Tune in at 7PM Eastern to hear the boys record RiffTrax for several episodes of Full House.
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by Seventh Son
Tune in at 7PM Eastern to hear the boys record RiffTrax for several episodes of Full House.
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National Socialists learning Hebrew is actually a really good idea. Jews would never even think to suspect that a person fluent in Hebrew was plotting against them.
I have been trying to abstain from this as well, sometimes I catch myself though. It is still a work in progress for the better, no doubt.
@ about 52:00 – boomers think they’re wel informed because “I LIVED THROUGH IT! Clinton sent all the manufacturing overseas!” No mom, it happened over decades, not just with Clinton
ticum olsen twins
The Olsen Twins were responsible for heath ledger’s death.
We really do live in a society.
Jazzhnds is on telegram ?
I think its just t.me/FashTheNation
Never mind.
Your average conservative has not been trained by Limbaugh or Hannity or Tucker on how to own the Nazi. They spent thier whole lives learning to own the libtard. Libtards had no training on how to brow beat a nazi into being a cuck. They spent thier whole lives calling people racist who recoil at the accusation. Neither of them have been given rhetoric on how to own a Holocaust fact checker
They just call you a Nazi, but if you don’t come across as a stereotypical skinhead or fat guy with a Swastika shirt they don’t have any way to counter you.
Randbit set me up so well for the question I was going to ask, but alas Sven is the ultimate time keeper.
Here’s what I think the shot with the Idubbbz documentary was:
Ian and Ethan Klein had a grudge against Sam and they decided to show how Sam “wouldn’t have ruined his career” if he had kept his mouth shut and fell in line with The Agenda. They wanted a cautionary tale and a character assassination but instead he got mogged with unapologetic integrity and hilarious material.
I would like to hear from Ethnark again 🙁
I’m listening to the old J&J&E and this was during Peak Blomph so 99% was ice cold minutiae about Trump/CNN/DOJ/Sessions and plan trusting. But it also had good callers and Rock bits so good stuff all in all
Just listen to America Fist if you want warmed over paleo-conservatism.
Change the name of the show to “Randbot Rambles On About Nonsense Hour”
Groypers are Frog Twitter and frogs live in water. Shouldn’t they be Groyper Admirals?
Are groypers the result of Atrazine turnin the friggin frogs gay?
Rear Admirals
Will randbot mandate sweet alcohol drinks?
The round profiles don’t take any extra space on a db. It just pushes people into putting their real face into their profile pic.
rand ban maxine waters pls ty
get over yourself, lol
I went to a trade school a while back and one of my classes had a Jewish teacher (students were mostly goys) and in her classroom there was a bathroom and she put a sign on the door that said “wash your hands you filthy animals”
Gee, normally I wouldn’t care, but that’s a bit on the nose.