Jazz and James declare a fatwah against the paychad F5 gang insurgency by making the midweek FTN free, much to the chadgrin of our heckled anglo overlord. Leaving no shot unfired and no clout unclaimed, we bring you a blistering 3.5+ hours of Afghanistan takes.
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See Frontierland!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Freefagforall
00:15:00 - White-Pilling Jew Reacts
00:30:00 - Finkelcorrection
01:00:00 - An Inclusive Taliban Government
01:20:00 - Perfect Optics
01:40:00 - Poppy Shots
01:55:00 - Groundhog Day 2016
02:06:00 - BREAK
02:07:00 - Good China Bad ZOG
02:25:00 - Strip Mall Diplomacy
03:00:00 - Kosher Big Mac
03:20:00 - It's Not a Different Guy
03:35:00 - Endokomuna Fashwave PRL
What does f5 do?
I am sorry to say that the US didn’t leave the UH-60 Blackhawks and M4 and M16 assault rifles behind, they were given to the ANA forces to be used by them and belonged to the aghanistan puppet gtovernments army, and this equipment, including blackhawks (Who are an very old design now) were never meant to be returned to the US. The equipment you see loeft behind were all left behind by ANA forces and the equipment was owned by the former Afghanistan state. The big mistake the jews made was believing the bullshit intelligence that their woke ZOG/US military… Read more »
Okay, I’m grunge-posting here, but Kurt Cobain didn’t die from a heroin overdose. He blew his head off with a shotgun . . . Or Courtney Love did it. Not sure. Anyway, I think Jazzhands was thinking of Layne Staley of Alice In Chains, who died a heroin-related death. Tragic, yes. But if not for heroin, AIC would have never created Dirt—indisputably their masterpiece. Sooooo, yeah, heroin is definitely bad, but it occasionally inspired some solid music.
Lithium, iron, manganese, nickel, and graphite are the most important resources for making batteries. these resources are found everywhere. Musk is opening up his own mine in USA, and even Germany found massive deposits in the Rhineland. The recent deposit found in Germany alone could reportedly make 400 million electric cars. Australia is also ramping up cobalt production while manufacturers are reducing their cobalt needs in some cases to ZERO. They already have lithium Iron Phosphate batteries that don’t use Cobalt, and Tesla is currently using them in Model 3 production in China. Most rare earth metals are used for… Read more »
“AK-47s use 5.56 for the most part”
“They jam all the time.”
Gun autism triggered.
I thought AK-47s used 7.62mm?
Yep, 7.62×39 and 5.45×39.
Then there’s the PSL that fires 7.62x54R.
It don’t matta though.
Belt and Road with debt diplomacy will open up Afghanistan. Hence why the US is blocking all access to gold and cash
Taliban should refuse to let the belt and road go through Afghanistan.