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Apparently a requirement for entering academia is to have a "punny" name. In fact, if your name does not contain a sexual innuendo, you will be canceled sooner or later. Therefore, we admonish anyone contemplating an academic career to make sure their name fits this requirement.
>it’s gonna be a name like Jack Hoffmen or something
Hey it me
My twenty-something professed Bernie Bro-ess daughter has been working on organic farms for the last two years…BBBBASED!!! My daughter is a crypto Nazi!!!
Oooh yeah!Anyway, I searched for Yadong Wang, and it came (no pun intended) up with a biomedical engineer from Cornell uni. I suspect this is not the same Yadong who is writing about twinks.TYH > LEZ . Search your heart folx, you know it to be true.
Have you seen the rankings? The Young Hwytes are ASCENDANT!!
“How Fast Can A Knee Grow? A Subaltern Microhistory of Black Transgender Sex Worker DeLigma Ball IV” by Dr. Boof Jenkem, University of Deeznuts, 1969
Greek pickles
If no one is there to remember the movie, did it happen?
People are listening, if they even knew this came out.
NIKE, when will you return to the isle of LEZbos?
ANGLO, I demand that you give back the Ulster territory. Also more episodes of TYH.
Where is everybody?