Strike and Mike argue over small details that don't matter.
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- 2021 hits all time Mass Shooting record. Zero done by White Nationalists
- Jack Murphy (Goldman) and the revival of the manosphere
- American cities getting more racially segregated
- Behind the Anti-White revolution in medicine
1) 42:00 Mike makes a good point about Jack Donovan and the dangers of the Manosphere’s exalting “dominance” into an end in itself. And in Donovan’s case, a literal “end”. 2) I hope you’re right about people now seeing Jewish names and discounting everything they say. It’s too bad it’s not 2015 any more and you cant just reply “OK, Jew”. That would actually be more charitable to them. Because at least they would know not to waste their breath making a point. 3) You’re right about Jews getting baptized and then getting access to the Right. Andrew Klavan is… Read more »
In SLC the police are getting a fat raise to do nothing. Your 100, the police are to stay home.