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The Death Panel are cookin' with seed oils.
- Planet of the Test Monkeys
- New Rochelle Rochelle
- Those Damn Shaw's That Started the Opioid Crisis
- Fucking White Mail
- Natalia's Special Gentleman
- Fight a War? We Can't Even Manage Toilet Paper
- Standard Balkan Party
- The Rug and Tub Joint
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
My eyes thank you
Don’t listen to him, it’s a trick. You’ll ruin the cool new red theme forever.
ty sven miss u
Svenpai the svenjeet nnn’guy.
Thanks svenjeet
Close ticket?
Any idea how to fix when viewing on an android device?
Throw away phone, get computer
Just delete cache.
Open brave, click menu dots, click history, click “clear browsing data”
You’re not going to trick me with your pro-refresh propaganda. The refresh key is the portal that allows Bill Gates’ nanobots into your computer.
Got it, thank you sir
Ozark – “Whiteface alert” — this killed it for me as soon as I found out. The one who IS Jewish is Julia Garner, who plays a prominent role – “Ruth Langmore,” an earthy white-trash girl from a hillbilly crime family. Her mother, Tami Gingold, is a therapist from Israel.
Julia Garner’s wikipedia:
“Macaque is not native to this climate” already dying
funnily enough ime Shaw can actually be a Jewish name – its either a crypto-Jew or anglicized version of a Yid name like Sugar for Zucker. Could be some esoteric anti-semitism.
Seed oil, formerly Chuck oil
Jason Bateman isn’t a tribe member. You’re probably thinking of Paul Rudd.
In a world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
I agree that the “muh seed oils” thing is probably overblown, but I still stay away from anything marketed as “vegetable oil”, that shit is straight soy.
How does fluoride in our water systems help tooth decay? Do you just take a drink of water and let it sit in your mouth?
Or does the fluoride come through your digestive system and specifically only go to your teeth to calcify them?
Or does the fluoride go to the glands of your body and calcify them?
Is the fluoride in our water systems not come from agricultural run off? Isn’t it corrosive?
Why is it that 3rd worlders have less tooth decay than westerners that consume massive amounts of processed foods?
Exactly, not to mention fluoridated water has about 10x more fluoride than water that naturally has fluoride in it. Plus if you’re on city water you should be filtering your water well enough to get out the pharmaceuticals residue from roastie’s birth control and anti-depressants that’s in city water.
Oh, and also the fact there’s already fluoride in toothpaste which actually goes on your teeth and not into your digestive system.
And the toothpaste tube says “do not swallow”
Idk, how do fluoride vitamins work?
HAHAHAHAA Sveny poo is so funny 😆 😑😉
That woman had the 100 Macaque Stare when she arrived at the hospital…
did anyone else read this as the truth about masquerade?
A Cold Night’s Death 1973 – YouTube
Can confirm about the soldier for hire bit. A lot of guys I knew tried to build up there soldier credentials i.e Ranger Tab, Sniper school etc to leave the military and go to Blackwater or whatever. When I was in I believe they switched the company name to “Z”. Literally nobody cared about whether these conflicts were for freedom or good for the country sans your occasional patriotard
More Bo content pls.
Can confirm, chankoro champaign gommunists lick jew boot for good goy sheckels.
Crimea voted to succeed from Ukraine because they’re all Russians who live there.
the level of soy op is unreal with this one
Sneed oil
“The Truth About Macaque”
Sen. George Allen’s mother was a yid.
In Africa they have a slightly different genus called Madique
Belarus isn’t Baltic since the Balts aren’t Slavs.
Remember that guy who shot up all those Asian prostitutes? You know, the Bed, Bath and Beyond shooter
Rub & Tub sounds like a great name for a business
I don’t think Whites weaponizing migrant is a great idea. Germany wanted to bus them in but Poland refused. It was giving a nice feel but what is a couple hundred more migrant anyway.
200 too damn MANY!
Imagine being skeptical of the American medical industry, education system, etc. but not the shitty standard American diet. Enjoy your seed oils and drinking agricultural run off sodium fluoride.
I love seed oils. I give my wife free mega doses of my own artisanal non GMO seed oils all the time.
Yellow Fever is a result of monke bite? Oh gawd. Not sure I will make it.
Every time asian fan is mentioned I feel my presence acknowledged.
Father-son nigger duo beats 69-year-old asian with baseball bat… I guess niggers are violent even with their fathers in the home. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? (me)
“Father-son nigger duo”
Courtship of Eddie’s Father theme song – YouTube
MIKE LIED TRS EXPOSED. From my knowledge of other Slavic languages I’m pretty sure Belarus means white Russia, not beautiful Russia, how can Mike keep getting away with this.
“how can Mike keep getting away with this”
Yes. Belarus is White Russia, Ukraine is Little Russia, Russia is GREATEST RUSSIA.
I remember a fuck ton of time ago I was on some boomer facebook page and they were talking about how flouride was poison because the evil nazis were putting it in the poor jews water supply during the hollwlicauwst. Now I know that was probably true and it’s proof that fluoride is safe and effective, Dr Mengele really had his hands tied.
Just tell the boomers that if that is true, then why doesn’t it work on niggers?
Shit, they’ll just say it’s an ethnically specific poison!
It’s not?
Those monkeys had a sense of themselves. Haha, that was hilarious.
“Did you say that?!”
Bruh I fuckin died
Ukrainian women are made for faaacking?
George Washington Carver was a food chemist who did develop a dozen or so novel formulas for various processed foods, many of which involved peanut products. There are thousands of White chemical engineers who are doing this sort of thing right now, and have been since the industrial revolution. GWC is remarkable in that he was Black, and as competent as one of a million or so forgotten White men in the same line of work. He didn’t invent peanut butter, of course. Injuns figured out how to mash peanuts into a paste first. I once attended a special event… Read more »
Bigging up GWC is kinda shitty to injuns, when you think about it.
Havent been on BANG in awhile so I guess I missed the mass migration of seed oil memes off of Twitter and into the TRS sphere. Interesting.
Chesa Boudin is 2.5 mega-kikes: both parents jailed Weathermen, raised by Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayres.
I like the red, black, and white
Macaque pine tree gang.
Asian Dawn and StreetsofSF (I think) are very outspoken about black on Asian crime on their respective Instagram accounts. Good for them.
You can sense a great deal of anger in their comments.
And the indoctrinated SJW Asian girls Mike is talking about are called “Boba Asians” by Asians who have common sense.
Those sites aren’t going to last long. I see many attacking Asian Dawn.
I try not to use Amazon as much as humanly possible BUT I found out you can sign up for a free 30 day Audible trial that gets you two free audiobooks. Picked up Stalin’s War, so I guess I have to listen to all 24 hours of it in the next 30 days. I’m about an hour in and it’s fantastic.
I’m pretty sure Belarus translates to White Russia.
I haven’t heard shitposting as great as the monkey segment in a long time. Top tier content
The US really is a disgusting and evil country. America protects child rapists and does horrific experiments and tests on monkeys and dogs. Death to America is an understatement.
I’m gonna start a gofundme to send the Ukrainian loyalists plastic stahlhelms
fluoridealert.org nerds
No Russian ever called me goy
Whatever happened to Paddy Tarleton???
He’s doing alright last I heard.
Striker needs to bring him on The People’s Square.
Chick peas are very high in estrogen, lol. Seriously
If that’s true why are Arabs so hairy
Red font gang
I’m definitely going to start referring to kikes as Special Gentlemen on facebook
Black and red theme. Nice addition Mike.
If you guys use a white theme browser theme it completes the holy colors of black, red, and white.
cmon guys; Alex Jones supplements are at least as effective as the COVID vaccine.
To support Moikes Jews afraid of covid take. Remember the jews stealing boxes and boxes of N95 masks
“ELEPHANT!” That nigger jamaican lady?…