Send Sven Accounting textbooks and Operations Management textbooks.
May 13, 2022 5:01 pm
I don’t know if prices are lies, but they are pretty fucking arbitrary.
May 13, 2022 3:38 pm
I believe doing chores around the house is now termed “crossfit”.
Now all you need is a weighted vest and the lbs will come flying off…. Keep it up Moike.
May 13, 2022 2:37 pm
Moike’s prior dentist: Ki Soo Family Rooftop Dentistry
Last edited 2 years ago by golimar
May 13, 2022 1:35 pm
I saw Michael Tracey make a tweet a few weeks ago, he linked a document showing that the US government is so involved in Ukraine that the State Department was drafting the driving laws in KYYV.
May 13, 2022 1:27 pm
DOBS > YOBA (Decade of Based Sven > Year of Baked Alaska)
May 13, 2022 1:25 pm
Can someone spell out Svens Twitter He Saif it to fast
May 13, 2022 1:20 pm
Mike do you call Tony with “Ay Tone”
Baby Yoda Hitler
May 13, 2022 1:18 pm
Cave-mike breaks wood with big rock
May 13, 2022 1:17 pm
Guy I get spam calls on my work phone number which is a government office. Zog has zero interest in doing anything about spam calls
May 13, 2022 1:13 pm
CandyCane will be happy you guy’s aren’t wearing Brown or GREEEEEE shirts today. I think you should do it on purpose to troll her.
Soldier of 4chan
May 13, 2022 1:12 pm
Today’s lesson on military lexicon: Actual
In radio chatter, the use of Actual denotes that the speaker is the leader of the callsign and unit, and not say, a radioman or some subordinate member of the unit speaking on behalf of the unit.
Normalized for radio, it would be Tony Actual, and the dog is part of the unit with callsign Tony.
Your brother Darryl
May 13, 2022 1:10 pm
I hope Tony brought some fresh Skyline chili and Marions pizza for you philistines to feast on
Mr Olonzo
May 13, 2022 1:06 pm
Mike if chopping woods gets you breathing heavy that’s good. Circuit training and weights might well be your thing. You better do something buddy, we all had. Tough times require tough men. We’re not prepared to lose you. Your perspective , arguments and deep thinking got me through a very tough time in my older years and im deeply grateful and will always be on your team. But we get you do an awful lot of work for us. No excuses mind, I’m older than you and still go running. Any advice you need just ask bang gymcels.
Last edited 2 years ago by Mr Olonzo
Consensus Mind Reader
May 13, 2022 12:56 pm
What reason would any blue state have for not giving their land back to tribal governments? Whenever any shitlib brings up Indians when talking about immigration I just troll them by saying that blue states should be given back to them along with their populations to dispose of as they wish as tribal subjects and they can’t tell me why they shouldn’t. Of course red states wouldn’t give up their land because they’re racist, but you aren’t racist right?
May 13, 2022 12:34 pm
If it took forever to saw the log then you’re probably using the wrong saw. A carpenter saw is definitely the wrong saw to cut a log.
May 13, 2022 12:27 pm
Go Lumberjack Sports. Go Timbersports.
May 13, 2022 12:25 pm
Chairman Caveman
May 13, 2022 12:23 pm
Sven has rolled up his sleeves because the climate in the woods has improved.
Rickert 🪂 🇵🇸
May 13, 2022 12:19 pm
I bet you Mike did not use a cutting axe, but a splitting axe to cut it.
Comrade Dyatlov
May 13, 2022 12:14 pm
Niggers stack dat paper, Nazis stack dat lumber. Which one builds civilization?
sponge :)
May 13, 2022 11:40 am
Idk if you already read it Sven, but, “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind” is a good book related to markets being fake. Its also short btw.
Ace McNasty
May 13, 2022 11:34 am
Hit a big tree with a rock!
May 13, 2022 11:31 am
The Fiskers guys tend to stay over there. 100-120 guys, you might find a few piles of firewood in the morning.
Send Sven Accounting textbooks and Operations Management textbooks.
I don’t know if prices are lies, but they are pretty fucking arbitrary.
I believe doing chores around the house is now termed “crossfit”.
Now all you need is a weighted vest and the lbs will come flying off…. Keep it up Moike.
Moike’s prior dentist: Ki Soo Family Rooftop Dentistry
I saw Michael Tracey make a tweet a few weeks ago, he linked a document showing that the US government is so involved in Ukraine that the State Department was drafting the driving laws in KYYV.
DOBS > YOBA (Decade of Based Sven > Year of Baked Alaska)
Can someone spell out Svens Twitter He Saif it to fast
Mike do you call Tony with “Ay Tone”
Cave-mike breaks wood with big rock
Guy I get spam calls on my work phone number which is a government office. Zog has zero interest in doing anything about spam calls
CandyCane will be happy you guy’s aren’t wearing Brown or GREEEEEE shirts today. I think you should do it on purpose to troll her.
Today’s lesson on military lexicon: Actual
In radio chatter, the use of Actual denotes that the speaker is the leader of the callsign and unit, and not say, a radioman or some subordinate member of the unit speaking on behalf of the unit.
Normalized for radio, it would be Tony Actual, and the dog is part of the unit with callsign Tony.
I hope Tony brought some fresh Skyline chili and Marions pizza for you philistines to feast on
Mike if chopping woods gets you breathing heavy that’s good. Circuit training and weights might well be your thing. You better do something buddy, we all had. Tough times require tough men. We’re not prepared to lose you. Your perspective , arguments and deep thinking got me through a very tough time in my older years and im deeply grateful and will always be on your team. But we get you do an awful lot of work for us. No excuses mind, I’m older than you and still go running. Any advice you need just ask bang gymcels.
What reason would any blue state have for not giving their land back to tribal governments? Whenever any shitlib brings up Indians when talking about immigration I just troll them by saying that blue states should be given back to them along with their populations to dispose of as they wish as tribal subjects and they can’t tell me why they shouldn’t. Of course red states wouldn’t give up their land because they’re racist, but you aren’t racist right?
If it took forever to saw the log then you’re probably using the wrong saw. A carpenter saw is definitely the wrong saw to cut a log.
Go Lumberjack Sports. Go Timbersports.
Chairman Caveman
Sven has rolled up his sleeves because the climate in the woods has improved.
I bet you Mike did not use a cutting axe, but a splitting axe to cut it.
Niggers joggin’
Nazis loggin’
Niggers stack dat paper, Nazis stack dat lumber. Which one builds civilization?
Idk if you already read it Sven, but, “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind” is a good book related to markets being fake. Its also short btw.
Hit a big tree with a rock!
The Fiskers guys tend to stay over there. 100-120 guys, you might find a few piles of firewood in the morning.
Mmm big prep