i think theyre doing compartmentalized balloon-testing of these lockdown measures to see what works where and what doesnt and analyzing them all so they can come together to form a global comprehensive panopticon.
i mean theyre def already doing this but now they have covid as a smoke screen to really move into trials and provide deniability on why they thought it was acceptable.
September 23, 2021 7:31 pm
Did you guys know that nazis made lampshade soap out of piles of shoes?
Pure. Evil.
Yeah Sven missed the 8 hour FDA Covid panel FTN break down and the National Institute for Health ignoring the FDA and approving the shots for kids.
Data 1488
September 23, 2021 7:19 pm
The trend in America is to quote the entire Covid timeline and say 95% of the people that showed up at hospitals are unvaccinated…Local fox news this morning is calling out the unvaccinated really hard at the moment.
I’m watching 30 minutes vaccination commercials it seems instead of local news.
September 23, 2021 7:18 pm
the pandemic of the unvaccinated thing is such a cringey cope to watch
like listening to an alcoholic endlessly blame his behavior on other people : /
September 23, 2021 7:16 pm
Went to see Megadeth, Lamb of God, Trivium, and Hatebreed at a venue with no COVID requirements, in the pit. It was fucking great. It was like COVID didn’t exist.
September 23, 2021 7:14 pm
>androgynous strain
hooooo hooooo hoooooooo
Comrade Dyatlov
September 23, 2021 7:14 pm
They’re remaking Reservoir Dogs, but it’s 5 fags and it’s called Reservoir Dongs
I would love to call in and tell my story of getting a crappy case of covid a few weeks back, but I have to do pro White work. I’ll regale the team next time.
I read a story about a fag who took Ivermectin, then crapped out a whole bunch of intestinal worms, and then wasn’t a fag any more. Do intestinal parasites cause faggotry?
Pinworm vs fag
One is a filthy parasite covered in pus and shit, a burden on medical resources, a danger to society’s most vulnerable, easily eradicated with permanent solutions, and often found alongside HIV
…and the other is a worm
They do say that our intestinal biome (the useful microbes that help us digest food) affect our physical and mental health, and I’m sure intestinal parasites don’t help either, so who knows. It’s not a completely implausible story.
It was the Browns sben
I bet if our giys got in charge, that would be the one time the police would refuse to do their jobs. At least a lot of them.
There is an Armenian community in Jerusalem that predates the state of Israel and the Armenian genocide.
Is that KFC I smell in your car?
“it’s time to stop counting the jews in biden’s cabinet”
Sushi gang 🍣
Dr. Sumer
I bet they tried to shut down the clay tablet cuneiform Internet, too.
I didn’t think Gladys was jewish, I thought she was just Armenian?
When she says she’s the child of genocide survivors doesn’t she mean the Armenian genocide?
Peculiar phenotype.
Mel Bun
Rabbit Proof Fence Bot
Press F for Randbot.
Nice tight 30 minute show
i think theyre doing compartmentalized balloon-testing of these lockdown measures to see what works where and what doesnt and analyzing them all so they can come together to form a global comprehensive panopticon.
i mean theyre def already doing this but now they have covid as a smoke screen to really move into trials and provide deniability on why they thought it was acceptable.
Did you guys know that nazis made lampshade soap out of piles of shoes?
Pure. Evil.
Nazism was just an attempt to save the cobblers union. Seems legit.
Damn you technological progress!
Was that from “the greatest Schindler never struggled?”
Schindler’s Last Days of Night
X Y Zed? Who’s Zed?
ZOG’s dead, baby. ZOG’s dead.
plug the xyz link again pl0x, randbot
xyz.net.au for anyone else who was wondering
What’s a “Zed”?
I hate every ape he said, from chimpan-a to chimpan-zed.
There is a rhombus amomb us.
Where’s Rand Bot?
Right on cue.
Mike pausing for anyone challenge (impossible).
Sven has been sick, Jazzhands, he has a note from his mom for missing classes at FTN High.
Yeah Sven missed the 8 hour FDA Covid panel FTN break down and the National Institute for Health ignoring the FDA and approving the shots for kids.
The trend in America is to quote the entire Covid timeline and say 95% of the people that showed up at hospitals are unvaccinated…Local fox news this morning is calling out the unvaccinated really hard at the moment.
I’m watching 30 minutes vaccination commercials it seems instead of local news.
the pandemic of the unvaccinated thing is such a cringey cope to watch
like listening to an alcoholic endlessly blame his behavior on other people : /
Went to see Megadeth, Lamb of God, Trivium, and Hatebreed at a venue with no COVID requirements, in the pit. It was fucking great. It was like COVID didn’t exist.
>androgynous strain
hooooo hooooo hoooooooo
They’re remaking Reservoir Dogs, but it’s 5 fags and it’s called Reservoir Dongs
So, The Usual Suspects?
HIV reservoir dongs.
I heard the plot involved stealing illegal COVID drugs, and the movie is called Remdesivir Dogs…
The hero is a tranny who goes undercover and is given the code name Mr. Pink-Blue-Brown
The Return of the Jesse.
my new thing is I go on Google, type on “holocaust”, then go to news–> search tools –> past 24 hours –> sort by date, then screenshot.
then i send it to friends with things like “hey its a random Tuesday, lets see if there are any new holocaust stories in the news today…”
no joke, the screen shot always shows 3 new stories written within the last 30 minutes.
it has opened many eyes!
144 new stories a day. 1008 a week. 52,416 new stories a year. Oy Vey!
OCD math nerd. sry.
or our money back!
pajama cop takin it sleazy
Dunken Donuts sucks and has for decades. They no longer make the donuts on site, for one.
There are good local family run donut shops where I live, but they are all run by southeast Asians.
Fug, now I’m stahvin’ for an apple fritter.
Jack Frost Donuts
Duck Donuts has it all, made to order (not to be confused with Chuck’s dough nuts)
Me when I go into dunkin donuts:
Unicode gang FTW
NY Gov says she will replace unvaccinated healthcare workers with foreign workers.
no shock on that shot
She literally used the word “Foreigners”
Oh, really? Lmao I didn’t listen only saw the reports
Ban hammer muh fugga
New “Hello Jazzhands” drop sounds great
ha wrecked
Sounding good
(Do I have to do everything myself!!?!?!??)
I would love to call in and tell my story of getting a crappy case of covid a few weeks back, but I have to do pro White work. I’ll regale the team next time.
Do you support the use of violence against me?
One dollar…one dollar…
one fecking dollar
No more FTN live, now back to Sven contempt
They’ve got to be, right? David and Barbara? Giving training at ADL seminars?
I read a story about a fag who took Ivermectin, then crapped out a whole bunch of intestinal worms, and then wasn’t a fag any more. Do intestinal parasites cause faggotry?
Pinworm vs fag
One is a filthy parasite covered in pus and shit, a burden on medical resources, a danger to society’s most vulnerable, easily eradicated with permanent solutions, and often found alongside HIV
…and the other is a worm
Does a mtf tranny who takes ivermectin have their mexican clinic 200 peso science pussy infection cleared up?
They do say that our intestinal biome (the useful microbes that help us digest food) affect our physical and mental health, and I’m sure intestinal parasites don’t help either, so who knows. It’s not a completely implausible story.
That’s what intrigued me about the story, but it was an unsourced 4chan screencap somebody posted to the Fediverse
Well in that case it’s probably fake. But I believe it!
They’re baaaack.