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The Death Panel don't celebrate MLK day.
- Blacks Develop an Interest in Trains
- Lady Al Qaeda is Actually a Lady
- This is What Happens When You Help Jews
- Prussian Blue
- Daszak at Wuhan With MERS
- Orthodox Holocaust Questioning
- Trump is Desperate For Attention
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The sven recap at hour2 really hits home. As he explains jobs becoming remote and basically being on-dial 24/7… as i’m working remotely for the past 2 years now, and currently working at 10PM trying to finish something.
Sven looks a little like Rick Neilson in this show. Must be the cap 👍
Ooo 2nd half Holohoax, need to start listening regularly again
>Darmok at Wuhan, his virus escaped
belly laughed thanks alex
Lady Al-Queda found a gun and shot at some seals. (different kind….this time, the seals were Navy Seals)
Alex is right. Nigs can’t do moonshine.
They do lean, sizzurp, and bathtub gin.
I had an ’88 Civic hatchback and lived in the Sierra’s at Lake Tahoe back in the 90s. I spent at least a few winters with normal tires and it worked fine as long as the snow wasn’t deep. Front wheel drive and light actually works out pretty well.
Mike is absolutely correct as regards the protection of jews.
I used to date a French girl in the years 2014 through 2019, and I used to visit her in Paris quite a lot. Obviously, this was during & after the Bataclan and Nice attacks.
Apart from the exclusive areas of Paris, every synagogue had French soldiers with assault rifles posted at the entrance. Some synagogues even had sandbags surrounding their entrances. There was *nothing* at the Christian Churches. Nothing.
Not joking here, no exaggeration – I saw this myself multiple times.
Jew calls students vectors for disease
Vaush got his ass kicked by E. Michael Jones… Thanks for reminding me that the debate happened.
Mike, the reason trump hasn’t pardoned Jan 6ers is because he is not the president
He made most of his pardons two weeks after Jan 6th, he could have done it if he really wanted to.
That’s an incredibly LAME troll!
Wrong! He didn’t pardon them because he is a faggot, a jew, and a nigger worshipper.
Here’s the latest on the Poway rabbi: 0news.com/news/local-news/former-chabad-of-poway-rabbi-sentenced-to-14-months-in-prison-for-fraud
I will have my day of vengeance.
Hail Mike!
Hitler was right and now Mike is right!
Niggers robbing Amazon Jew trains is heartwarming tbh
Prussian blue is such a banger
It’s a shame Sven’s songs get categorized as parody songs. Sven is legit a very good musician, and the backend work required to mix everything and put it together as a finished product is a job in and of itself.
is the reason they say “progr’m” because that’s how william pierce said it?
I’ve wondered this as well. I thought it was just a general “boomerism”
Yeah, they’re doing boomerisms. “Tues-dee,” “rest’r’nt,” et cetera.
Well, it sounds like “pogrom”….
There’s a town on the Jersey Shore in between Long Branch and Asbury Park called Deal. Very rich and VERY (((Jewish))). If you drive through there when they’re going to synagogue not only do these motherfuckers double park (turning a two lane road into a single lane road) in front of the place but they have armed security stationed in front. And a couple of the obviously insanely expensive shorefront houses have armed security by the front gate. To give you an idea of how rich this town is the average property tax in Deal is $19,000 a year, twice… Read more »
Nestled within a Sven rant at 35 min and 35 seconds I heard a missed opportunity for a show title. “The Patriot Act Turned N-Word” would have made me laugh because I’m a sucker for wordplay.
It only occurred to me now that, since blue stains are left after use of Zyklon B shouldn’t the bodies have been caked in blue also?
I believe the blue is a product of the reaction between zyklon B and the concrete specifically
It’s a byproduct of coming into contact with oxidized iron in plaster and brick.
Martin Luther King had a fetish for White hookers and he had a ritual whereby he’d beat them up after fucking them. He was a sadistic spirit, like most niggers, and he deserved to have his god damn nigger jaw BLOWN OFF!!!!
Consequences will never be the same
Libtards aren’t talking about the hostages because a brown person did it. That’s why. That’s the only reason why. There’s no reason to overthink this one.
Like for oblivion reference
That’s one reason. Another is that it presents Jews as vulnerable. And while we all know kikes love to play “muh 6 gorillion victims” card, I get the sense that in 2022, they are getting nervous about the coming nationalist revolution, and don’t want to be seen as physically vulnerable. A last reason is that Jews in charge of crafting the narratives for libtards have decided for the past 10 years or so (since Occupy Wallstreet) that the mere mention of Jews has the potential to “MK-Ultra code word” libtards into their Bush-era programming of “Free Palestine” chanting. They are… Read more »
Like for the (((piss lord)))
However you’re thinking about an old brand of liberal. Today’s liberals only invoke jews when they can be used as anti-white. Sometimes that gets them in trouble and it only reaffirms their stupid beliefs that white men wield institutional power
In other words, the objective of revisionism is to showcase the political realities of WW2 without deceit or exaggeration.
As society is increasingly disordered and inhumane, in a manner comporting with the conditions that lead to WW2 in Germany, closer attention is being paid to the mythos that brought us here – and it’s genesis.
“Shoelace budget” is the Strikerism of the day :O
It’s an older meme, but it checks out: even castoff Whites are capable of building great civilizations, like those who built Australia, S. Africa, Juniya Stay, etc.
Shithole desu. https://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/35182139.html
Again with the slipshod research. – A holocaust death can be ‘suspected,’ ‘probable,’ or ‘confirmed.’ – Death ‘from’ holocaust is not distinguished from death ‘with’ holocaust. – 96% of ‘holocaust-related’ deaths occurred in jews with four or more significant comorbidities, including not actually having died, never having existed, and auto-erotic asphyxiation in a hotel in Marseille. – The notion that the holocaust occurred because jews were afraid of German Nationalism and funded precarious gain-of-bolshevism experiments to pre-empt its spread which backfired when the resulting prophylactic produced Antiwhite Dependent Enhancement of antisemitism, is false. According to terrain theory, there was never… Read more »
Waukesha: Unfortunate incident, let the local gov’t carry out a fair trial, don’t call it anti-White, don’t implicate BLM, blame the dems.
Colleyville: British terrorist, no due process, shoot to kill, anti-Semitism on the rise, White Supremacist terror incident for 2022, anudda Holohoax remembrance day.
God damn, I’m well beyond the gradual part of hating them…
Sorry Alex, but, blacks can make moonshine. Here’s a Vice doc about Uganda “the drunkest country in the world”, where they show a woman brewing and then distilling brandy using bananas and a simple pot still: https://youtu.be/zL3UHF5SlEU
Fermentation followed by distillation isn’t difficult.
I do wonder if niggers smart enough to only drink the heart of the distillate and to discard the heads and tails, which have all the bad alcohols which make you go blind.
Given niggers’ horrendous track record of missing damn near every shot with firearms, I’d have to suspect they’re drinking the shit which makes you go blind as well.
I think the people Gambion have been making root beer for centuries as well, although people regularly got sick or died from drinking the shit.
Shitskins robbing trains is nothing new. Street gangs back in the 90s were regularly sneaking into train yards and breaking into the cars to steal shit. Just much more blatant now.
Mike Enoch needs me ? Whoah
Click here to add Amazon Prime Protect nigger insurance to your package for 3.99
Where do I click to protect my civilization from niggers?
Moike’s holohoax takedown wasn’t sufficiently spergy enough this episode.
For a libtard to be drawn to fighting antisemitism the way they’re drawn to fighting racism and other healthy attitudes, they would have to be constantly seeing jews primarily as jews, as they see blacks as blacks – disadvantaged others to be pitied for upcummies but not to be invited along for axe-tossing and mimosas. And jews don’t want that, so they don’t write it into the gentile social justice script. You can imagine some yuppie zoomer shitlibs yelling at a cop they notice arresting a black, the black seeing them as accessories to his hustle and the whites seeing… Read more »