Just save your bacon grease, and use that instead of shit like olive oil, or spray on benzine.
Cheap, and it will make your eggs taste awesome.
P little
January 29, 2022 10:21 am
January 28, 2022 7:17 pm
As a callocaust survivor I think we need to erect a memorial.
(((They))) Die
January 28, 2022 3:16 pm
I think they used the mansion from the Big Lebowski in the final scene of There Will Be Blood.
January 28, 2022 1:43 pm
You really compared the well established negative effects of polyunsaturated fats to conspiracy theories that viruses don’t exist? I assume this is a meta-troll
January 28, 2022 1:29 pm
Low effort description. 🤣
Grand Nagus
January 28, 2022 12:25 pm
I’m still a big fan of Wolf of Wall Street. If you ignore the fact that Jordan Belfort is played by a goy – it’s still a movie about a kike that swindles everybody. It paints a picture of a culture of degenerate kikes taking people’s money and using it to fuel their degeneracy, which fuels their desire to make money. The main issue people take with it is the “glamorization” of everything, but the movie reminds the audience time and time again that the narrator (Jordan Belfort) is lying directly to the audience and is a complete piece of… Read more »
This also might be the only movie that introduces the concept of Jews pretending to be white to swindle white people (when Belfort talks about his partner wearing “thick rimmed glasses to appear Waspy”). Usually anti-hero’s are goys, but this movie actually does the right thing by depicting the pieces of shit as mostly Jews.
Grand Nagus
January 28, 2022 11:48 am
Jazz sounds like a new person!
Hungarian Spectator
January 28, 2022 11:10 am
Those lightswitch-brain people (like the lady who called in mulitple times) … “if you don’t vote for Jew shill “A” then you must be now a Jew shill “B” supporter.” However I don’t blame these people whose political understanding was shaped this way, most importantly how they were trained to focus only on electoral politics.
Non-voting related discourse, practical politics and shaping the metapolitical sphere have been more important for years now. We know it but a lot of common people don’t think along these lines yet. I’m optimistic tho, things will ultimately get there.
Last edited 3 years ago by Hungarian Spectator
P little
January 28, 2022 10:35 am
Looking forward to listening to this!
January 28, 2022 9:52 am
You had that one really good woman caller who educated everyone on the jewish monopoly of photography and the history of it
January 28, 2022 9:28 am
There was a film in I think 1999 called Quiz Show about some scandal when it slipped that game shows are rigged
January 28, 2022 8:43 am
From NAP to NJP: One Man’s Journey
January 28, 2022 4:05 am
Richard Q. Anonia
Unicron riot
January 27, 2022 8:53 pm
Tfw no flat chested kung fu gf is coming to save whites
Hey maybe China will build Israel a breakwall to protect them from sea level rising mmmmbig waves? It would go great with the fancy port.
Trash Man 🙋♂️
January 27, 2022 8:37 pm
Why should I sacrifice for the environment? If Whites are denied a stake in the future, then let our replacements clean it up.
Southern Harambe Law Centre
January 27, 2022 8:36 pm
speculation market and reactance
that’s global warming stuff
I guess Jews live in cities on coasts all over like in NYC which is at Sea level. That makes more sense than Israel.
🦢The Autiste formerly known as Swampy🦢
January 27, 2022 8:35 pm
Jazzhands, you’re completely backwards on the ice. When your ice in a drink melts, the glass doesn’t overflow, but if you melt a bunch of ice cubes then pour it in the glass, it DOES overflow.
Correct. Only Ice not floating in the ocean will cause the sea level to rise. The ice that’s floating above water is because of the density difference, so melted, the levels won’t rise. (I haven’t listened yet, so I don’t know what he said.)
Correct. This is called the density anomaly of water. Normally, a substance contracts when it gets colder and expands when it gets warmer, but water is anomalous within a narrow range just above freezing, where it starts to expand until it becomes ice (in all other temperature ranges, water behaves normally).
This is also the very reason ice floats on water.
Nobody has ever had their drink overflow because the ice cubes melted.
Last edited 3 years ago by Roman the Barbarian
Fatidicus (Sauna Commando)
January 27, 2022 8:35 pm
It’s called global warming because nothing is cool anymore
TRS is causing a spike in global warming by putting out too many hot takes. Thielnats are trying to save the world from a global flood by providing ice cold takes to counterbalance the hot ones.
Wasnt there a girl that was a illegal mexican with illegal mexi parents that called in back in 2015 (When Kyle Hunt helped you guys out) and was supporting Trump and wanted the rest of the beaners out?
And here I was ready to make fun of House Hunters, do my Columbo impression and bang on about China again. How am I supposed to rant about football commercials and Calvinism? THE VALIDATION OH GAWD.
Sigh, then no one gets to hear my Bill Clinton impression. Sorry goys…
January 27, 2022 8:22 pm
>Australian wasting time
>Clear and concise
>American with well thought out point
>Server hangs up
The ultimate Aussie shitpost
January 27, 2022 8:21 pm
Moon man hung up on me 6 times
Punished White Home Owner
January 27, 2022 8:20 pm
Speaking of Jews making light of the Holocaust, Larry David did a bit recently where he was at an event at a Holocaust Museum. He was walking outside and got dog shit on his shoes, so he throws them away and walks around in his socks.
When he goes to leave, it’s raining. So he needs shoes… and he surreptitiously grabs a pair from the pile on exhibit and wears them home. I have to admit I lol’d at the clip, especially since I knew about the shoes from a TDS episode.
January 27, 2022 8:17 pm
We’ve been watching American TV (Because Australian TV is garbage) for 20 years.
Cast iron is easy to maintain, once you build up a seasoning. (Build up a seasoning = fry lots of bacon.) I used to be afraid of cast iron, but they’re great for searing a steak so I learned. There’s really nothing to it.
Cast iron master race. 🍳
January 27, 2022 8:12 pm
I’ve known a lot about these sorts of health concerns for a long time, and I often lean toward the same kind of deboonking you do, Sven. However, exposing plastic or polymers to heat is pretty well established as something you should probably avoid.
Ad approx. 30min: can confirm some livestock violations in Europe the caller mentioned in Poland. A couple of years back, a local sheep near my wife’s Merkelized hometown was raped by a vibrant, whereafter the sheep needed to be slaughtered due to the internal damage from the interspecial sodomy. The “dark-skinned” man was never caught as far as I know. https://www.merkur.de/bayern/mann-vergeht-sich-an-schaf-in-velden-bei-landshut-tier-muss-notgeschlachtet-werden-zr-10453014.html
Just save your bacon grease, and use that instead of shit like olive oil, or spray on benzine.
Cheap, and it will make your eggs taste awesome.
As a callocaust survivor I think we need to erect a memorial.
I think they used the mansion from the Big Lebowski in the final scene of There Will Be Blood.
You really compared the well established negative effects of polyunsaturated fats to conspiracy theories that viruses don’t exist? I assume this is a meta-troll
Low effort description. 🤣
I’m still a big fan of Wolf of Wall Street. If you ignore the fact that Jordan Belfort is played by a goy – it’s still a movie about a kike that swindles everybody. It paints a picture of a culture of degenerate kikes taking people’s money and using it to fuel their degeneracy, which fuels their desire to make money. The main issue people take with it is the “glamorization” of everything, but the movie reminds the audience time and time again that the narrator (Jordan Belfort) is lying directly to the audience and is a complete piece of… Read more »
This also might be the only movie that introduces the concept of Jews pretending to be white to swindle white people (when Belfort talks about his partner wearing “thick rimmed glasses to appear Waspy”). Usually anti-hero’s are goys, but this movie actually does the right thing by depicting the pieces of shit as mostly Jews.
Jazz sounds like a new person!
Those lightswitch-brain people (like the lady who called in mulitple times) … “if you don’t vote for Jew shill “A” then you must be now a Jew shill “B” supporter.” However I don’t blame these people whose political understanding was shaped this way, most importantly how they were trained to focus only on electoral politics.
Non-voting related discourse, practical politics and shaping the metapolitical sphere have been more important for years now. We know it but a lot of common people don’t think along these lines yet. I’m optimistic tho, things will ultimately get there.
Looking forward to listening to this!
You had that one really good woman caller who educated everyone on the jewish monopoly of photography and the history of it
There was a film in I think 1999 called Quiz Show about some scandal when it slipped that game shows are rigged
From NAP to NJP: One Man’s Journey
Richard Q. Anonia
Tfw no flat chested kung fu gf is coming to save whites
You’ll have to make one yourself
Hey maybe China will build Israel a breakwall to protect them from sea level rising mmmmbig waves? It would go great with the fancy port.
Why should I sacrifice for the environment? If Whites are denied a stake in the future, then let our replacements clean it up.
speculation market and reactance
that’s global warming stuff
I guess Jews live in cities on coasts all over like in NYC which is at Sea level. That makes more sense than Israel.
Jazzhands, you’re completely backwards on the ice. When your ice in a drink melts, the glass doesn’t overflow, but if you melt a bunch of ice cubes then pour it in the glass, it DOES overflow.
Greenland ice cap melting is what could make the sea level rise
Antarctica too. Over a mile thick ice on average with the deepest nearly 5000 yards thick.
Correct. Only Ice not floating in the ocean will cause the sea level to rise. The ice that’s floating above water is because of the density difference, so melted, the levels won’t rise. (I haven’t listened yet, so I don’t know what he said.)
Correct. This is called the density anomaly of water. Normally, a substance contracts when it gets colder and expands when it gets warmer, but water is anomalous within a narrow range just above freezing, where it starts to expand until it becomes ice (in all other temperature ranges, water behaves normally).
This is also the very reason ice floats on water.
Nobody has ever had their drink overflow because the ice cubes melted.
It’s called global warming because nothing is cool anymore
TRS is causing a spike in global warming by putting out too many hot takes. Thielnats are trying to save the world from a global flood by providing ice cold takes to counterbalance the hot ones.
Like Tucson?
tucksin arizona
That’s how I read it
So the Jewish scheme is banning wood burning but building large numbers of biomass chips power plants.
Damn it. Okay, well, you know they would if they could.
Filburt on Rocko’s Modern Life was a Jew too
No forest, is that because the Nazis cut them all down secretly?
How do you think they burned 6 million Jews completely to ash, including the bones, goy?
All I want to do is talk about what the AmNat crowd is going to pivot to after COVID, but the call server got shut down. 😢
Mort Goldman
mort goldman is voiced by saul rosenberg
Dr. Lipshitz
main kid. chuckie is the glasses kid
chuckie FINSTER oh gawd
(idk if thats a jew name but ill be fucked if it doesnt sound comically jewish)
finster is german
what about dr. lip shits. should five year olds be saying a name like that
tommy’s mom is a kike
There was a passover and hannukah episode
I miss chatting with McNabb, 🙁
He’s too busy fuhhhking
Shut it down!
Wasnt there a girl that was a illegal mexican with illegal mexi parents that called in back in 2015 (When Kyle Hunt helped you guys out) and was supporting Trump and wanted the rest of the beaners out?
Was there a caller Shoah?
And here I was ready to make fun of House Hunters, do my Columbo impression and bang on about China again. How am I supposed to rant about football commercials and Calvinism? THE VALIDATION OH GAWD.
Sigh, then no one gets to hear my Bill Clinton impression. Sorry goys…
>Australian wasting time
>Clear and concise
>American with well thought out point
>Server hangs up
The ultimate Aussie shitpost
Moon man hung up on me 6 times
Speaking of Jews making light of the Holocaust, Larry David did a bit recently where he was at an event at a Holocaust Museum. He was walking outside and got dog shit on his shoes, so he throws them away and walks around in his socks.
When he goes to leave, it’s raining. So he needs shoes… and he surreptitiously grabs a pair from the pile on exhibit and wears them home. I have to admit I lol’d at the clip, especially since I knew about the shoes from a TDS episode.
We’ve been watching American TV (Because Australian TV is garbage) for 20 years.
It’s why we can do American accents so well.
I used to think Randbot was very autistic, then I heard other aussies and i realized hes just Australian
Many such cases.
Sven, you should absolutely go make a rant at your school board. It would be epic.
speaking of House Hunters
The Property Fags
Get yourself an SS pan. Stainless steel. Effortless to maintain compared to cast iron.
Cast iron is easy to maintain, once you build up a seasoning. (Build up a seasoning = fry lots of bacon.) I used to be afraid of cast iron, but they’re great for searing a steak so I learned. There’s really nothing to it.
Cast iron master race. 🍳
I’ve known a lot about these sorts of health concerns for a long time, and I often lean toward the same kind of deboonking you do, Sven. However, exposing plastic or polymers to heat is pretty well established as something you should probably avoid.
I used to microwave styrofoam cup o noodles but i don’t do that anymore
I was going to say the same thing, a Lodge cast iron pan is $20, cheaper on sale.
I haven’t seasoned mine in years, never had a problem. Just have to put oil on when you’re cooking, which you’d do anyway.
Lodge is a coated cast iron pan. Not the real deal.
You mean the enamel? Only some are.
Yes, I guess that it is enamel.
cast iron is great, but I just use a regular pan at home cus fuck it
butter makes the eggs taste better, oil is gay
Cast Iron Elitist! Stop being low agency, Sven!