Jazz and Warren leverage Justicemap.org to add rich demographic context to their racist bloviations about blacks in the rural South, impending population crash, immigration novelty takes, and Minneapolis' crack stacks. After the break, the media checks itself on jumping the snark on Ukraine, the nnnguys give two thumbs down to this week in gay and choreographed distraction stunts, and Jazz fills Warren in on Kurt Eichenwald's proclivity for tentacle porn.
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Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Thunderkike Blackpill
00:28:00 - Into the Malthusian Nightmare
00:53:00 - Dotstrapping Bobs
01:03:00 - Immigration Novelty Takes
01:10:00 - Late Stage Globohomogayplexcapitalism
01:20:00 - Minneapolis Crack Stacks
01:39:00 - BREAK
01:40:00 - How Will Putin Ever Recover?!
02:05:00 - Fake and Choreographed
02:25:00 - Greatest Frets We Face
02:40:00 - The Halcyon Days of Shoahed Kurt Eichenwald
02:56:00 - Outro
I live in the rural south and we had a dindu who was literally special ed on our football team. He knocked up a local (White) slut and then went to prison a few years later for breaking and entering and rape. I don’t know the full context. He also had sex with his step sister. At the time though, their parents were just dating.
A lot of rural negros are very religious.
Real life “N-Tower” demolished Warren mentioned the demolition of this housing project that was shown in the movie Koyaanisqatsi (“life out of balance”). The 1950’s Pruitt-Igoe project in Saint Louis, MO was one of those idealistic, utopian projects of the 1950’s, as though they were replicating Le Corbusier’s 1920’s Ville Radieuse (which was for the wealthy). But it was demolished in the 1970’s. It sounds like it was horrible. The Guardian has some gruesome details — leaky plumbing, building maintenance not done, “floods of raw sewage through the hallways.” The Guardian cautiously hints that white flight is to blame! https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/apr/22/pruitt-igoe-high-rise-urban-america-history-cities… Read more »
Photo of the demolition here. I can’t get the image to appear in the comment…
How does one get married these days without patronizing the Jewish diamond business?
“I found this Hitler quote…”
LOL! Just keep mining those Hitler quotes Warren!
Envy has no place in White Nationalism, Georgy.
(((Matthew Yglesias)))
From Wikipedia:
His paternal grandfather was of Spanish-Cuban background, and his three other grandparents were of Eastern European Jewish descent”
So 3/4 jew.
The White percentage of the population back then were actually counting all Caucasians. Which included MENA and South Asian people.
Interestingly, the same Japanese architect who designed the Pruitt-Igoe projects that were demolished within about 20 years, also designed the World Trade Center.
In north Arkansas the nogs we tend to get are immigrants who had the good sense to flee Chicago or St Louis. So they’re a little more intelligent than the few native ones we have. The real nigger behavior comes out in urban areas like Little Rock, or manifests in the Mexicans and Salvies flooding in
I am from the “black belt.” I was born in the Mississippi delta. Ive seen it transform from a wholesome rural area to a wasteland over my 30+ years. I moved from the area when I was ten, but regularly visited family. My last trip was for my grandfather’s funeral about 3 years ago. The little town I grew up had a gas station, a grocery store anf a family owned pizza shop with a video rental store right next door owned by the same family. They also sponsored a little league team and I played with their son. All… Read more »
Not that it matters or is important to our people, but I saw an interview with Will Smith and Jada, to where she admitted she had an affair with their son’s best friend. She said ‘I just hadn’t felt so good is so, so long!’ Will Smith’s eyes told the whole story, of just a broken man. So, this wasn’t about him upholding his wife’s honor, to me, it was an act orchestrated by his domineering wife. Will is a broken cuck, trying to prove his worth and manliness to a wife who cheats on him with a kid. Sad… Read more »
In the Not-Too-Distant Future
Next Sunday A.D.
There was a Goy named Jazz
Not to to different from you or me
He works on a show – Fash the Nation
Just a funny guy into contemplation
He did a good job with his fresh Hot Takes
But Moike and Sven got jealous
And they shot him into space…
Couldn’t find a good rhyme wit Takes. Plus, you gotta end that lyric with shot him into space.
It near rhymes. Sing it aloud. You’ll see.
Anti-Semite Science Theatre 3000
I grew up right across the creek from a black community in the south. They were country blacks who actually owned their own businesses. The country blacks tend to live in extended family groups in isolated communities. I was good friends with a black girl from that community whose dad was actually fairly wealthy, owned the family business, and was the patriarch figure. That’s pretty common for country blacks; living almost communally. They do get government checks, but they aren’t violent like the city niggers. It’s the very low IQ creatures that “stay” in government and section 8 housing in… Read more »
im not in memphis, but i was raised in atlanta…so I have been exposed to all the different black archetypes. The deep rural catfish eating black actually are very safe to be around as long as you know how to act…unlike the gangbanger blacks they dont kill people for absolutely no reason. They are deeply religious people (while poor urban blacks typically are not)
Luxury retards. Show title
Le Corbusier was fascist in his youth but then became a futurist socialist. The problem of socialism at the time is that it was futuristic, it was exciting. The other top modernist Mies Van der Rohe was a goy and far from communist. Modernism can be fascist and there was a lot of great modern fascist architecture in Italy. Modern Fascism… I like.
Double speed Moike doing Tyson is priceless.
Minnesotan here. The crack stacks aren’t exactly down town. They are accross the river closer to the U of M; and its not full of Chicago Niggers. It’s filled with Somalians
Justicemap.org is great, I’ve been looking for a resource like that. There used to be a pretty good one on the NYTimes site but they took it down. There’s also this one which lets you compare the data against 10, 20 and 30 years ago:
The Jewish usurpation of power in White America has brought about a system of state sponsored dysgenics, and an increasingly hostile, anti-White ideological climate overall.
Predictably, this is how Jews “thank” their foolish Anglo Golem for destroying their intentionally maligned, demonized German enemy in WWII.
For fucks sake every time a kike writes a need piece on someone they intent on smearing its a conspiracy to lynch. Antifa doxings are a conspiracy to lynch. We could overload the system by filing police complaints with conspiracy to lynch whites
Exhibit six million of how the Demonrats and Rethuglicans have no meaningful differences:
It’s only forty seconds for the tl;dw crowd. Conservatives are going to blame Biden for Ukraine’s defeat because he was just too scared to give Ukraine everything they needed. The opposition to Biden’s policies is that he didn’t do them hard enough. Just another form of “we’re even more in love with blacks than the Democrats!”
This is why cops are racial enemies. You defend your family any cop coming for you volunteered to get killed
I saw clips of assorted Jewocrat politicians stating that they are GOING to (((win))) the midterms. Dominion in effect again,
The discussion of how fast the projects (crack stacks-lol) fall apart reminded me of something I heard on another podcast about the elevators breaking down. It’s because they use them as turlets. 🚽
Do a search for “elevator urine damage” and look at all the results. Obviously urine and electromechanical devices don’t work well together. Imagine being the elevator repairman getting your work assignment? “You’re going to Cabrini Green today, Joe.”
Yeah guy I’m going to need proof Kurt eichenwald had a seizure and the medical expert can’t be just another kike
Amazon and HBO making shows like Watchmen and Hunters is that not a conspiracy to lynch
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility, everyone!
A message from your Leaders:
Eyeballs on the trannies, goyim! Behold!!
I gotta find out which state has the disgusting abortion policy and find sometime that spells it out. Because I’m willing to bet a lot of people don’t know about and if there was something to convince people the GOP is anti-white that would help. I posy on the fox news comments section and I get the most push back when I point out the GOP is anti-white. They don’t want to hear it
The saddest, most horrifying place I’ve yet seen in my life is a place called Shamokin, PA. The Hubster and I took a driving tour one year. We decided to drive on local roads, and off the highways. We wandered into this town. Shamokin used to be a thriving little American town. An industrial center. Edison set up shop there, when he was bringing electricy to America. Then – Jew War II and the stunning “success” of Jewry’s Nation Wrecking. The places is LITERALLY gutted. The demographics consist of White meth-heads. The downtown business district has been literally ripped to… Read more »
Also fully agree with JazzHands take on bringing your baby out in public and it triggering reactions. When we bring my daughter out in public we get A LOT of positive attention, especially from older generations. Even doctors and dentists office workers will give my daughter “extra presents” and they say they usually don’t give out more than one per child. My wife thought it was unusual but I told her it’s because people are not use to seeing blonde haired blue eyed children anymore. It’s rare and they’re like a piece of masterful artwork.
Protect her with your life! She is the greatest treasure on Earth!
Take care of her cautiously…
Everything in this world is too Jewish, moderation is key. It’s your only greatest possession you have now.
Have seen this too. Asian hair dressers cooing over shaggy-haired blond boy and sister.
Can confirm! Wife happened to go to a meeheecan restaurant to pick up some slop and happened to have our toddler on board. All their women, young and old, castizo futurism fawned over the lil nazi package she had in arm. We walk through stores and all but blacks dote on h** blue eyes and blonde curls. Elderly Whites have walked up smiling and just simply said “beautiful.” I’ve never been more proud of anything in my life.
The PROBLEM with Uber White rural regions are the Nice White Kristards – who believe EVERYTHING on TalmudVision about “tolerance” and “diversity” and “We are all the same underneath!” and Shudder CLUTCH THE PEARLS! “The Eeeeevils of WAYYYCISM!”. I know about this personally because I live in one of these places. Most of the men kinda sorta know the racial score – but they are Kristards. They embody the concept of “Don’t Rock the Boat”. The Nice White Krishtun Ladies are the real enforcers of RACIAL TOLERANCE GOD DAMMIT!. Even though they’ve never been around orcs 24/7. I married into… Read more »
Hard R
Koyaanisqatsi discussion on FTN! Holy shit I’m going to renew my subscription for 1,000 years!
Check out the scene Warren described: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nq_SpRBXRmE&t=1s
Pruitt Igoe had the same architect as the World Trade Center.
Glad to see someone else on here knows about that film! It had a profound effect on me when I saw it.
I’ve seen lots of retarded schitzo blacks in Boston. Sittin there picking their assholes in public then eating food. Also saw one carrying a shaman stick, one holding out a hamburger making threatening gestures with it, and another pushing a cart around.
Re: 1 Billion Americans.
325 million Americans with a slim White majority is bad enough. 1 Billion, consisting of probably 500 million goblins and 500 million straight up Aboobooboobooboobooboo Africans sounds like something that should be nuked from orbit.
So, Jazz, you’re saying the land nigger eats the water nigger since both of them like to eat garbage? 🤣
I want to have a family but I cannot find single women anywhere. Everyone is too old or too young or outside my pay grade. I’m not even one of those guys who has to have a pure, church going virgin. Long work hours and working weekends also hampers my ability to look for a wife. Yet I must work this much to maintain a decent car and to save for a home. Feel like I’m spinning my wheels and time is getting short.
The post-2015 worldwide fertility collapse is something that almost no one knows about (talking to smart normies, and they usually think Japan is still unique although Japan has the highest fertility in East Asia) With India, Mexico and Indonesia now all reporting below replacement TFR, that appears to leave only two out of the top 10 most populous countries with a total fertility rate over 2.1. Twenty years ago, only three out of ten were below, and the US was very close.
That means that this world becomes Detroit, right?…
A possibility. We are only a few years away when the only countries in the world with fertility above 2.1 will be in Africa.
Thunder Katz
Oh gawd a new jew I need to know about
Is it on the feed yet
It is now