The extremely online NEET class SHOULD be alienated!
February 14, 2022 3:13 pm
Cooper Kupp is reffered to as “White Rice” as he is considered the best receiver in football since Jerry Rice. The Rams roster is half white…which is the whitest team in decades and look at the results
February 14, 2022 2:52 pm
Mike’s dislike of Tolkien is almost as bad as his fondness for jam bands.
February 14, 2022 2:28 pm
Based Aragorn?
H.P. Hovercraft
February 14, 2022 2:23 pm
Moike is a superior political analyst but I disregard everything he has to say about literature, movies, music, etc. because frankly Moike has terrible taste (growing up on comic books, Star Trek, Wheel of Time, and rap music is not a good preparation for these things) and Moike insists on seeing everything politically, which I suppose is a hazard of his trade. LOTR is not an allegory of the World Wars. Germany is not Mordor. Hitler is not Sauron. USA is not Numenor. Moike knows just enough about Tolkien to get things spectacularly wrong. Triggering my inner sperg, I know.… Read more »
February 14, 2022 1:56 pm
The term you are looking for is Pied Noir Mike. Algerian and Moroccan Jews are reviled by locals because they collaborated with the French. PS: Zemmour in Arabic means Trumpet – funny as he is a Pied Piper.
Verr Klemptis
February 14, 2022 1:51 pm
i like the fact that I didn’t know it was superb-owl day yesterday until prep.
TV? Movies? I have 4 new A-hill books came in the mail. I’m good, bruh.
February 14, 2022 1:49 pm
theyre running a jewish “french nationalist” in order to compromise millions of actual french nationalists. Its an old sabbatean frankist move which people chose to allow by insisting they dont need their own infrastructure free of the merchants.
Adolf Quisling
February 14, 2022 1:27 pm
Moike lying about Tolkien, with an agenda. Someone bring in Alex McBugnat to correct the record.
February 14, 2022 1:13 pm
Football fans think there’s a state of New England
Football fans think we still have a state. They can’t turn off the TV and look up to see there is nothing left of America.
Velocirapture 🇵🇸 🔻
February 14, 2022 1:11 pm
Eric Zemmour is a filthy jew that is trying to Berber-shop himself as the French far right candidate.
February 14, 2022 1:05 pm
Happy Valentine’s Day, Jamie. Sometimes we joke around a little too much in the comments, but we all love Jamie.
February 14, 2022 12:58 pm
Nooo. Berbers aren’t Africans. They’re not KANGS. They’re Arabs. Another word for them is Moors or Moroccans. And try as NIGGERS might, that is not their civilization. Never was. And fuck them for trying to steal something again. They deserve nothing.
Berbers are the indigenous people of North Africa. They aren’t Arab, although many consider themselves Arab-Berber. Dihya was a Berber Queen that led a resistance against Arab conquest. The term that is used for them nowadays is Amazigh. However, you are correct. North Africa was never Bantu.
What’s your bet that the death panel forgot it’s Valentine’s Day?
Looking for Jamie to confirm.
February 14, 2022 12:47 pm
Orange Team lost. I’m gonna be hangin.
Last edited 3 years ago by Ursus
February 14, 2022 12:45 pm
To defend Tolkein here, he always denied that his work was an allegory for World War I
Chad Vashem
February 14, 2022 12:39 pm
Pretty much everything is wrong about the lore, but okay.
February 14, 2022 12:38 pm
I hate-watched the Superbowl on Every commercial had niggers in it except one. It showed a bunch of 10 year old white kids drinking beer and acting crazy and a very pregnant white mother also drinking. The only time they showed white people was to make them look bad or stupid. Obviously it’s no shock to us here.
Adolf Quisling
February 14, 2022 12:16 pm
Ascccchually, Moike is partially wrong and partially right. Numenoreans were clearly a reference to Atlantis and pre-historic Aryan myths, but considering they’re a great civilization who gets infiltrated by Sauron, corrupted from within and ultimately driven down a path that leads to their own destruction because they failed to wipe out and instread invited in the subversive satanic influence, they’re actually a great allegory for the US. But on the wider point, no, Moike is wrong and the orcs are niggers. Even if Tolkien were clearly inspired by the great war when he wrote the Lord of the Rings, it… Read more »
One more thing, regarding Sauron’s ultimate ambition, which was to tear down the nature and beauty of Middle-Earth to feed industrial machines for ultimately no other point than destruction. This is cleary Tolkien reacted to the jewish capitalist system which was in the process of taking over the entire West when he wrotes his books. The dwarves in the books are jews (the Lonely Mountain clearly representing the lost kingdom of Israel) portrayed them as flawed but ultimately respectable because he was not woke on the Jewish Question. This however does not change the fact that the greedy, industrial-capitalist forces… Read more »
Does this mean that the “One Ring” is the Holocaust? And if we cast it into the fires of Mt. Doom to destroy it, Sauron will also be instantly destroyed?
“One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.”
When you think about it, we are all pretty bound in darkness by this ultimate myth.
Last edited 3 years ago by JanoyCresva
Roman the Barbarian
February 14, 2022 12:11 pm
Tolkien himself probably had German ancestry. The name is likely derived from the word “tollkühn”, which means reckless.
I don’t blame him for anti-German sentiments, he was propagandized like most people were and still are today. Plus, simply pretending orcs are sunpeople works just fine for me.
Dwarfs represent heebs, Tolkien said so himself.
The thing is you can interpret an authors or artists work differently than they intended and still be correct.
John Carpenters “They Live” is a perfect example. He swore up and down his movie wasn’t antisemitic and it was about Reaganomics, but seriously; what is the better take?
“Grima Wormtongue is a jew.”
I thought the Dwarves were?
“…If you’re a civic nationalist”
More like syphilic nationalist!
“He’s a BERBER!”
Five minutes later…Berbers OUTRAGED!
The Rams are originally from Cleveland. The Cardinals are originally from Chicago.
Having already alienated the white working class, watch as Moike decides to alienate the extremely online NEET class with his LoTR takes.
The extremely online NEET class SHOULD be alienated!
Cooper Kupp is reffered to as “White Rice” as he is considered the best receiver in football since Jerry Rice. The Rams roster is half white…which is the whitest team in decades and look at the results
Mike’s dislike of Tolkien is almost as bad as his fondness for jam bands.
Based Aragorn?
Moike is a superior political analyst but I disregard everything he has to say about literature, movies, music, etc. because frankly Moike has terrible taste (growing up on comic books, Star Trek, Wheel of Time, and rap music is not a good preparation for these things) and Moike insists on seeing everything politically, which I suppose is a hazard of his trade. LOTR is not an allegory of the World Wars. Germany is not Mordor. Hitler is not Sauron. USA is not Numenor. Moike knows just enough about Tolkien to get things spectacularly wrong. Triggering my inner sperg, I know.… Read more »
The term you are looking for is Pied Noir Mike. Algerian and Moroccan Jews are reviled by locals because they collaborated with the French. PS: Zemmour in Arabic means Trumpet – funny as he is a Pied Piper.
i like the fact that I didn’t know it was superb-owl day yesterday until prep.
TV? Movies? I have 4 new A-hill books came in the mail. I’m good, bruh.
theyre running a jewish “french nationalist” in order to compromise millions of actual french nationalists. Its an old sabbatean frankist move which people chose to allow by insisting they dont need their own infrastructure free of the merchants.
Moike lying about Tolkien, with an agenda. Someone bring in Alex McBugnat to correct the record.
Football fans think there’s a state of New England
There is a state of New England, and that state is a state of decrepitude.
Football fans think we still have a state. They can’t turn off the TV and look up to see there is nothing left of America.
Eric Zemmour is a filthy jew that is trying to Berber-shop himself as the French far right candidate.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Jamie. Sometimes we joke around a little too much in the comments, but we all love Jamie.
Nooo. Berbers aren’t Africans. They’re not KANGS. They’re Arabs. Another word for them is Moors or Moroccans. And try as NIGGERS might, that is not their civilization. Never was. And fuck them for trying to steal something again. They deserve nothing.
Berbers are the indigenous people of North Africa. They aren’t Arab, although many consider themselves Arab-Berber. Dihya was a Berber Queen that led a resistance against Arab conquest. The term that is used for them nowadays is Amazigh. However, you are correct. North Africa was never Bantu.
So what the fuck are Arabs?
A mongrel social construct
Berbers are Arab race.
What’s your bet that the death panel forgot it’s Valentine’s Day?
Looking for Jamie to confirm.
Orange Team lost. I’m gonna be hangin.
To defend Tolkein here, he always denied that his work was an allegory for World War I
Pretty much everything is wrong about the lore, but okay.
I hate-watched the Superbowl on Every commercial had niggers in it except one. It showed a bunch of 10 year old white kids drinking beer and acting crazy and a very pregnant white mother also drinking. The only time they showed white people was to make them look bad or stupid. Obviously it’s no shock to us here.
Ascccchually, Moike is partially wrong and partially right. Numenoreans were clearly a reference to Atlantis and pre-historic Aryan myths, but considering they’re a great civilization who gets infiltrated by Sauron, corrupted from within and ultimately driven down a path that leads to their own destruction because they failed to wipe out and instread invited in the subversive satanic influence, they’re actually a great allegory for the US. But on the wider point, no, Moike is wrong and the orcs are niggers. Even if Tolkien were clearly inspired by the great war when he wrote the Lord of the Rings, it… Read more »
One more thing, regarding Sauron’s ultimate ambition, which was to tear down the nature and beauty of Middle-Earth to feed industrial machines for ultimately no other point than destruction. This is cleary Tolkien reacted to the jewish capitalist system which was in the process of taking over the entire West when he wrotes his books. The dwarves in the books are jews (the Lonely Mountain clearly representing the lost kingdom of Israel) portrayed them as flawed but ultimately respectable because he was not woke on the Jewish Question. This however does not change the fact that the greedy, industrial-capitalist forces… Read more »
Sauron is also a literal volcano demon.
Does this mean that the “One Ring” is the Holocaust? And if we cast it into the fires of Mt. Doom to destroy it, Sauron will also be instantly destroyed?
“One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.”
When you think about it, we are all pretty bound in darkness by this ultimate myth.
Tolkien himself probably had German ancestry. The name is likely derived from the word “tollkühn”, which means reckless.
I don’t blame him for anti-German sentiments, he was propagandized like most people were and still are today. Plus, simply pretending orcs are sunpeople works just fine for me.
Dwarfs represent heebs, Tolkien said so himself.
that’s berber, that’s an industry term
I finally know how gun spergs feel. Hearing them be so wrong about Lord of the Rings triggered my autism bad.
Who’s a good borzoi?
The thing is you can interpret an authors or artists work differently than they intended and still be correct.
John Carpenters “They Live” is a perfect example. He swore up and down his movie wasn’t antisemitic and it was about Reaganomics, but seriously; what is the better take?
“unseen alien elite”
I don’t know, but Anglo capitalist bigwigs seem neither alien nor unseen to me.
LA Riots topped the Cincinnati Queens