Does Sven know you guys are LEGOposting? Might wanna take this down before he sees.
Jonathan Fash
January 12, 2022 11:14 am
There’s that lego building competition TV show. The most entertaining part is watching them struggle to find a nonwhite who is remotely proficient at building with legos.
Dowitcher Aneroid
January 11, 2022 8:55 am
Great show, much enjoy.
The Ghoulish_Knight
January 11, 2022 12:01 am
Only had plenty of Legos, but because they were expensive, I was limited to build something small.
January 10, 2022 9:56 pm
One Christmas as a kid I got the Egyptian pyramid lego set, it had like mummies and old british empire type tomb raider guys. That shit was great, one of my favourite Christmas presents.
January 10, 2022 1:10 pm
Lego made that Seinfeld set which would be 75% Jews
If you guys ruin Legos like The Third Rail ruined hotdogs… you are going to find me hanging, from the battroom.
January 10, 2022 1:17 am
“circle circle dot dot, i got my coodie shot”.. too bad Stu stone is a smallhat. Was a cool song. Then again looking back, its just degeneracy
Last edited 3 years ago by HardcoreHonkler
January 9, 2022 8:06 pm
I left a comment like this on the last gamer korps episode but I wanted to say something like it again since that episode is pretty old now and nobody would read it. (copy and pasting) Official NIGR/TRS Minecraft server in the future? I think this would be really fun but it would have to be announced somewhere to gain any traction. Or what if we had to email you for a password/whitelist or something so shitlibs don’t raid it? I don’t know. Just an idea but I think it could have some potential. A survival world or something with… Read more »
Last edited 3 years ago by Schlomophobe
January 9, 2022 4:35 pm
Tinker toys, those are the wooden circle with holes you put sticks in.
January 9, 2022 4:23 pm
LEGO is a toy and here’s why that’s a good thing.
I just have the headline, but I could write the article, so watch out!
Does Sven know you guys are LEGOposting? Might wanna take this down before he sees.
There’s that lego building competition TV show. The most entertaining part is watching them struggle to find a nonwhite who is remotely proficient at building with legos.
Great show, much enjoy.
Only had plenty of Legos, but because they were expensive, I was limited to build something small.
One Christmas as a kid I got the Egyptian pyramid lego set, it had like mummies and old british empire type tomb raider guys. That shit was great, one of my favourite Christmas presents.
Lego made that Seinfeld set which would be 75% Jews
I buy my kids Coby Nazi tanks now
You just reminded me I need to build a Tiger I with my kid.
>tintin, who was based on Leon degrelle
Wait what? How have I not known this before. That’s so fucking cool.
I know right?!
If you guys ruin Legos like The Third Rail ruined hotdogs… you are going to find me hanging, from the battroom.
“circle circle dot dot, i got my coodie shot”.. too bad Stu stone is a smallhat. Was a cool song. Then again looking back, its just degeneracy
I left a comment like this on the last gamer korps episode but I wanted to say something like it again since that episode is pretty old now and nobody would read it. (copy and pasting) Official NIGR/TRS Minecraft server in the future? I think this would be really fun but it would have to be announced somewhere to gain any traction. Or what if we had to email you for a password/whitelist or something so shitlibs don’t raid it? I don’t know. Just an idea but I think it could have some potential. A survival world or something with… Read more »
Tinker toys, those are the wooden circle with holes you put sticks in.
LEGO is a toy and here’s why that’s a good thing.
I just have the headline, but I could write the article, so watch out!
First, hail victory