Strike and Mike talk about Russia, Ukraine, Putin, Solzhenitsyn, Trotsky, and the limitations of the Jewish strategy of multi-ethnic empire.
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by Mike P
Strike and Mike talk about Russia, Ukraine, Putin, Solzhenitsyn, Trotsky, and the limitations of the Jewish strategy of multi-ethnic empire.
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I appreciate the muzak in a fashy context.
Mike if I’m not mistaken they did try and buy land in Palestine from the Ottomans, the Caliph refused. He said he couldn’t sell it for any price because it’s sacred, Prophet Mohammed went to Heaven from Al-Aqsa.
Uh oh the technical difficulties Muzak!
Mikes libtard priors coming thru with the music choice here
Striker taking a shit or something?
The smoking gun on Striker’s theory is Brandeis and Frankfurter sabotaging peace negotiations between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire which would have probably ended the war in 1917. Which had the negotiations been successful there would have been no Armenian and Greek Genocides.
Wow! I totally remember you brother! You used to come on Heel Turn days right?! Nice to see you again.
As for Ukraine suppressing the Hungarian language as a minority tongue it’s laughable: We’re talking about 150-200.000 Hungarians all in the Transcarpathian region (which belonged to the Hungarian Kingdom for 900 years up to the end of WW1) in a country with 40+ million people… “Boy, those people on the Western side of the mountain really endanger the national identity of Ukraine.” All in all I’ve always felt this Ukraine conflict is so anachronistic, all the chauvinistic pandering, relics from the early 20th century… average folks on both sides who have been swept into this conflict are so clouded in… Read more »
It’s that that kike on French TV going “quei?” only it’s a city: Kee-v?
Belarus means White Russia. Literally, Belo means White.
everyone ganster til Putin takes (((qui)))v
Hey Striker check out this clip from a famous Muslim Sheik Imran Hosein. It’s called Zionist master plan in Ukraine.
He’s saying exactly the same thing as you.
They Strike,
They Mike,
Strike and Mike and Strike,
Strike Strike Strike,
Mike Mike Mike,
The Strikey and Mikey Show!
Nah, Striker had to finish the call on the secure line with his Russian nazbol-duginist contact. Mike was just covering it up with some “technical difficulties”.
Just listening to Mike breath, tap on his desk, and pitter patter around 😂
Mike is such a good friend, covering for Striker like that.
Thank god!
Mike schizophrenic power hour
Well,I guess we now have an answer to whether these two look at the comments. CAN’T HEAR STRIKER!!!
Thought this was coffee sipping asmr for a sec
Borzoi, please tell me you’re reading this and texting the wheelchairman right now. I need Striker’s takes!
Do these two ever read the comments?
That’s Sven’s forte.
Unmute Striker!
Can’t hear striker
striker is muted
Mike & Mike’s heavy breathing
Mike, for God’s sake check the comments!
Striker his voice silent. Mike his coffee he sips
The schizophrenic ramblings of our chairmen to himself
Striker has been a collective hallucination
Mike has finally taken the schizo pill
Can’t hear Striker. The Russians hacked skype!!!!
is striker muted?
Can’t hear Striker. Hope you’re recording.
Striker machine broke
I can’t hear Striker! Is it an issue on my end?
Mike and mike
Cant hear striker. Oh no
Can’t hear striker
its hyperbolic but hyperborean
What does Israel say about the situation?
Are we live
Give me an ‘N’!
Give me an ‘I’!
Give me a ‘G’!
Give me a ‘G’!
Give me an ‘E’!
What’s that spell?
If you listen really closely you might just catch the faintest sound of the post-war US hegemonic order crumbling into oblivion.
Should I press play now
Long live Putin
nonce is invalid but the takes are hot
…but nuance is required…