remember or know what happened in Waukesha
… because she’s a dumb AF black.
Apologies, I am literally autistic; could whoever (Mike?) please mute yourself when not talking, and I hear clinking ice cubes or someone taking a deep inhale (sipping a hot beverage? vaping?) while listening to Striker speak. Also, I hope Striker is well soon, but please also mute when not speaking just listening to Mike and coughing. This show has unironically the best takes, and this Great Replacement conversation is so important — I am here for the education and to relay the takes to normie-land. Downvote me, it’s fine. I just want to enjoy the show, and it gets more… Read more »
HAH! Good luck getting Striker to do any of that hahah
Hi, I was also put into a psychiatric hospital for one week years ago before I was treated and it did not prevent me from purchasing a firearm in the state of NY. Just not NYC. Really a huge oversight and I think this should be part of the background check.
Race is a more crucial factor. Next would be homosexualist behaviour. Then SSRI’s. Firearms training, culture and history can be a big positive for the mental and emotional health of white men.
I just want to finally have an honest discussion about race…
*wall text* Hey mike, I am actually the guy who sent in the holocaust textbook screenshots a few months back, and the part of the show about high school really was on the nose. In the email I sent sven with the screenshots, there is a little bit more personal info of mine and about the school, but that isn’t very important even. What is important is my observations day to day. Walking through a passing period with an awareness of what society once was is almost painful, but I’ve long since been jaded to it. White kids more often… Read more »
Very good points young man. Do you have any friends at your school that you know feel the way that you do? At least you have the awareness that things are very wrong and a vision of how it was better in the past. Because you and others like you have that vision we can work to make reality conform more and more to it. I would be interested to here one of the TRS guys talk to you about your school experiences.
I do actually. There’s one guy I met last year who agrees with me and feels the same way I do. I pointed him to trs a while ago. He’s basically ourguy, but doesnt actually listen to shows very often. It’s pretty helpful having that knowledge because he’s told other people some of our ideas and gotten good responses too. It’s encouraging to see how well people respond to our talking points actually, and it is the kind of thing you can only really get a feel for in person.
Also: my primary issue with doing a show is doxxing. I would have to be extremely vague and careful with my words as to not give any feds/anarchists enough pieces to find my school, and eventually my identity. I plan on going to college, and I don’t want to ruin my chances. Family wouldn’t be happy either. I would have to seriously think about it if I was given the offer.
Just don’t say where you live and don’t use real names. How many schools are there in the USA. It would have to be an extremely determined Fed or Antifa to be able to track you down from that little info.
You should join a pool party if/when you can
Plan to one day. Hopefully there is one over there in my area at college.