The most frustrating are the CI’s. I wouldn’t want to have Jews of the old testament be my ancestors. They are kind of despicable. And it seems like they have the same M.O. of the current ones. Work up to the top levels of power. The locals revolt. Locals get slaughtered. They end up leaving host country with tons of treasure.
April 22, 2022 12:06 pm
Enjoyable listening.
Speaking of haircuts. My boys and I make an event out of it. Go get slick haircuts, get a pancake breakfast, then go to the hobby store or arcade.
Barber is a good dude. Tells the boys what’s said at the barber shop stays at the barbershop. They think it’s fun. Happens about every two or three months. Highly recommend for dads with young sons.
Zeke Kyle
April 22, 2022 10:28 am
I think the word you are looking for in place of war like is martial since we are good at war but it isn’t our only mode
April 22, 2022 10:19 am
Cool show bro.
April 22, 2022 9:27 am
is the fridge interfering with the server ?
April 22, 2022 9:08 am
I get the sperging on christmas because of yule but Easter? Now that’s terminally online nigger behavior.
April 22, 2022 9:03 am
Great show Sven. You’re right that staying connected to the mainstream culture benefits the show. I think Mike is relatable to hardcore fans and big brains but being relatable to regular people is what attracts new people to the show (AKA makes for better clips).
I remember someone, maybe Norm Macdonald, who said it’s never good to be proud to be ignorant of mainstream culture.
I don’t know if I hate pop culture or am just bad at it, probably the latter. You are right though. A problem here is that the particular current day American mass culture is so GD awful by any standard. Maybe I would be a pop culture enjoyer in another time or perhaps im the eternal contrarian. Confusing times at ridgemont high.
I don’t think the purpose of talking about pop culture is to be an enjoyer, it’s to be a more effective critic and to build audience by engaging with what people already know.
I agree that culture is worse now than I thought was even possible to be only a few years ago.
Yep no one is actually enjoying it here. Thats why I pay these guys to do the hard work of sifting through the cultural garbage I can’t/won’t do.
FOG (Ferengi Occupied Government)
April 22, 2022 8:57 am
Since the real estate market is all fake and gay, it’s unbelievable that there hasn’t been a major party presidential candidate who runs of government intervention to get families into houses they own. That would receive almost universal support.
We were finally able to buy a house about a year ago in commiefornia and in 13 months, our house is estimated to be worth $180k more than we paid. That’s insane, what the hell is happening?!
I went for a home loan about 10 years ago. They asked how much I was looking to get. I said about 100k. They said they could easily approve me for 400k. I told them they are dumb as shit. I had just started a new job making 40k.
April 22, 2022 8:34 am
Just so you know, I’m a christian and while I could nitpick some stuff, I basically have nothing negative to say about your rant.
The whole “Jesus came to Jerusalem because the men of the north had a lot less need for the gospel” is heresy, but it’s the kind of heresy that actually has a point, trust your instincts !
Buck Breaker
April 22, 2022 8:28 am
Gonna WELL ACKSHUALLY Sven even though it doesn’t matter:
If half of new Covid cases are among the vaccinated, but there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, that means unvaccinated people are more likely to get sick. If you believe the official stats, roughly 2/3 of the population has at least two shots.
I’m Christian(Catholic) and I’ve come to the conclusion nothing good comes out of arguing over religion. If someone has questions or is interested in my beliefs I’ll answer any questions they have honestly but I don’t try to convert people because I’m not going to change their beliefs and they are not going to change my beliefs. Liberal/leftist Christians(not real Christians) love to talk about turning the other cheek but they don’t want to mention the part about Christ returning on a White horse with a sword in hand.
Last edited 2 years ago by Opeth0423
Bling Laden
April 22, 2022 5:40 am
It took me a long time to realize it was just Jessie. I didn’t read the title or anything. I was just like “damn when is he going to let Jazz have a word, maybe Jazz is just tired from the stream.”
Comrade Dyatlov
April 22, 2022 3:28 am
The solution to the incel problem is to colonize obese negress’ and beaness’. You are both solving your sexual frustration, you are preventing them from reproducing with other browns, and since you’re going to just pump them and dump them and they’ll gratefully have a “whiter kid” like some guy on a beach with a metal detector just found a 10lb gold nugget, you’re going to drain the state resources since they’ll throw your mutts in daycare and get all kinds of state support. Incels can be the ultimate accelerationsts knocking up the brown hordes of women. The Bleaching Betas.… Read more »
You’re encouraging incels to go down a path of financial ruin paying child benefits and physical ruin having sex with a nigress and getting herpes/syphilis/aids/you name it
April 22, 2022 12:37 am
Great show Sven. Your analyses are on point. The biggest mistake incels make is the unwillingness to put themselves out. Got a haircut today, and ended up talking to the chick and we ended up talking about Reznor’s 90s albums, passionately. She was married, but it’s no biggie. You must converse with the world. As isolated as you are
April 22, 2022 12:14 am
Roosh V is Russian Orthodox now. He’s still repenting for all his debauchery. ⛪️
April 21, 2022 11:23 pm
These solo shows are always great.
April 21, 2022 11:11 pm
2 thoughts that occurred to me after listening to Jesse’s stream of consciousness stream. First is in regards to the question of why, if Christianity is a psyop, the Jews would later attack it. This is is what I call the “Stairway to Hell” strategy. This is when they replace one set of ideas with a worse one, then cut off the route back to the previous one once the population realizes it was a mistake. An example I have heard in regards to Christianity is the idea of loving one’s enemies, having high regard for the meek, and turning… Read more »
Sam Caldwell
April 21, 2022 10:24 pm
These 1 person shows are so damn comfy
April 21, 2022 10:13 pm
Love Jesse monologues
Last edited 2 years ago by Nordstrom
April 21, 2022 9:48 pm
Does anybody have a good website that lays out Jewish representation in positions of power factually and easily? TRS is great but it takes a ton of time to dig out the information for the uninitiated.
There was a Strike and Mike a few of months back where they talked about him, and Mike has said thinks like “He’s very blackpilled” (Can’t blame him though)
April 21, 2022 8:32 pm
christian vs pagan is such an easy powerful yet obvious wedge issue. it’s embarassing to watch people get jebaited on it.
congrats jews, youre able to rile people up over things important to them. your eagerness to do this is one of a littany of reasons why you’re contiually dis-invited from partaking in society.
that’s NOT true, normally or historically for majorities who have ingroup preference against you. Jews ARE the aberrant ones.
April 21, 2022 7:37 pm
Sven have you thought about praying for faith or wisdom over your questions?
What brought me back to Catholicism was praying for suffering for the grace of faith. It took a few weeks but I was able to gain faith
Simply taking the time to pursue God I’m a quite place can do wanders. I’ve come back to the faith by Christian mysticism.
April 21, 2022 5:52 pm
Good Talk.
Logical Methodical
April 21, 2022 4:48 pm
Anyone who is actually experiencing the incel problem should follow this advice: focus on yourself. Start going out, hanging out with people. Go to concerts. Take a road trip across the country. Talk to anyone, even old people or whoever. Stop worrying about getting laid and wallowing in your depression. Once you’re actually enjoying your life, it will happen.
Wise words friend. Once a person becomes comfortable talking to new people, confidence will come.
When a man is confident and competent (JBP is right about cometence) the women will come (and cum).
April 21, 2022 4:42 pm
Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying being behind the paywall does not get me in the gf distribution program?
Mad Dad14
April 21, 2022 4:28 pm
Thank you for opening up your mind to us again Jesse!
Yakov Handmotion
April 21, 2022 4:28 pm
Everywhere I go I must also redeem. Great show for redeem. Jews are bloody bitch bastard. Please to complete episode.
April 21, 2022 4:16 pm
Maybe stream prep and pajeet the shoah? The latter end of the bday stream seemed less buggy overall but idk
April 21, 2022 3:43 pm
Grug think Jesse have good instinct.
Grug like Jesse show.
Ted OMalley
April 21, 2022 3:43 pm
I hope this becomes a regular thing. I like hearing your thoughts, both content and music related, as well as your bigger brained politics takes.
I love TRS but I hate that you rarely get to finish a thought. I’ve always loved J and J w/o callers bc you get to talk more.
Absolutely no shade to Mike either. The guy’s brilliant, just not great with others unless they are very assertive, like Striker, Jazz, and Warren seem to be.
🦢The Autiste formerly known as Swampy🦢
April 21, 2022 3:29 pm
As I said in a previous comment section, it is a curious paradox that the people that hate the Jesus religion the most are either anti semites or kikes.
Last edited 2 years ago by 🦢The Autiste formerly known as Swampy🦢
April 21, 2022 3:23 pm
Glad to have another installment of the “And Jesse Show”.
April 21, 2022 3:20 pm
What pisses me off most about Manu in the our elites are fucking children is the exception for Trump. Despite being Epstiens literal neighbor they flip out if you tell them that Trump is fuckimg kids with them
Punished White Home Owner
April 21, 2022 3:13 pm
Seeing a show like supernatural that has 6 million seasons under its belt is anxiety inducing. I feel like I’m looking at a time trap.
April 21, 2022 2:47 pm
i <3 supernatural
April 21, 2022 2:32 pm
In honor of our uncle, I think he said it best:
“The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace but also loves its honor and freedom.”
Adolf Quisling
April 21, 2022 2:07 pm
April 21, 2022 1:41 pm
great thread on Christianity on Easter. it is a humble religion whose adherents rely upon mutual aid without it actually prescribing a political order (the only political statement in NT says pay your taxes aka keep your head down). And the administrative state did not crucify Jesus. It did the bidding of the deep state. At any rate, it’s sort of the as above so below thing where the religion is about transcendence instead of conquest. And aid is a prerequisite (from the religious God for the macro and also from the brother in the micro)… I think theoretically philosophically… Read more »
he could have fled to safety south east to hang with the blond Asian Germanic Greeks but he had a mission to take the cup of prophecy which Isaiah discussed and a bunch of other ones
it was those blonde Asians – the early Greeks – who took the philosophy of this new religion as their own and set the Mediterranean world aflame. It ultimately split the Gregorian calendar based time continuum in half and produced Europe.
as far as modern Christianity adopting the narrative of its oppressor Stockholm-style in embracing the other (the religious paradigm allows gentiles and non-gentiles alike, which is the reference to its ‘all nations’ creedo, which is opposed to a chosen race being called to transcendence only). I finished the sentence with only i am Pajeeting. allow me to Pajeet. At any rate, as far as that narrative goes, it just means that the religion is subdued and compromised in its adherency to a simulacrum of its own faith; it is psyopped. But practically speaking regarding the inclusion of others, I feel… Read more »
the psyopper strategy is to embed itself and surround itself with human shields. its singular weapon is an accusation that the occupied is unfair to the occupier which is not called an occupier but a rightful owner.
one possible workaround code for this is to not resist the outward attempts to psyop so as not to be singled out for persecution, but instead strengthen conditions for de-occupation in some way shape or form (i’m not calling for revolution, just saying there could be a way toward some semblance of free association – in groups)
money is its weapon but after being expelled it learned it also needed a shield and it found that there is no shield more powerful than a human shield. and the red communist flag of uniting every piece of mankind which is a psyop on the Christian morality is the shield which unites the enemy. so there’s that
also dictators like Putin use the red communist flag as a shield against those who own the shield as sort of a shield inception and a bargain… for protection in this racket of geopolitics. so there’s that
i’m no Revelation scholar but i believe somewhere in there or other adjacent books there is some discussion of the adversary leading an army or some other militant forces against the kingdom, which can be actually viewed in concrete terrestrial terms since opposition to Christians is said to be setting itself up against God…
it’s quite abstract but all these global gay disco organs can be seen in that same context if you are open to looking at it that way
some Mexican leader said wherever there are Mexicans there is Mexico. I believe that is a similar ref to the kingdom is within you (not even sure if the Bible says that explicitly somebody can check; pls open ticket).
#1 why are you redeeming
#2 sir i need to redeem
#1 why are you redeeming you cannot redeem
#2 sir i am able to redeem i am redeeming
April 21, 2022 1:17 pm
also i feel Scofield Bible trope is #1 most underrated thought product on this network which indeed came direct from here.
i used to have to do mental gymnastics to explain the concept of chiliasm & numerological eschatology of these – pagan apostates is what we call them -… which is trite and exhausting. but just Scofield Bible reading is sufficient. thanks
April 21, 2022 1:12 pm
one thing i like to push the envelope on is how far Pajeet-speak can be extended into abstractions from the concrete ideas like open close ticket allow me to complete why are you redeeming or perhaps why are you NOT redeeming you must redeem. idk i’m conflicted on that one because Sben needs you to redeem.
At any rate, i don’t feel like ‘breaking immersion’ would fly in Pajeet…
April 21, 2022 1:04 pm
Niggers(scientific name: Simia africanus, the Black Monkey; politically correct: Americanus Basketballensis) are a species of Apes devolved from gorillas and orangutans (not bonobos/chimpanzees, higher life forms), and proof of the “Missing Link” theory in Evolutionary Biology as the more retarded simian cousins to the Neanderthal ancestors of our higher species Homo Sapiens. Niggers, in contrast to Neanderthals, were unable to develop the IQ required for civilization due to lack of evolutionary pressure and incentives from their native environment. Premature exposure to Human Civilization in fact overloads their cerebral cortexes resulting in instinctive violence, this is known as a chimp out… Read more »
April 21, 2022 12:59 pm
April 21, 2022 12:52 pm
I really enjoyed the comment section for the bday party content. I bet the audios gonna be great
The most frustrating are the CI’s. I wouldn’t want to have Jews of the old testament be my ancestors. They are kind of despicable. And it seems like they have the same M.O. of the current ones. Work up to the top levels of power. The locals revolt. Locals get slaughtered. They end up leaving host country with tons of treasure.
Enjoyable listening.
Speaking of haircuts. My boys and I make an event out of it. Go get slick haircuts, get a pancake breakfast, then go to the hobby store or arcade.
Barber is a good dude. Tells the boys what’s said at the barber shop stays at the barbershop. They think it’s fun. Happens about every two or three months. Highly recommend for dads with young sons.
I think the word you are looking for in place of war like is martial since we are good at war but it isn’t our only mode
Cool show bro.
is the fridge interfering with the server ?
I get the sperging on christmas because of yule but Easter? Now that’s terminally online nigger behavior.
Great show Sven. You’re right that staying connected to the mainstream culture benefits the show. I think Mike is relatable to hardcore fans and big brains but being relatable to regular people is what attracts new people to the show (AKA makes for better clips).
I remember someone, maybe Norm Macdonald, who said it’s never good to be proud to be ignorant of mainstream culture.
I don’t know if I hate pop culture or am just bad at it, probably the latter. You are right though. A problem here is that the particular current day American mass culture is so GD awful by any standard. Maybe I would be a pop culture enjoyer in another time or perhaps im the eternal contrarian. Confusing times at ridgemont high.
I don’t think the purpose of talking about pop culture is to be an enjoyer, it’s to be a more effective critic and to build audience by engaging with what people already know.
I agree that culture is worse now than I thought was even possible to be only a few years ago.
Yep no one is actually enjoying it here. Thats why I pay these guys to do the hard work of sifting through the cultural garbage I can’t/won’t do.
Since the real estate market is all fake and gay, it’s unbelievable that there hasn’t been a major party presidential candidate who runs of government intervention to get families into houses they own. That would receive almost universal support.
We were finally able to buy a house about a year ago in commiefornia and in 13 months, our house is estimated to be worth $180k more than we paid. That’s insane, what the hell is happening?!
I went for a home loan about 10 years ago. They asked how much I was looking to get. I said about 100k. They said they could easily approve me for 400k. I told them they are dumb as shit. I had just started a new job making 40k.
Just so you know, I’m a christian and while I could nitpick some stuff, I basically have nothing negative to say about your rant.
The whole “Jesus came to Jerusalem because the men of the north had a lot less need for the gospel” is heresy, but it’s the kind of heresy that actually has a point, trust your instincts !
Gonna WELL ACKSHUALLY Sven even though it doesn’t matter:
If half of new Covid cases are among the vaccinated, but there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, that means unvaccinated people are more likely to get sick. If you believe the official stats, roughly 2/3 of the population has at least two shots.
I apologize for my autism.
AH, you have a point
I’m Christian(Catholic) and I’ve come to the conclusion nothing good comes out of arguing over religion. If someone has questions or is interested in my beliefs I’ll answer any questions they have honestly but I don’t try to convert people because I’m not going to change their beliefs and they are not going to change my beliefs. Liberal/leftist Christians(not real Christians) love to talk about turning the other cheek but they don’t want to mention the part about Christ returning on a White horse with a sword in hand.
It took me a long time to realize it was just Jessie. I didn’t read the title or anything. I was just like “damn when is he going to let Jazz have a word, maybe Jazz is just tired from the stream.”
The solution to the incel problem is to colonize obese negress’ and beaness’. You are both solving your sexual frustration, you are preventing them from reproducing with other browns, and since you’re going to just pump them and dump them and they’ll gratefully have a “whiter kid” like some guy on a beach with a metal detector just found a 10lb gold nugget, you’re going to drain the state resources since they’ll throw your mutts in daycare and get all kinds of state support. Incels can be the ultimate accelerationsts knocking up the brown hordes of women. The Bleaching Betas.… Read more »
You’re encouraging incels to go down a path of financial ruin paying child benefits and physical ruin having sex with a nigress and getting herpes/syphilis/aids/you name it
Great show Sven. Your analyses are on point. The biggest mistake incels make is the unwillingness to put themselves out. Got a haircut today, and ended up talking to the chick and we ended up talking about Reznor’s 90s albums, passionately. She was married, but it’s no biggie. You must converse with the world. As isolated as you are
Roosh V is Russian Orthodox now. He’s still repenting for all his debauchery. ⛪️
These solo shows are always great.
2 thoughts that occurred to me after listening to Jesse’s stream of consciousness stream. First is in regards to the question of why, if Christianity is a psyop, the Jews would later attack it. This is is what I call the “Stairway to Hell” strategy. This is when they replace one set of ideas with a worse one, then cut off the route back to the previous one once the population realizes it was a mistake. An example I have heard in regards to Christianity is the idea of loving one’s enemies, having high regard for the meek, and turning… Read more »
These 1 person shows are so damn comfy
Love Jesse monologues
Does anybody have a good website that lays out Jewish representation in positions of power factually and easily? TRS is great but it takes a ton of time to dig out the information for the uninitiated.
Thomas dalton has a good article called confronting the judeocracy that lays it out very well
You can also just look at Biden’s cabinet. Lots of yidz
Hail Sven!
Revilo Oliver’s work is underrated for how good it is.
There was a Strike and Mike a few of months back where they talked about him, and Mike has said thinks like “He’s very blackpilled” (Can’t blame him though)
christian vs pagan is such an easy powerful yet obvious wedge issue. it’s embarassing to watch people get jebaited on it.
congrats jews, youre able to rile people up over things important to them. your eagerness to do this is one of a littany of reasons why you’re contiually dis-invited from partaking in society.
that’s NOT true, normally or historically for majorities who have ingroup preference against you. Jews ARE the aberrant ones.
Sven have you thought about praying for faith or wisdom over your questions?
What brought me back to Catholicism was praying for suffering for the grace of faith. It took a few weeks but I was able to gain faith
Simply taking the time to pursue God I’m a quite place can do wanders. I’ve come back to the faith by Christian mysticism.
Good Talk.
Anyone who is actually experiencing the incel problem should follow this advice: focus on yourself. Start going out, hanging out with people. Go to concerts. Take a road trip across the country. Talk to anyone, even old people or whoever. Stop worrying about getting laid and wallowing in your depression. Once you’re actually enjoying your life, it will happen.
Wise words friend. Once a person becomes comfortable talking to new people, confidence will come.
When a man is confident and competent (JBP is right about cometence) the women will come (and cum).
Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying being behind the paywall does not get me in the gf distribution program?
Thank you for opening up your mind to us again Jesse!
Everywhere I go I must also redeem. Great show for redeem. Jews are bloody bitch bastard. Please to complete episode.
Maybe stream prep and pajeet the shoah? The latter end of the bday stream seemed less buggy overall but idk
Grug think Jesse have good instinct.
Grug like Jesse show.
I hope this becomes a regular thing. I like hearing your thoughts, both content and music related, as well as your bigger brained politics takes.
I love TRS but I hate that you rarely get to finish a thought. I’ve always loved J and J w/o callers bc you get to talk more.
Absolutely no shade to Mike either. The guy’s brilliant, just not great with others unless they are very assertive, like Striker, Jazz, and Warren seem to be.
As I said in a previous comment section, it is a curious paradox that the people that hate the Jesus religion the most are either anti semites or kikes.
Glad to have another installment of the “And Jesse Show”.
What pisses me off most about Manu in the our elites are fucking children is the exception for Trump. Despite being Epstiens literal neighbor they flip out if you tell them that Trump is fuckimg kids with them
Seeing a show like supernatural that has 6 million seasons under its belt is anxiety inducing. I feel like I’m looking at a time trap.
i <3 supernatural
In honor of our uncle, I think he said it best:
“The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace but also loves its honor and freedom.”
great thread on Christianity on Easter. it is a humble religion whose adherents rely upon mutual aid without it actually prescribing a political order (the only political statement in NT says pay your taxes aka keep your head down). And the administrative state did not crucify Jesus. It did the bidding of the deep state. At any rate, it’s sort of the as above so below thing where the religion is about transcendence instead of conquest. And aid is a prerequisite (from the religious God for the macro and also from the brother in the micro)… I think theoretically philosophically… Read more »
he could have fled to safety south east to hang with the blond Asian Germanic Greeks but he had a mission to take the cup of prophecy which Isaiah discussed and a bunch of other ones
it was those blonde Asians – the early Greeks – who took the philosophy of this new religion as their own and set the Mediterranean world aflame. It ultimately split the Gregorian calendar based time continuum in half and produced Europe.
and btw the concept of an ancient pure noble aryan race is pagan, but i certainly agree with it
as far as modern Christianity adopting the narrative of its oppressor Stockholm-style in embracing the other (the religious paradigm allows gentiles and non-gentiles alike, which is the reference to its ‘all nations’ creedo, which is opposed to a chosen race being called to transcendence only). I finished the sentence with only i am Pajeeting. allow me to Pajeet. At any rate, as far as that narrative goes, it just means that the religion is subdued and compromised in its adherency to a simulacrum of its own faith; it is psyopped. But practically speaking regarding the inclusion of others, I feel… Read more »
the psyopper strategy is to embed itself and surround itself with human shields. its singular weapon is an accusation that the occupied is unfair to the occupier which is not called an occupier but a rightful owner.
one possible workaround code for this is to not resist the outward attempts to psyop so as not to be singled out for persecution, but instead strengthen conditions for de-occupation in some way shape or form (i’m not calling for revolution, just saying there could be a way toward some semblance of free association – in groups)
money is its weapon but after being expelled it learned it also needed a shield and it found that there is no shield more powerful than a human shield. and the red communist flag of uniting every piece of mankind which is a psyop on the Christian morality is the shield which unites the enemy. so there’s that
also dictators like Putin use the red communist flag as a shield against those who own the shield as sort of a shield inception and a bargain… for protection in this racket of geopolitics. so there’s that
i’m no Revelation scholar but i believe somewhere in there or other adjacent books there is some discussion of the adversary leading an army or some other militant forces against the kingdom, which can be actually viewed in concrete terrestrial terms since opposition to Christians is said to be setting itself up against God…
it’s quite abstract but all these global gay disco organs can be seen in that same context if you are open to looking at it that way
some Mexican leader said wherever there are Mexicans there is Mexico. I believe that is a similar ref to the kingdom is within you (not even sure if the Bible says that explicitly somebody can check; pls open ticket).
Thank you sir for allowing me to redeem
i think it would be a funny concept to pretend argue about redeeming.
#1 why are you redeeming
#2 sir i need to redeem
#1 why are you redeeming you cannot redeem
#2 sir i am able to redeem i am redeeming
also i feel Scofield Bible trope is #1 most underrated thought product on this network which indeed came direct from here.
i used to have to do mental gymnastics to explain the concept of chiliasm & numerological eschatology of these – pagan apostates is what we call them -… which is trite and exhausting. but just Scofield Bible reading is sufficient. thanks
one thing i like to push the envelope on is how far Pajeet-speak can be extended into abstractions from the concrete ideas like open close ticket allow me to complete why are you redeeming or perhaps why are you NOT redeeming you must redeem. idk i’m conflicted on that one because Sben needs you to redeem.
At any rate, i don’t feel like ‘breaking immersion’ would fly in Pajeet…
Niggers(scientific name: Simia africanus, the Black Monkey; politically correct: Americanus Basketballensis) are a species of Apes devolved from gorillas and orangutans (not bonobos/chimpanzees, higher life forms), and proof of the “Missing Link” theory in Evolutionary Biology as the more retarded simian cousins to the Neanderthal ancestors of our higher species Homo Sapiens. Niggers, in contrast to Neanderthals, were unable to develop the IQ required for civilization due to lack of evolutionary pressure and incentives from their native environment. Premature exposure to Human Civilization in fact overloads their cerebral cortexes resulting in instinctive violence, this is known as a chimp out… Read more »
I really enjoyed the comment section for the bday party content. I bet the audios gonna be great
Is it just me or does he get grayer each week
you get gayer every week. that’s you.
Nigga be humble. Some are out here bald as the amerikkkan Pygmy’s. Wishing they had hair 😆
>Is it just me or does his hair
heget whitergrayereach week?Fixed
Better to be a grayop than a gayop
Please to be mp3