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Borzoi and Nike discuss the NJP protest against the Waukesha terrorist attack with Eric Striker and catch up on the America in Collapse updates.
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
Producer: TV's Frank
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
Spectre’s Official Telegram Channel
what’s the name of the song at the shows credits?
I know this is late but Chicago is called the second city because it was rebuilt after the great fire. So nothing to do with being second to NYC. I would disagree with Miami being a top four city….The five largest cities are NY, LA, Chi, Houston, Philadelphia. Also, Striker, Chicago has been used extensively in movies and tv for as long as I can remember.
Striker would’ve loved Chicago just before my parent’s day. It is the most beautiful, power projecting major city in the America and in its day, was and probably still is the most ethnically segregated city in the world. In the day, Whites had carved out sections within its center that puts Gang of New York to shame. Borzoi is correct about the neoclassical architecture. The 2nd City title is because it was built back.
It’s also typical for streets to be shut down quite often for film crews. Most Batman and a few other cape shits along with many seasonal Boomer Procedurals are usually filmed in Chicago. Unfortunate that the City’s beauty is wasted on jewed TV fantasy and minorities.
I swear to God, I went to Little Ceasars yesterday. Walked in and the nigger behind the counter said, “We’re only taking online orders right now.”
looks like the Black Nazi dude is a Dominican – seeing comments on-line like oh he’s a Dominican, no wonder he thinks he’s a nazi ! Apparently living cheek by jowl with the original gangsta niggas of Haiti turns even other blacks into race realist nigger-haters
I’ve known koon niggers that hate other niggers. It used to happen a lot with the mulattos and quadroons before they were weaponized and given incentive to “identify” more with the black side.
I’m thinking the real questions for Sen. Johnson should be; 1. Where was YOUR statement regarding the hate crime of a known supporter of BLM assaulting and murdering the White parade-goers and participants? 2. Did you put out a joint message regarding the antifa protesters that showed up in Kenosha from out of state who were burning and looting the city?
I can’t contribute much to the political stuff, BUT, I’m an experienced mama & I know what works for teething babes!
Buy an amber necklace ASAP. My daughter never once even fussed when her teeth were coming in. You won’t regret it. They’re safe – much safer than Tylenol! Don’t give anyone you love Tylenol or ibuprofen, ever, unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Good luck 🤍
Unlike the U.S. the FFL only gives citizenship after 20 years of service.
they have a four and six year contract period.
Yes, non-citizens can join the U.S. military. You won’t be flying jets or holding keys to launch a Minuteman III ICBM, but you can serve in the Burger King Kids Club and check IDs at the front gate.
Milwaukee is 41% nigra.
10th most dangerous city in the US with 1,300 crimes for 100K residents.
Not on my bucket list.
It’s like what you’d expect – a shithole that you can tell was a beautiful, thriving place once upon a time B.N. (before niggers).
The waterfront used to be a nice spot. Decent bars, nice relaxing atmosphere, beautiful view. I haven’t been in over 20 years and imagine it’s a nightmare now.
The problems of people thinking “what can be done?” And “who am I to go against it?” both have the same solution: moral authority. Whether or not something can be done, it should be. It’s a basic principle that’s ingrained into the sense of moral justice in white people. It’s why impressionable children are conditioned to think of themselves as one of the people who would have “stood against the nazis” during their rise. White men with any sense of dignity, which is yet most of them, still think of themselves this way. Not that particular example, but generally as… Read more »
Listened to this while doing dishes and when the outro music came on I glanced in the bedroom to see my 2 year old dancing happily to the music. She’s a fan apparently lol.
Quebec City is a beautiful place! I proposed to my fiance there. Visit the old fort and gorgeous churches if you have time!
It truly is a little slice of old europe
I planned on joining the Legion Etrangere in 2014. Having mad inquiries, established contacts, and raised money to travel to Paris for the purpose of enlistment, the harshness of training and the potential to be amongst dangerous men didn’t bother me in the least. Then, my Father had to go in for emergency heart surgery, he had 90% blockages in major arteries that threatened to kill him without warning. He underwent triple bypass surgery, and took a long time to recover, with what had happened, I couldn’t justify being outside the country for years at a time, for fear that… Read more »
I did 2 weeks – the history & mystique is something else but gotta say I’m thankful I got spat right out – just not cut out for that sort of life
I went to both Montreal and Quebec City in 2019. Montreal had some beautiful churches and old buildings, but also lots of hideous modern shit and diversity. Also a full-on kike neighborhood which I walked through at dusk and got creeped out by all the freakish looking hat-and-lock heebs just standing around on the sidewalk. Quebec City was small and quaint and White, with a distinct European vibe.
A conspiracy of kikes, a juggernaut of judensau, a ruin of rabbis. :DDDD
I live in Arkansas and visit the area of Saginaw at least once a year, and I’ll meet old blacks there every time that say they were born in rural Arkansas. A lot of this migration is pretty recent!
Most of our black invasion, both zoomalis and home grown pavement apes in Minnesota started in the early 90’s. Many of them came by way of Milwaukee, but the bulk came from chicongo, and Gary Indiana.
Im currently in north quebec and can confirm that i havent seen a single non white yet. I wrote an article about it on Hyphen-Report
Corcoran gang
Great work at the protest. It was small and I saw people mocking it from the AF camp. But look … a state political leader had to condemn it. It shows how even the slightest budge from white advocates is enough to rile up these cocksuckers. That should be inspiration for everyone else watching to recognize that any effort you put in will be worthwhile.
There are niggers all over the upper midwest. I grew up in Illinois but also have family in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester, Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, Springfield, East St. Louis, Des Moines, Iowa City, Davenport, and Cedar Rapids all have a sizable minority and in some cases majority nigger population.
Used to live in Illinois. I’ve been to all of those places x-cept Rochester. Rockford used to be a quiet town before it went full-on ooogah boogah Congoid. Now it’s the 14th most dangerous city in the US with nearly 1,200 crimes per 100K residents.
Ohh Rockford and Peoria are awful man. Chicago has always been bad and filled with niggers, kikes, and degenerates but the other cities in Illinois went to shit after all the factory working Whites moved out in the 80’s and 90’s then the niggers moved in. Rochester(Minnesota) has been bad ever since the Feds started relocating Somali’s and Bahamian niggers there and the world renowned Mayo Clinic is located in the city as well which brings even more diversity there.
I used to know people out in Wheaton/Carol Stream decades ago and it was a nice little place outside of chicongo. Nice little White Island of normalcy near the city.
The last time I was passing through and had 12 hours for a connecting flight in ‘03 I decided to take the train out there instead of waiting in downtown chicongo and it was a sea of black.
Yeah I know that area well and you’re 100% right.
Great work protesting at Waukesha! Where you wearing NJP shirts or did you have pamphlets with the party programme to give to interested people? I would like to have come but do not live in the USA.
Send that man that openly displays his adherence to National Socialism an Iron Cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds and a free pay wall account!
good stuff
wtf am i actually first?
You’ve made the big leagues.