Jazz and Warren provide 30 minutes of comfy feels simulation before reviewing the past 72 hours of international media reporting on anti-semitism, Kali Holloway's article "When Whiteness Starts Seeing Itself", and the blatant failure-to-launch shitlib finkery of Batya Ungar-Sargon.
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Midwinter Bomb Cyclone PSA
00:14:00 - Summer of NJP
00:34:00 - BREAKING JEWS: 72 Hours of Anti-Semitism
01:20:00 - 3 Dolla Muh Cheesemo
01:51:00 - BREAK
01:53:00 - WOAH RACED!
02:20:00 - Suuuurgn
02:52:00 - Endokomuna Fashwave PRL
came across this great example of delusional nigger Wakandaism
Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male Power
What happens when success is defined by status over women and people of color, instead of by actual accomplishments?
Great episode. I liked the analysis on how the Jewish handlers of the conservative movement are pivoting to class warfare, but I honestly don’t think this can last long. I had a conservative normie friend who was bought in to those recent Tucker talking points, but a simple 2 pronged attack absolutely dismantled that argument and had him genuinely starting to move closer to our position: On one hand, all you have to do is challenge them to point out who the “elites” are, and they can’t avoid running into kike after kike. And on the other hand, you can… Read more »
Great comment.
12 years a nigger
I think Emily should migrate to the TRS gang too
Which show would she go on?
Could do one with Hiraeth the musician.
Emily & Borzette & another gril have just started a podcast
Needs comment section. Or is there a show page for this?
The moment after I thought there should be I realized there probably shouldn’t be.
I’m probably not alowed to say this. But the longest bridge in Europe is that Azov bridge which is over 19 kilometers long and is a two way highway on both sides and 2 rail lines in between them. With large guard rails and everything, very safe. And Crimea at that time had exorbitant food prices cause they were like cut off from the world. That bridge pushed food and fuel prices down something crazy like 60%. America would never embark on a project of that scale unless it somehow benefited niggers. America prioritizes “minority owned” contractors. I do not… Read more »
had an in-person vetting about a week ago, still haven’t heard back, hopefully I didn’t fuck up too bad lol
If worst case scenario, wait some time, try again
I failed my in person vetting in New Zealand.
Lol I don’t think there are pool parties outside of the USA (not adjacent to ours, at least)
Action Zealandia. I’m not too but hurt. Either they misunderstood me or are looking for a different type of person at the moment. I will not stop supporting this movement though. I’m a true believer in the cause.
https://www.jewishpress.com/wp-content/uploads/Antisemitic-flyer-distributed-in-Miami-Beach-claims-the-Covid-agenda-is-Jewish-January-23-2022.-696×870.jpg. Here is the flyer Jazz mentions at about 41 minutes in. Not bad.
1:06:25 – could I get the source for the African guards? I mentioned this to a boomer who was reveling over Trump’s supposed “pardoning” of J6 prisoners and he flew off the handle because he couldn’t just look it up on Fox Jews.
Trump could have pardoned them all on January 7th, 2021 or January 8th or 9th, or any time during the final 2 weeks he was president. I don’t know how conservatives are retarded enough to fall for, “If we get muh Trump back in, he’ll save the J6 protestors!” It’s such an obvious dupe. Especially since it’s not like he didn’t have time to do it. He pardoned a boatload of corrupt Jews right before he peaced out of the White House.
Ziocon boomers are such a lost cause. I was met with a simple “Africans don’t hate White people” and then dismissed the entire J6 prison situation as a hoax.
Warren, you are a legend bro!
In one of the James Bond novels– I wish I could remember which one– Ian Fleming uses the term “chigroe” to describe a bad-guy character who is half chink and half jiggaboo. He also describes him as being “the ugliest of the possible mix of races” (my paraphrase).
Dr No
” And the right has further completely forgotten that Democracy is fundamentally not German: It is Jewish” Adolf Hitler: Speech in Munich April 12, 1922
Indian males are the ultimate Shabbos Goy
Not even a Jew could get them to poo in the loo though.
Darwin warned that the Europeans would conquer the whole planet. Then all of a sudden we had two world wars. Weird
He’s not wrong. We still will.
N. American continent at least.
Arthur Finklestein worked on many of those legal cases in the 1970s with anti-war liberal Eugene McCarthy who ran as a third party independent in 1976 to take votes away from Jimmy Carter. He had enough votes to flip several states to Gerald Ford in an extremely close election. In 1980, McCarthy endorsed Ronald Reagan. It always works that way.
Funny joke:
Two liberal men are talking to each other. One says to the other “I bet I can get that conservative guy to cut his balls off!” “Really, I’d like to see that.”
So one liberal guy goes up to the conservative man and says “Having testicles is racist.” The conservative man immediately dropped his pants, put his balls onto a chopping board, and cut them off.
He then sang “Haha, you can’t call me racist, cuz I cut off my balls!”
Clearly the conservative won that argument.
No what actually happened was the liberal tells the conservative “having balls is racist” and the conservative drops his pants and exposes his front hole and says. To late, already gone! The liberal says “oh, uhh sorry ma’am.”
I’m going to start calling the Biden Administration the Noahiden Administration. The White House will now be called the Fellowhite House.
The Pentagon will now undergo renovations so it looks like the Star of David.
Always great content. Thank you Gentlemen dor your efforts
My dude
Hail victory
Hey, don’t boomer out too hard on us there guy. LOL!
Wow, now I had the old page. Hello fellow spiritual boomer
Lol big facts bro
I need an NJP lapel pin to go with my polo now. Hopefully I have the chance to get one at an event this summer. Thanks for everything you guys do. Hail victory.
I love that every episode Warren can relate quotes from Hitler to what they are talking about. Would love a Warren Deep Dive on literally anything or any event as related to WWII or Nazis.
Yeah, and maybe if they cover WW2, they could cover some Italian and Japanese stuff, not just German stuff.
I’m most interested in German because I myself am North Western European and also because they were the most explicit about race in their ideology. I would like to know more about the Japanese though, I don’t know much about their system back then.
Same here. I love it how Warren always harkens back to the NSDAP. They are the example and the inspiration.
Mr Warren! My Yule tree is still up! It’s a White Birch my hubby cut down himself, on our property. Almost no loss of needles. We will take it down next week, though.
“Oh, nothing, I was just gonna make a Babi Yar joke.”
Apropos the kike/pizza/oven joke:
Question: What is the difference between a fag and a freezer?
Answer: A freezer doesn’t fart when you take meat out of it.
Question: What is the difference between a tranny and a freezer?
Answer: A freezer doesn’t leak shit when you take meat out of it.
Q: What’s the difference between niggers and tires?
A: tires don’t sing when you put chains on them
A: tires smell good
Q: How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
A: Cut the rope!
Have to chime in again. Warren is on point. Yes I loved being a soldier. I began to love suffering which is what walking 20 miles with weight is. I’ve never felt worse or better. Do me a favor, put weight on your back walk far and suffer. You will grow
Hell is cold, wet, hungry and tired and still having to drive on
A few minutes into my Sunday hike, with FTN playing in my ear, I had the sudden desire to go to the comment section and call McFeels and Balogh a couple of lying cocksuckers, but by the time the show ended, after three hours of hiking on frozen, show covered trails (starting temp 15F), I decided they were okay fellows. So I re-listened to the first 30 minutes of the second half of the show on my way home…
My bias were confirmed while listening on my cold predawn walk.
Warren is exactly right. Not only cabin fever but IMO being too comfortable is the enemy. What did Hitler say? We must embrace struggle. As far as this stuff getting to you a little but, I would say it has had a huge effect on me. I’m a vet with PTSD and the red pill has ruined all distractions so I really have to make sure I’m doing something healthy every day. For me that is physical exercise in the form of martial arts, combat sports etc.
Warren is correct about the cold. I’ve been doing cold exposure therapy and damn I feel great. Cold water plunges has reset my comfort zone. I don’t feel like a whiny bitch anymore. No inconvenience bothers me anymore, and I’m tackling all of my goals like never before. Check out the benefits on the brain, from cold water plunges.
I was doing this regularly every Sunday after jiu jitsu a couple of years ago. You feel fantastic afterwards. This inspired me to start again
Trannies are gross. And they belong in prison. I’m not kidding. As do their doctors. And hormone therapy especially pushing that on kids is a crime against humanity.
Especially their doctors… they play along with the mental illness of certain people who later become trannies instead of curing them (or at least locking them up in institutions). That’s a big disgrace for doctors who go up against medical ethics. I have a suspicion there are a lot of Jewish doctors in the “tranny industry”, they aren’t bothered by “ethics”.
They’ve shamelessly violated the Hippocratic Oath.
I don’t even think they deserve prison, their existence is against nature, they do not belong in this planet with the Jews, simple as…
I think we found the 26th point to the NJP Platform: throw trannies in prison.
Jews just got too cocky. I’ve worked in entire departments where I’m the only native English speaker and I’ve worked with Pajeets who I can’t even understand and have had to get them to email me instead. This was a while back, but I went to Fry’s electronics in Duluth, and it was like Little Mumbai. It would be one thing if they were trying to flood us with K*reans and Japanese people, but they’re flooding us with Poojeets, SEAmonkies, and beaners. Jews MAY have been able to manage the situation, but I think Trump threw a grenade and blew… Read more »
As for this bullshit kosher nationalism… it was really revealing at the 2020 “National Conservativism Conference” in Italy with Salvini, Orban, Rod Dreher XD… that Hazony and other Israeli Jews rushed up to the conference to lecture others about European nationalism.
Even if someone is not (yet) in on the Jewish question they may start asking questions like “Why did a bunch of Israelis (from outside of Europe) go there to talk about European nationalism and national identity?” “What the fuck do they have to do with it?” “Why is it a concern for them?” etc…
NJP needs to make a statement on the Russia Ukraine situation
Show to snovel!
I say that all the time!
April has traditionally been Confederate History month. I don’t mind sharing though.
Aperil Black History Month 2.
February is Imbolc Month
No, it should be Nazi Month, our lord was born in April after all…
I, for one, would love to update the meaning of 4/20 to what it rightfully is.
I’m reading the headlines about what the Israelis think of about Russia Ukraine and all the articles indicate they are just sitting on the sidelines. Their main focus is actually evacuating all Jews in the affected areas to Israel should a war break out. Apparently some Jews have already left because of the fighting since 2019. I had no idea there were still 70 thousand of them in Ukraine. But it’s interesting. If Israel doesn’t want this war as is claimed, why aren’t they reigning in the Biden Administration? Naturally, unlike our “other allies and partners” who must sanction Russia,… Read more »
The thing about Atlantic being more of a goy libtard flavored publication vs. the west coast Jewiness of Vox makes sense, given the Atlantic’s roots as an abolitionist newspaper way back in the early 19th century.
What do you guys think of the Canadian Boomer Trucker protest???
We leafs are always like “notice me senpai” at the US. They never care. So chad ❤️
At least Randbot covered it. Our commonwealth/Anglo-Union frens don’t let us down.
I am really enjoying it. Anti Covid stuff is still a part of normie politics I enjoy. FWIW, Jews even on the left are starting to push back on the Covid stuff, lately Bill Maher and Bari Weiss which suggest the Covid stuff could be getting turned down going forward.
Jazz soon will probably burst my bubble about the convoy and tell me how it is infiltrated and steered by kikes. Enjoy while you can.
I think the ballpoint pen meme is not the best anti DoAF argument.
Great art!
In 2016, I was a MAGA Zionist who didn’t yet understand the dangers of anti-semitism. Thanks to the constant education that the Jewish community provided me, I know better and can rectify that mistake. Now, when I hear a Jew cry out in pain, I look beside him to find the goy that he assailed. When I see Swastikas painted on synagogues, I check the Rabbi’s hands for black smudges of ink and oil. And when I hear the term “anti-semitic”, I understand that the only danger present is for the subversive goblin that brings it upon himself. Every. Fucking.… Read more »
Snowplow Nationalism viz “In Order of Disappearance” great Norwegian film.
Jazznds, Manchester United is owned by American kikes the Glasers, who also own the Tampa Bay Bucs.
If only someone gassed the Glassers
“ kikes”
the nig-nog referenced in the article Marcus Rashford – is a domesticated pet-negro being run by an American Jew Michael Yormark under the aegis of Roc Nation Sports International to push all sorts of woke diversity nigger-lover shit & anti-racism into the Inger-land football culture
We got hammered bretty good. Fuckin plows couldn’t keep up. And local guys won’t touch anything that they aren’t getting paid to plow, we have to wait for DOT to come thru to clear the main roads. That’s why I have a 4wd vehicle. Stay warm gents!
quiet night in Corporate AmeriKaland, ready to listen to FTN
GQ – Groid Quarterly
GQ-Gas Qikes
88 long sleeved shirt | Tightrope Records
Very nice!
I have a giant fucking oven burning a hole in my pocket.
I’m an avid FTN enjoyer and I will never back down from this
I ❤️ Fascism
My Heroes Dress In Black (bitchute.com)
Really cool video! We will have our day of vengeance.
Looking forward to this