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How do you know that the Death Panel aren't just brains in a vat?
- Alex's On Point Article
- Waukesha Demonstration
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- Wholesome Thanksgiving Football Ads
- Name the Elf
- Biden Will Ban Africans Over Conservative's Dead Bodies
- Dual Citizen Judge
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
My article on exploiting tragedies:
“Cry rivers of tears”
The broads on that bail reform company might not all be kikes.
A fren of mine is Norwegian/German and his mother’s maiden name is Steinmetz.
I’m half German and my mother’s maiden name is Steinke (which means Stone Hill) I believe.
Having a stein in the name doesn’t necessarily mean jewish, could be German too
A traitor is WORSE than an enemy!
all money is digital, every physical federal reserve note, is recorded in a digital database; you could burn every bill out in circulation, and the economy wouldn’t even notice
It was 06 or 07, Ebony magazine came out with a cover claiming black women surpassed gay men as the leading hiv demographic, Ebony blamed it on the on the sly brothers who refuse to get tested, even after a lover tells them they have aids.
I remember that being a discussion even in WN circles. Niggers be gay yo.
I don’t know if anyone pointed this out but the “a car killed somebody” is probably an ironic 2nd amendment argument. Which makes a conservative who says it even more pathetic in my opinion.
RON Johnson isn’t even giving his constituents the dignity of showing up. He is just going to literally phone it in
What film critics were you talking about when you were referencing Ghostbusters Afterlife? I have been on kind of a kick watching critical drinker.
My favorite film critic quote of all time (regarding the 1972 movie Portnoy’s Complaint) is from Rex Reed: “This film will make many people think Hitler was right about the Jews.”
“High crime area,” “Run down area,” “Bad neighborhood,” etc. = niggers, every single time
“It’s a low crime area…. and then when niggers come in, it’s a high crime area”
The animation in Santa Inc. is not stop-motion. It is stop-Moshe.
He tried
The bail project is kinda brilliant. They get free money in donations, post bail, and then get the money back when the criminal gets convicted.
On the topic of potential terrible parodies, I got you one upped fellas.
In 2006 Darrell Brooks(24 years old at the time) kidnapped, raped, and assaulted a 14 year old girl in Clark County Nevada(Las Vegas) and he was sentenced to 30 days in jail, had to register as a sex offender for life, and was placed on 3 years probation. This is clearly a case of negro/jewish privilege! This nigger should’ve been executed back in 2006.
> Moike being awoke from his slumber by Alex saying NIGGER
The upper Midwest has been turned into nigger central the past several decades. Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have been flooded with both foreign niggers and antique farm equipment.
The Dakotas are now being blacked hardcore as well.
They are but not to the extent of the other four states. I now live in North Carolina but I still go back to those states to visit family and the nigger population has grown exponentially especially in Illinois and Minnesota.
Tell me about it. I’m within a stones throw of Winstead (featured on FTN for the flood of illegals) and when we moved here 4 1/2 years ago there were literally four niggers of the country koon type.
Now there’s at least 40-50 and the type has shifted to pure ghetto nog directly transplanted to do what they do.
Well I’m sorry to hear you are personally having to deal with that up there. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse. You have niggers and kikes in Alaska, Vermont, New Hampshire, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana now.
It’s still an immense improvement over Minneapolis, but I see the pattern repeating itself. This is exactly how the invasion of the Minneapolis suburbs happened.
A few darkies moved into the shitbox apartments along the highway, more or less congenital, if not “talented tenth”. Before you knew it the city was 30% or better black.
Out here it’s more bean people. The wild dindu just puts a frame to the picture.
Yeah the bean problem is now spreading even to the most unexpected places. Minnesota, Virginia, Washington State, Florida, Montana, ect are far from the southern border yet all those states seem to have infinity beans.
I lived in NOVA twenty years ago (Prince William County) and the beans were just starting to dominate a lot of the labor market. It wasn’t nearly as bad as Fairfax and points closer to the noghole on the Potomac, but I imagine it is now.
“Joe Biden is the only president to ban travel from Africa.”
Richard Spencer justified! I’m riding with Biden next election!
Seth Rogen habitually plays fast and loose when it comes to his relationship to Judaism. One second he will play dumb about Israel and why it isn’t important to him, I think his anti-whiteness trumps his jewish identity
Anti White hatred is THE SOLE raison d’etre of judaism.
High crime area man
I hope thier is video of Moike shouting ask the cop if it was him that was kneeling to BLM last year. He must have felt so stupid and embarrassed and there was nothing he could do
Football is gay but then you also better shut off the Netflix, your gay sci-fi remakes and the anime. That shit has at least as much poz as a niggerball game, and in most cases more, but Alex is gonna sit there and give us an honest review of the fagged up new dune movie as if it’s anything but poz shit
Nothing is gayer than obese buck broken jew owned niggers wearing pink spandex being fawned over by tv race. I’d say even Ed Buck’s proclivities are more heterosexual and masculine.
Football niggaz is gay
The Girl who gets railed by the coon in Prometheus actually has daddy problems so that’s correct atleast.
If you give an elf Jewish hair, nose, and mouth, it looks like a goblin. Funny how that works.
Great program, props to being out there in person to get the message out. Also, what’s with Christmas media about elves and almost universally being produced by jews
The comment section of the trailer for Santa, Inc. on youtube.
Mike, Sven and Alex HATE organized sports. Pretty sure none of them have played one a day in their life Paychad for years and never heard any of the 3 mention playing organized sports at any level. . I love the goys, but their sports takes are just cringe IMO. Yes, niggers are ruining team organ6ized sports. Niggers are also ruining my city, and most of my other hobbies. Doesn’t mean I hate them. 6And does watching sports make you grug brained or stupid? No. There are levels to understanding whats happening on any given field of play. Sure, millions… Read more »
Sports turned really gay but they’ll sit there and consume gay movies, complain, then get excited for next gay movies so it’s tough to take their takes on sports at face value
Organized sports are great, spectator sports are for faggots living vicariously through niggers.
I really wouldn’t care if the death panel never played organized sports. Also I’m willing to bet money thier parents signed them up for summer baseball little league or whatever.
Guns Germs and Steal.
Come on Mikey!
Where can I find that Waukesha video on Instagram they mentioned? One million views?
I miss 8chan so damn much
Sven laughed at my YouTube comment about cutting down Christmas trees how much clout is that worth?
Call in to jazznjesse and he’ll give you an extra half second before he hangs up on you.
Svenpai noticed you. You owe him now.
Moike with a megaphone is all the Christmas cheer we need. Hail NJP!!
You know Moioioike has been dying to get that thing out again. It’s been collecting dust far too long! 📢
Jesus, Mike’s bants are top quality this episode, especially the part about the NFL.. another great shoah..
Damn, I wish I knew that you guys were coming here to Wisconsin. I had no clue that there was going to be a protest, I would have for sure showed up.
Regarding NFTs. Think of it as giving someone a receipt for a donation. It’s some little trinket people can get in exchange for their support. Just make it VERY clear to everyone that TRS NFTs will almost certainly not go up in value so that no one feels burned when they plummet in price on the secondary market. Stonetoss’s comics made him a perfect person to do NFTs that might actually gain value. He already had an art style and characters, and he’s not banned on twitter so he was able to market the NFTs there. Right now his Flurks… Read more »
Re: Badge Fags; ALL 99.9 % of Badge fags ONLY care about Muh Penshun. “Waaahhh! Muh PENSHUN!!!!” Badge fags are generally worthless. They should be shut down. We’d do infinitely better with OUT grifting, parasitic Penshun Whores.
187 on a muthafuk’n zogbot
anyone know where that article about “white mothers birthing white supremacy” Mike mentioned n the first half is from? I know someone I need to have read that.
Shameless ball fanning here, I just watched the three minute video of the Waukesha protest on the NJP website and can honestly say that it was extremely well produced. Mike’s speech was not only eloquent, but the conviction and moral courage you can hear in his voice is what will motivate people to get on board. There is nothing left for people in the insipid, ball-less world of GOP politics.
you guys say everyone has milkers then i look them up and they’re just fat
Why did Germar Rudelf find no traces of gingerbread in the cookie factory at the North Pole? I’m starting to doubt they baked anything there at all.
Take your Dovato and remain undetectable. Fly under the radar… and into a butthole
Groids Germs and Steal
chinese kwanzaa when
clip sarah silverman saying lets get these “fucking kids” some fucking presents
Let’s not fall into the trap of being racists and anti-semites. That’s exactly what the left would want so that they can call us nazis.
Whoever downvoted you doesn’t understand sarcasm.
The HIV medication commercials are certainly a humiliation ritual
There’s an add on for Firefox, chrome/brave etc that puts the YouTube dislikes back up. There’s like 30,000 dislikes for the elf Jew trailer lel. It’s easy to find.
Just download Youtube Vanced. It cuts out all advertisements, allows picture-in picture on phones, allows you to play videos with your phone locked, and restores dislikes. Its the only way I can stand watching youtube. Free app. Eschew the Jew.
Yep that’s a bomb solution too, the add-on is good for desk/laptop browsers though
Thank you, much better than paying YT to have videos play while window is closed.
I’ve just updated YouTube Vanced on Android and I still can’t see dislikes. Are you sure it still works?
all of the above is true, except for the restoring dislikes thing.
Seth Rogen will not ruin elves for me
Sarah Silverman will not ruin elves for me
They’ll ruin the country for you though
Just saw Red Letter Media just uploaded an old Dune vs new Dune movie comparison. Jessie’s prolly gonna splooge.
Jessie’s disappointed voice (the RLM impression) is hilarious
How can I comment a picture of the avatar pepe
(((✊🏾OH LAAWD, da ghetto poo had dem alligator wit da poison tip toofs n’sheeeit!✊🏿)))
good post
Sven really hit on something there with how this “real in my mind” bullshit gets taken seriously, while Rosenbaum actually did hurt innocent people and caused a lot of suffering, that is reality. Enoch is very analytical, and that appeases my autism, but I have to say Sven has this outside the box artistic angles that drives it home.