Strike and Mike talk about the current situation in Ukraine, the recent history of the region, Stephan Bandera and the feces scenario with Black America.
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- Latest developments in the Ukrainian war
- Fact and fiction about the Azov Battalion
- History of Stephan Bandera
- Recent history of Russia
- The Joker as a role model for Black America
Idk why the US can’t build hypersonic missiles, India has them.
Shit, I’m dumb. I lied about “homogeneous”. I thought it was British / American but I googled and they’re two different words. Homogenous is apparently old fashioned and obsolete, although some places listed it as a synonym of homogeneous, which is the more common word and has an extra syllable.
Sorry Striker.
Not sure what you were watching, but I’d assume any English language news you watch from India, especially with white guys, is specifically designed for the foreign audience, the equivalent of Russia Today. Indians would watch news in Hindi I think.
They have many local languages in India, so to speak to different people across India they do use English.
I get the point with lifestyle nazis but your friend is right. Catalonia is doing exactly the same thing with the Spanish language in Catalonia. Spanish is not ilegal yet but they are forbidding the teaching in Spanish in Catalonia. They’re building to make Spanish ilegal.
However, I make another reading of Ukraine from the Spanish context. I see Spain as Russia and Catalonia as Ukraine. Small nationalisms are cancer in the European context and Zog uses them to break up solidarity.
Everything political is fucking gay in Spain (Catalonia included)… VOX is an exception and is filled to the gills with falangists and fascists (like me) but we don’t know if they’re ZOG controlled yet. In any case, I’m in and a lot of other fascists are inside keeping an eye on what they do.
By the way, things are getting really really bad economically in Spain like they are in America. I could see this country imploding, people are getting anxious and VOX keeps chiming in the polls. Interesting times are coming!
Azog Battalion.
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Have more weapons been sent to the Ukraine than were sent to the USSR by the USA and GB via the lend lease agreements of WW2?
We have the desire, now we need to construct the tool to manifest our desire. That tool is the organisation, the party that can see our will done. The desire and will is there, the will is made manifest in the world through the tool/weapon, which is comprised of organisation, structure and technique. This is the fist that strike with the correct technique, coordination and bodily structure. This is how the will is made manifest in physical form. In our situation the tool/weapon is the party/social organisation structure. And the leader of that party, I believe, at least in the… Read more »
I don’t what the video but I’m pretty sure that that Arab guy that Striker and Mike are talking about is the guy that was featured in the “Ukraine on fire” documentary. I highly recommend anyone that hasn’t watched it to do so for some good background information. He was the guy that sent the Facebook message that basically began the Maidan protest the ended in a coup. He can also be seen in some of the footage of the progovernment goons that committed the atrocity of burning people to death in that building in Odessa, I think it was.… Read more »
Speaking of arresting party members in Europe when they become too popular, I worry about this for NJP. We must press on though, either we win or our race dies, it’s time to start taking it seriously and quit treating this all as a hobby. That’s not a statement to you guys, thank you for all that you do, but to us who are only here for entertainment. I have a feeling that when we all get involved and vetted the ball will really get rolling. I think this is the decade of the mass awakening.
I worry about that too. Plans must be put in place for that eventuality. We must get organized. I’m going to write something about all this and send it to some of the top brass, because I feel asthough our moment of opertunity is coming soon and we must be ready to strike when it does. The continued existence of our race may well depend on it. Just remember all you guys that are on here and read this. He all have a very important part to play in history and our individual actions are of great significance. If you… Read more »
This is great. My main interest in vetting and organizing is for community building. A happenstance situation had me run into a fellow brother a little while back. We both came to the conclusion that we should be focusing on community building, not compound style, but buy some land and attract like-minded brothers with families and start building a community organically from the bottom up. We are in the PNW btw. We will never have an Ethnostate, which is an absolute necessity for our long-term survival, until we begin with community building in a pre-ethnostate so to speak. This is… Read more »
I just figured I would never be approved so I didn’t bother. I am in an adjacent group that’s not TRS-hostile so I will call that good. Past a certain number you can’t guarantee you won’t let a few bad actors slip by. You have to accept that or always remain a small club. Or “cult” as detractors say.
If anything tried to put feces or urine on me – it’s their last act on Earth.
It’s interesting that there’s another black callously throwing feces at White people… not only is it happening in the U.S., but it’s happening in Toronto, Canada as well. Jewish lawyer as his defence:
Niggle me this, Batman. What accounts for as little as 13%, but also half?
Was just thinking about this recently. It’s actually more like 3% commits over half the murders once you take age and gender of that racial demographic into account.
The coat rack is a coat hanger that’s fucked around to create a lightning link in an AR, the glock switch is usually 3D printed and sold as a hobby item. The ATF has been trying to limit the distribution of files for printable gun parts but there’s a lot of red tape and the software has been so far distributed that it’s like pissing on a electrical fire
I think I can safely say that I’m the only one here who has called Adam Kinzinger a faggot to his face, given we went to the same school. Same goes for disgraced former GOP rising star Aaron Schock when I saw him while out and about.
Well done!
For me Azov, Right Sector and other similar nationalist groups are just as messy as Ukraine. Failed state, failed economy, failed society… and no, I don’t want to trash talk about the Ukrainian people BUT we need to be very realistic and critically-minded about the World (that’s why we are with TRS and instead of some yahoo “lets go” bunch).
“nothing can be done.”
Au contraire!
Kosher powerless contrarianism.
Of course fruitcake Greg Johnson supports the ZOGfag empire lol
4.25 hours…fuck I love your content but sometimes its too much lol
Come on, man…
STFU I need more gontent. I’m a truck driver so 11 hours is perfect.
“anti-Striker illustration”
Phfft! As if Striker wears a striped shirt! The only color on Striker’s shirts are coffee stains!
Strike and Mike: Georgians are White.
Thanks for the clarification.
“Chechens and Georgians are a little more White than Armenians.”
Well, the Chechens are a lot more White than Armenians. The Armenians are just Middle-Eastern.
Armenians be mad, LOL!
“They had no anti-jewish ideology.”
A White person without an anti-jewish ideology is a useless blob.
Striker was right about homogeneous
Mike was driving hard and loose with that pronunciation – sorry, hard and fast
The cartoon of Striker is funny because it’s pretty well done (except for the little Putin, who looks like a monkey in a suit), but it’s at the same time childish and weak in its actual critique. Even when you assume Striker will be proven completely and utterly wrong on all the statements quoted, none of that is one billionth as retarded and absurd as claiming “all races are equal” or “men can chose to be women and vice versa”, which is the openly stated official position of the psychopaths running the west. Very ironic considering that the west used… Read more »
You haven’t known the meme of Monke Putin. It’s there for obvious reasons, and used frequently by Ukrainians, Russophobes, and SIEGEtards.
I know of Holi thanks to working in tech. I didn’t know about the groping but it does have the reputation of crowds throwing colored powder and colored water at each other. It’s like pagan spring festival meets Florida spring break, carnival, Mardi Gras, etc.
Svaboda? Sbarro? No one wants to vote for the party of heat-lamp mall food court pizza.
Don’t forget, Olena also has Richard Spencer on her side now lol
You don’t know that the black who stabbed the Polish guy was a refugee. He could be Polish himself. After all, as EMJ has taught us, if a black moves to Poland, speaks Polish, is Catholic, and eats kielbasa he’s Polish.
ya him and about 300 million other christians
All Walmart and no crack makes Tyrone a dull nigger
“Why are you obsessed with race?”
1.Because jews like your petty dictator and fart-joke-comedian (((Zelinskiyijyijyyy))) are obsessed with it and they hate us and attack us White Europeans on that basis, therefore we have to defend ourselves on that basis.
2.Because race is real and makes a difference. You cannot maintain the culture and civilization and the technological progress of White countries when you remove White people from the equation, or try to enforce equality on things that aren’t equal.
Think its Yanna-KO-Vitch rather than Yanook-avitch
“Death in June t-shirt”: the homosexual Douglas Pearce who fronts Death in June supports Ukraine, he even did an album called Snipers of the Maidan in 2018. Reading the lyrics though it is a typical DIJ song full of ambiguity. Pearce started out as an anarchist; if he’s a supporter of NATO now (not sure) then he’s come full circle like a lot of boomer leftists. Another neofolk musician, Rome, supports Ukraine too but unlike DIJ he’s always signaled as being leftist. Tony Wakeford (Sol Invictus) formerly of DIJ, briefly joined BNP back in the 1980s before cucking and is… Read more »
Homogenous and homogeneous are two different words.
The former refers to milk. The latter refers to things made up of similar elements and some other math stuff that doesn’t matter.
Homogenous is an older scientific term that describes similar tissues or organs. It has been replaced by homologous. Homogeneous is an adjective that describes similar or uniform characteristics. In summary, Homogeneous is still used in modern writing. Homogenous has largely been replaced by homologous.
Milky :DDDD
Chadrian what happened to your Poast account?
Arsen Avakov was Ukraine’s former Interior Minister and not a Businessman. He merged Azov with the National Guard.
Ukrainian nigger bucks. I’ve seen it all. Where were the niggers in HBO Chernobyl? Did the reactor explode when niggers dialed up the reactor output thinking it was the knob on the stereo? Slav squat meets muh dick. Adidas track pants and a big gold-plated clock around their neck. Blyat mothafucka?!
that show was still totally pozzed though they made up the wamen in it
and they made up this ridiculous coversation where they stopped talking about the meltdown and fields of corpses to shit talk the nsdap. as if anyone would do thaat in the middle of that nuclear apocalypse. so dumb.
The stereo bit made me laugh out loud.
The thing on Striker’s head in the cartoon is the “cuck cage”, as the NATO stans call them. It is slat armor for the top of the tank where the armor is thin to defend against javelin missiles. Russians had them on their tanks when they were rolling into the country, haven’t seen them lately.
According to the military spergs on YouTube I have watched it doesn’t protect against javelins, but it does protect against older rpg weapons fired downwards from the tops of buildings. It’s an urban warfare thing Russians learned from their late unpleasantness in Grozny.
I’ve also heard it called a “cope cage.”
Russian surplus ammo has been being sold to Americans for a very long time. The Russians have always been hoarders of weapons. To think this conflict has depleted their reserves is a fucking joke.
The SKS (Russian preferred over Chinese) is also a popular and was a fairly cheap gun to buy up here in Canada.
Moike – you look very sexy and attractive. You have Bedroom Hair. The angle and lighting reveals how thick and clean your hair is. It makes the ladies want to play..with your hair.
Striker! GET BETTER SOON! I have the sinus cold cough thing, too. I’m a week and a half in. Apparently it takes two weeks to get over this thing. Take care of yourself. We love you and NEED you!
Agreed, Mike is hot
He needs to quit smoking.
Ukrainians are the Kurds of Europe, doomed to be stateless and/or divided between neighboring powers.
And much like how Kurds are just mountain Persians, Ukrainians are just Polonised Russians
Homogenious? Leave Greg Johnson out of this!