I made it an hour into Lincoln. It doesn’t start well with two negro soldiers and Lincoln engaged in witty banter, after which two White soldiers come up to Lincoln talking like retards. “Herp-a-derp we luv u Prez’dnt Linkin!”
There wasn’t a single moment of nuance. Lincoln was just this wise, soft-spoken demigod. I tapped out when Mary Todd went off on this long droning lecture to Senators holding up whatever negro equality amendment. I couldn’t make it to the good part: the play.
Last edited 3 years ago by SowellMan
January 27, 2022 8:07 pm
That guy is the riddler in the new batman
January 27, 2022 8:06 pm
Gov. Wolf Announces $4.5 Million Available for Organizations Targeted by Hate Crimes to Increase Security
“The Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition is grateful to Gov. Wolf,… for their cooperative efforts to continue funding this program with the goal of keeping our religious and communal facilities safe from acts of violence and hate,” said Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition Chairman Marc Zucker.
January 27, 2022 8:05 pm
The Daniel Day-Lewis impression made my night. Thanks Jazzhands
January 27, 2022 8:05 pm
I like the smell of Macaque
Temple OS Customer Support
January 27, 2022 8:04 pm
First post
Ben Shaqueero
January 27, 2022 8:04 pm
My Zionist mom watched “Boy in the Striped Pajamas” and cried and prayed to Jesus at the end. I was sitting in the back, enduring mein kampf as I held back the cringe and anger at what sensationalist bullshit it is.
Slur Machine
January 27, 2022 8:03 pm
I’ve only watched maybe 2 or 3 movies over the last couple years. Joker was one. Just not interested in the garbage Hollywood puts out. Same for TV shows.
Dearth Maul
January 27, 2022 7:57 pm
David Cooperfield, aka David Seth Kotkin oh gawd
January 27, 2022 7:55 pm
I had “professional” status in magic the gathering
Ben Shaqueero
January 27, 2022 7:50 pm
My first TDS episode was Sven dressed up as Styx. Absolute gold.
Yes. One called in with a mini deep dive into degenerate Jew photography once. She was well-informed and spoken, and gave the guys new info about which they expressed interest and appreciation. A couple other women called in and just expressed affirmation and generalized concern about modern poz and were treated gallantly, then dispatched rather rapidly for lack of humor/interesting content. What I took away from this is that the time they’ll give you is directly proportional to how interesting/funny you are.
Makes sense. I’m asking more out of curiosity. My only hot takes this evening are a new recipe, a humorous anecdote about a squirrel and a tip for cleaning cast iron.
Do not use soap. You shouldn’t need it anyway. Hot water and a plain steel wool scrubbie. Or theres a cast iron cleaner that looks like a piece of chainmail out there too. Just make sure its properly seasoned before you use it.
I thought you should clean it with coarse sea salt, no water, then wipe it all off with a damp paper towel, then put in oven at 250°F to dry, (you can preheat the oven, then put pan in and turn the oven off if you’re on the go).
Don’t ever make tomato products in cast iron because the acidity leeches and it tastes funky. Also cleaning it with coarse sea salt and coconut oil / or tallow have been the best methods for me.
Southern Harambe Law Centre
January 27, 2022 7:35 pm
Muhamedin Sinew Extractors
January 27, 2022 7:33 pm
Jazzhands confirmed Water World respecter? The Postman? HH
Wall Street 2 plot: (((Shia Lebeouf)))is a young idealistic trader trying to raise capital for environmental companies. The Antagonist is corrupt goy Josh Brolin.
January 27, 2022 7:29 pm
Are they calling it Snow White and the Seven Manlets?
DJ Feels spins some quality EDM. I hope they still can stream it live.. I think it was dead air (but with track titles) last time, too.
January 27, 2022 5:54 pm
“It’s almost time! Your favorite live call-in paycuck show is on tonight at 7PM Eastern! (((936)))666-1488 to get hung up on. A”
what did he mean by this?
And could stop referring to our brown brothers and sisters as “Mastinx” when they’ve made it clear they reject “-x” suffixed portmanteaus? Please call them Mastinkos and Mastinkas, as they clearly desire you to…
I made it an hour into Lincoln. It doesn’t start well with two negro soldiers and Lincoln engaged in witty banter, after which two White soldiers come up to Lincoln talking like retards. “Herp-a-derp we luv u Prez’dnt Linkin!”
There wasn’t a single moment of nuance. Lincoln was just this wise, soft-spoken demigod. I tapped out when Mary Todd went off on this long droning lecture to Senators holding up whatever negro equality amendment. I couldn’t make it to the good part: the play.
That guy is the riddler in the new batman
Gov. Wolf Announces $4.5 Million Available for Organizations Targeted by Hate Crimes to Increase Security
“The Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition is grateful to Gov. Wolf,… for their cooperative efforts to continue funding this program with the goal of keeping our religious and communal facilities safe from acts of violence and hate,” said Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition Chairman Marc Zucker.
The Daniel Day-Lewis impression made my night. Thanks Jazzhands
I like the smell of Macaque
First post
My Zionist mom watched “Boy in the Striped Pajamas” and cried and prayed to Jesus at the end. I was sitting in the back, enduring mein kampf as I held back the cringe and anger at what sensationalist bullshit it is.
I’ve only watched maybe 2 or 3 movies over the last couple years. Joker was one. Just not interested in the garbage Hollywood puts out. Same for TV shows.
David Cooperfield, aka David Seth Kotkin oh gawd
I had “professional” status in magic the gathering
My first TDS episode was Sven dressed up as Styx. Absolute gold.
Episode number?
242, but the videos are unavailable.
Have you ever had a wahmen caller?
Hooooooool’ uuuuuupppp.
Call and find out
Yes and they had to explain the kosher sandwich to her.
Yes. One called in with a mini deep dive into degenerate Jew photography once. She was well-informed and spoken, and gave the guys new info about which they expressed interest and appreciation. A couple other women called in and just expressed affirmation and generalized concern about modern poz and were treated gallantly, then dispatched rather rapidly for lack of humor/interesting content. What I took away from this is that the time they’ll give you is directly proportional to how interesting/funny you are.
Makes sense. I’m asking more out of curiosity. My only hot takes this evening are a new recipe, a humorous anecdote about a squirrel and a tip for cleaning cast iron.
What’s the tip for cleaning cast iron
Do not use soap. You shouldn’t need it anyway. Hot water and a plain steel wool scrubbie. Or theres a cast iron cleaner that looks like a piece of chainmail out there too. Just make sure its properly seasoned before you use it.
I thought you should clean it with coarse sea salt, no water, then wipe it all off with a damp paper towel, then put in oven at 250°F to dry, (you can preheat the oven, then put pan in and turn the oven off if you’re on the go).
Yes. Course sea salt and coconut oil is what I was going to recommend. I’ve also used tallow which is nice.
Don’t ever make tomato products in cast iron because the acidity leeches and it tastes funky. Also cleaning it with coarse sea salt and coconut oil / or tallow have been the best methods for me.
Muhamedin Sinew Extractors
Jazzhands confirmed Water World respecter? The Postman? HH
Waterworld kicks ass
I would’ve been part of the smoker gang
JazzHands do your Daniel Day-Lewis impression
Remake of Field of Dreams- jewish man builds a porn shop to reconnect with his father who died in the holocaust
call it Field of Creams
“If you build it, they will coom”
Wall Street 2 plot: (((Shia Lebeouf)))is a young idealistic trader trying to raise capital for environmental companies. The Antagonist is corrupt goy Josh Brolin.
Are they calling it Snow White and the Seven Manlets?
I think they changed it to “Doo-Doo Brown and the Seven Chupacabras.”
Vin Diesel: A Man for All Races
You don’t want to think about dick swinging until its time to listen to the last HateHouse. Then suddenly it’s the same story.
Sven: Christian Bale = Matthew Mcconaughey
He’ll it works on a browser I haven’t cleared cache on yet..lol
I know another person suffering from blod clots, he took moderna vaccine.
Sadly, blacks will be safe from the clots, the sickle cells cut right through em
Depending on what ive had for dinner, i like the smell of my own farts too.
yeah, but have you ever smelled a libtard fart? sublime.
Sven just open up your comments on Telegram Nd start a show there
Get a voice chat started and you can mute everyone and bring people in as you want. 2c
Though it does prevent total anonymity
whats up you fuckin nerds
Im just joking to ya about the sneed oils my dude.
Reading is for nerds but nerds are too smart to think viruses are fake.
Happy Daily Shoah Remembrance Day.
And what a happy occasion it is. After all, we celebrate survival of millions of “people” and the deaths of nobody!
Just keep F5ing gang. I hear that helps
I pop the player out, then F5 every 30 seconds
Viruses can’t be real because nothing actually exists and everything is fake therefore they must be fake also.
Maximum Fink
We’re getting hung up on preemptively. This is rarified contempt.
They’re on Striker time. F.
Blease to be fixing audio, thank you sir.
Am I the only one not hearing anything?
Nah. Svenjeet apparently on La’quansventavious time tonight.
svenjeet sir pls to open ticket for fix audio stream for pre-show F5 tanks u fren
Biden should nominate one of Amy Comey Barrett’s kids if he’s looking for a nigger to put on the Supreme Court.
Is it just me I don’t hear anything.
Stream isn’t working for me either
Fucking niggers are on BlackTime I see…
Periodic reminder to normalize calling jews “The Criminal Race.”
What happened to the music?
DJ Feels spins some quality EDM. I hope they still can stream it live.. I think it was dead air (but with track titles) last time, too.
“It’s almost time! Your favorite live call-in paycuck show is on tonight at 7PM Eastern! (((936)))666-1488 to get hung up on. A”
what did he mean by this?
Pretend I brapped a powerful A power chord thru my dual rectifier
Music machine still broke, Jazz’nds needs to stop overloading it with DeadMauFive
This needs to be addressed. WHO ARE THE DEAD MAO 5?
Is the show supposed to be at 5mt
can i say niggerr here?
No. Saying nigger is considered racist by the kikes that censor our internet.
Absolutely not, nigger.
whatre you, a nigger?
Oh, yeah, it’s all coming together….
For the love of god, would you two finally name the jew.
And could stop referring to our brown brothers and sisters as “Mastinx” when they’ve made it clear they reject “-x” suffixed portmanteaus? Please call them Mastinkos and Mastinkas, as they clearly desire you to…