On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Jazz and James pause and neverforgetti the depth of Israel's involvement, as newly released FBI documents confirm the degree to which Jews had prior knowledge about the attacks. Fresh details have also emerged about a meeting between Hollywood execs and Pentagon officials to "dream up" new terror scenarios for use in propaganda to support the forthcoming war and gay opping of Saddam. Fast forward two decades and DHS' John Cohen is desperately trying to connect Taliban "terrorism" to White domestic "terrorism" in America. Then it's mandate shots and why the galaxy/grug brain alliance of vax disrespecters has the most rational take on the real threat of mass vaccinations. After the break, James goes on a math bender to analyze impacts to employment (and denial of unemployment benefits) for those who refuse the mandate as well as the vax respecters who quit if their employer doesn't adopt a mandate. If it's Saturday, it's FTN!
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Dancing Mossad Terrorists
00:20:00 - Tip of the Jewberg
00:35:00 - Jewish Terror Fanfic
01:05:00 - Mad Max Mandate
02:00:00 - Galaxy/Grug Brain Alliance
02:37:00 - BREAK
02:40:00 - One-Two Jab
03:00:00 - Semitic Trend Lines
03:30:00 - Limits of Debt Slavery
03:44:00 - Endokomuna Fashwave PRL
Raider painspike armor, check. Medicine skill 100, check. Time to fix Caesar’s brain. Ave, True to Caesar.
Microbiology class circa 2013/14. I had a vaccine researcher investor as a prof. I remember vividly they said corona class viruses were pointless to invest into because they change so much, the company would never get return on their investment.
Regarding changing dates: I was an early adopter of any technology. In 2001 I had Sony digital camera – 3 MPix I think. They existed in 2001 as a consumer grade cameras not only professional. When you took the picture, the date it was set it got written in metadata of the file. You couldn’t change it from the camera, you had to connect to PC.
Best art ever.
Jazz, you mentioned (((Rita Katz))) more less in passing today. I passed a reference on her to the Third Rail guys recently. She seems like an “interesting” kike. Here is my low effort post on her that I gave to them:
At the risk of being accused of handing out homework assignments…she seems like someone worth another look.
Katz the malignant jewess has been wreaking havoc in once-American politics and society for a very, very long time.
When’s the thesis due Dr. Swamp
This Wodensday.
Dr. Swamp will accept an oral (hmmm…awkward…) presentation…
Jazz hands is giggly today. Watch out gays this dude is building speed.
I will be fired from my position because I am not going to take the jab under any circumstances. I work for a major corporation. I am not going to pay for the specious “test”. My company will slowly tank anyways; they are already unloading Whites, and every new hire is Vibrantly Diverse .The computer programs used are increasingly dumbed down to assist the Vibrants. The company will exist for years and years, but the client base consistently tells me that the last Rep they spoke to, “doesn’t seem to know what he/she know what they are doing.” The Executives… Read more »
You say that no one is writing about Israeli treatment towards Palestinians of covid and vaccine. Gilad Atzmon has been writing about this from the beginning. Here’s one of his first pieces that mentions the topic. He has other essays that go more in depth. https://gilad.online/writings/2021/1/9/guinea-pigs-united
Alright, this episode was kinda scary. I know there’s a Jewish element, but I think there’s also a hubris to our godless society. I have no idea what Europeans thought during the black death, but at least they had God to comfort them. Our society really doesn’t have it and so we worship ourselves. Very scary tbh, between waning immunity and new variants, this may honestly get system-shaking.
You the new variant, just like the old variant? We’ll find God when you get a job.
Crom doesn’t answer prayers faggot
Jazz, not only is Sidney Poitier black, he is one of Hollywood’s favorite black icons and was the thin edge of the cultural wedge in the 1960s as the ‘acceptable black guy’ in movies like “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”. Arguably the Obama of his time only more black and, amazingly, also still alive at 94.
Came here to talk about Sidney Poitier. The movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967) has the theme that white parents should be accepting of their white daughter (Katherine Hepburn!) engaged in coal burning (Poitier). The writer William Rose was a liberal goy. The director Stanley Kramer was a Jew who also directed Judgement at Nuremberg. Both films are heavy-handed jew propaganda.
Don’t forget his turn in “In the Heat of the Night.” Surprised Jazznds didn’t know who Poitier is.
“Bolshevized monkeys”
I’ll be using that.
There’s a new avengers movie called ‘Plan A’. This time the avengers are trying to commit genocide against post-WWII German civilians. Has anyone seen this one yet? It’s not completely based, but this film looks a heck of a lot more honest and revealing than the rest of the avengers movies.
I remember when Zero Dark Thirty came out and conservatives were pissed that celebrity-respecting Obama allowed the filmmakers special access to documents and people who had been involved in the Bin Laden raid. It was portrayed in conservative media as Hollywood elites getting special treatment, kind of like how they get free products and free meals just for being famous. Turns out they had access because they were producing ZOG propaganda. Hollywood was providing a service and was compensated accordingly.
The CIA has long worked with Hollywood. They also used to have many paid assets in the press corps (supposedly they stopped doing that though). They give Hollywood access and in exchange they to get presented favorably.
see the thing with not taking these subtle subliminal messages seriously, is that their subconscious files them away for later, unless they actively engage in mental defense against it when seeing it. it’s like: you may not pay attention to a gross tasting example of a food item but your brain does. you may not pay attention to an ugly sweater but your brain does. Fast-forward to being in your thirties and a chick in a lime green sweater asking you out for a sangwich revulses you, because your brain weights potewntial stimuli using your cumulative experiences with that stimuli… Read more »
best episode ever
Patrick, please call-in to one of the Thursday shows. The People need your Marine hot-takes on Afghanistan.
man i saw this old fox news clip from ’01 or ’02 where they were talking about israel knowing abotu it ahead of time. blew my mind, i didnt even know what israel was back before zog took over, so to hear them jsut overtly talking about it
Pretty sure this is it: https://youtu.be/H20Naj176M0
oh yea that’s the one!
when the bias confirmation hits, amirite?
Confirmation levels that shouldn’t even be possible. Crazy how much media has transformed in just two decades.
I only knew about this stuff later when Justin Raimondo (RIP) would write about it on antiwar.com. He often referenced the Cameron/Fox series and the “Israeli art students.”
We can never win anything through the Republican Party. Trump will probably run in 2024 but i don’t even know what he’s going to say this time around.
Not countering you, but I think Trump will just be too old and irrelevant to run in 2024. (His last die-hards are starting to go, “Wait. Trump wants me to get the vax?!” Not to mention, Trump’s last big shtick is that the election was stolen, so how could he convince people to vote again if they’re just going to steal it?)
Fuck Trump. Unlike COVID, he will magically disappear by Easter.
Oh yeah dude, he’ll fucking suck. 2024 is going to be a fucking shitshow and we’ll be there in the clout Casinos of New Vegas just RACKING IT IN!
hate house *IS* great
*YOURE* great!
Youre all nnnngreat nnguys.
Where does the eloquent quotation from Warren come from? (Jazzhands reads at 1:21:00)
On his telegram https://t.me/ahab88
They’ll never bring down our N-towers.
What is really infuriating is that two of the dancing Israelis moved back to the US in 2015.
Can the link to the covid-19 thingy be sent? I want to save it.
Which “thingy”
The article with the points from the PhD dude. Around the 2hr mark.
Thanks nnnnguy
Thanks mmmmmbud.
By the way, it’s spelled “Jazz’nds.”
Pajeet gangsta rap.
I got that Strobe Light Brain.
I haven’t gotten to listen yet, but I’m writing a script for the Japanese movie industry, and it’s 100% totally fictional, using fake people, but J&J seems like a curiosity to me. Apparently, only 2% of vaccinations in the US are from J&J and it seems to be very low status as compared to Hall-of-cost survivor Pfizer. Gorsky seems Polish, because my wife’s black son got a 1000 dollar frontline worker bonus last year.
In my state and many other states, it is ILLEGAL to advise, suggest, tell etc someone to commit suicide. This guy has broken the law, there needs to be a criminal complaint made. He needs to be charged.
Is there a way WE can make this happen?
1:18:37 As to Warrens take that the “vaccine” mandate being less of an issue than the attack on white history, I disagree. Given the choice of my family album being destroyed or someone altering my genetic makeup the latter option is far worse. This “vaccine” is a rDNA modification not a vaccine. A collective modification of my and my peoples genetic makeup is not a singular attack on me, it’s a collective attack on my peoples genes. You can destroy a peoples history but as long those peoples blood remains they can rebuild, you alter a peoples blood and there… Read more »
Warren’s point wasn’t eschewing one over the other, it was to underscore that we wouldn’t even be in the position we are with the vaccines – and I agree with you on all of the horrific mRNA attributes – if Whites had stood up collectively and pushed back on all of this long ago. Whites then going on to debate the severity of these two things amongst themselves is the opposite of what we should be doing. I know this isn’t what you’re doing here at all (quite the opposite), but we also shouldn’t be mocking and ridiculing the people… Read more »
Show Larry some love, bring back Schadenfreude Suppository, bleeeze.
Nice Mad Fash cover art
The guy on the scooter chasing Jazznds and Allsup is Spam Houston with MSN links, innit?
brb, making allzup in Fallout 3. Metal armor and welding goggles gooooo
Why is there no volume control on the FTN player?
What? You think Jazznds has time to care about White people going deaf when most of us aren’t willing to hear about these jews because they love comfort?
use quarter inch adapter to connect headphone jack to guitar amp or pa system
Great job on covering the vaxx problem brothers HH
I’m tired of spending 6-10 hours a week paying close attention for FTN to tell me what to think, so instead I’ll just read the comments to get an idea of what I’m supposed to think.
So far this weekend, apparently the tl;dl is cords make you gay and jews are bad. There. Just saved myself 5 hours, 55 minutes to 9 hours 55 minutes.
Everyone wants to prove they’re a good person by #NeverForgetting the American 11/9, but no one seems to care about Our Greatest Ally the Australian’s 11/9 when some random drunk ‘Strallion call-cucked RandBot.
The Chinese hate the globo homo:
“Give us 20 years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.”
Got me thinking bout ovens.
Slowly I began to…
Download here for anyone interested:
That Jew must not have been very well informed, by 2001 kikes had already taken over our media for over 70 years. It’s how they got us to kill our racial brothers fighting for our freedom from kike tyranny during World War Jew.
This makes me read SIEGE and accept Mason’s challenge about that amusement park 6 milion. We’re going to supass that number if they keep saying tnis.
“We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”
I think he believed that the bomb went off, so his words to police were basically to say, ‘don’t confuse me with the Palestinians, I’m an Israeli, we’re on your side, goy’
Jews did 11/9.
To quote Avril Lavigne, “I don’t know how much more obvious you want me to make it.”
(And gawdam you, Jazznds, if you do a deep-dive on how Avril is a crypto-jew, you WILL find me inna’ batchroom, and you can just go on living feeling very bad about yourself knowing I had very impressive NW European dna and you’re basically the Sachlers.)
Just kidding. Lavigne is a common goy name amongst the French.
I was too scared to smash that early life.
more like “you’re on our side, goy”.
I can only imagine how offended that kike was at the idea of a member of their slave colony daring to inconvenience them mid gay-op celebration.
Hmmm… dejavu, I could have swear you guys used a mad max style artwork before and it was funny. If this is mad max 2015, well I’m one the four holovax survivors hiding in the truck. DRIVE FASTER JAZZ !
Ain’t no brakes on this ethno-skate, nnnnguy!
The NCR is not built to last.
NCR is a cargo cult of the old world, so is ceasers legion. Take the Ulysses pill.
I honestly think the jew Rick Rubin, who produced Slayer’s God Hates Us All, deliberately delayed the release of said album for two months to participate in the festivity of 9/11.
The official story according to wikipedia: “God Hates Us All was set for release on July 10. However, concerns regarding audio mixing, the album cover, and the band’s label (American Recordings) changing distributor, caused the release date to be delayed until September 11, 2001”
Direct download link links to a show from the Carter era
That’s the Third Rail: the most popular podcast since 1977.
Ah dude, are Jazz and James Legionnaires?
All WNs pick Caesar, muh nnnguy.
Rome is literally the single greatest achievement of the White Race.
(Nb4 Anglo-fags TM, no, it’s not America.)
(Nb4 Deutsch-chads TM, ok, you have a point.)
Roma Invicta ✋🏻
Looking forward to this
6 million unvaxxed never forget
been f5ing since three minutes after the last tds ended
The artwork had me laughing pretty good.
Get an avatar, nigger.
Get a pronounceable handle mick