Jazzhands, you must watch this. This was a speech delivered to west point by a nuerobiologist in 2018 talking about ways to weaponize mrna vaccines, particular the second half. Implanting thoughts and memories, remotely controlling muscles, etc. This is where we’re heading and this is what the kikes and their enablers have planned for humanity:
I didn’t take the first one or any of the other what 3 boosters their trying to get people to take?
July 15, 2021 7:28 pm
I don’t think there is some secret super fertility side effect. It doesn’t fit considering the pro-vax crowd also have promoted to them and personally support a suite of anti-fertile habits like veganism, atheism, cosplaying, paganism, metal music and standard f parties.
Last edited 3 years ago by sexysaxman1488
July 15, 2021 7:27 pm
I had to wear a mask today it was humiliating
My glasses fogged up and I tripped over my shoes
Oh gawd
jamie birch
July 15, 2021 7:25 pm
I havent had a vaccinne of any kind for at least 15 years. So where did all this autism come from?
July 15, 2021 7:20 pm
Sorry I’m late. Was watching a guitar tutorial.
July 15, 2021 7:20 pm
Happy Thorsday my niggas!
Comrade Dyatlov
July 15, 2021 7:19 pm
Diaspora (di-as-per-gers)
July 15, 2021 7:17 pm
Even more concerning are the miscarriages that pregnant women are getting after the jab. And I’m convinced they don’t want to make us infertile but just baked in the sauce so so bad that we are more dependent on goy pharmaceuticals.
jamie birch
July 15, 2021 7:17 pm
Half the people I work with still wear masks at work all day, like fucking gay retards
I’ve been wearing it around my neck since day one of the mask shit lmao, noone ever asks me to pull it up- maybe once or twice when my boss’s boss was there
Yep. At my place you are supposed to wear them 100%, many are lax though.
July 15, 2021 7:16 pm
Women bleeding from the vax is NOT part of reproduction, it a severe medical problem.
July 15, 2021 7:14 pm
I’m trans-vax and identify as Vaxxed. Respect my pronouns.
July 15, 2021 7:14 pm
J&J isn’t actually a traditional vaccine, i.e. an inert copy of the actual virus to spark production of antibodies. It’s a vital vector where the inert virus injected is similar but not the same as the underlying virus being vaccinated against. In this case, it’s an adenovirus that had been genetically modified to encode antibody instructions for covid antibodies instead of adenovirus antibodies.
…and since I had it, I now hate Nazis and yearn to fuck fat nigger shebooms and misegintate the white world away…what’s the down side?
July 15, 2021 7:13 pm
such a coincidence that after pulling out after 20 years in Afghanistan, 48 hours later there’s a brand new boots-on-the-ground opportunity in Cuba. What a coincidence!
Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!
July 15, 2021 7:08 pm
i’ve heard references to volcano demon worship for a while now but still don’t know what the deal is with that, could y’all give a quick rundown or point me to some reading
Laura Loomer is running ads for an ostensibly privacy/security-focused smartphone. The registered business address for the company, Freedom Phone, is listed on bizpedia as 2884 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn NY. (Originally discovered by Nike on poa.st)
Black Widow *Siren Alert* Contact Paranormies for a Transinvestigation!
I suspect blacks not getting it is just low agency and inability to do things. I’ve seen a lot of resistance from chinks though.
Don’t get the vaccine, it turns you into a libtard!
There’s still us kulaks.
LMAO I was just about to say don’t pick up Randbot, its going to crash the show!
I was typing this very same thing , then saw your comment pop up
Good joke, stop the show
How do you know if a Jewish couple has moved in next door?
There’s wet toilet paper drying on the clothesline.
Want Alex to take my call to talk about Star Trek Voyager.
Daily reminder Altered Carbon season 2 failed hard when they tried to turn it into Cyberpunk: Nigger Edition
That old starwars game at Chucky Cheese (Showbiz for my KCMO nibbas) where you got to fly the XWING
Hell yeah borther!
Did it just drop out for anyone else?
A white kid would get sent to juvenile detention if he climbed up on the rollerball.
The fisting guys generally stay in the Hate House area…
Soon as I became a father to a daughter and had grand daughters, I realized I was a Nazi and want a strong leader and society to protect them.
You don’t know how to actually pronounce it though. It’s co-de-graas. The ‘e’ at the end of grace means ‘c’ is pronounced.
You that same magpie that was on the 504um yonks ago?
Ku-day-grahhhh… you philistine…
My Smart-Shower turns scolding hot when I say nigger
Half Somalian Monkeys! Eh Ahh Eh Ahh
Cooper DeGrazia
Cope day Grapes
“White privilege” IS hate speech.
Jazzhands, you must watch this. This was a speech delivered to west point by a nuerobiologist in 2018 talking about ways to weaponize mrna vaccines, particular the second half. Implanting thoughts and memories, remotely controlling muscles, etc. This is where we’re heading and this is what the kikes and their enablers have planned for humanity:
I knew it. Thanks fam, I’ll check this out.
I didn’t take the first one or any of the other what 3 boosters their trying to get people to take?
I don’t think there is some secret super fertility side effect. It doesn’t fit considering the pro-vax crowd also have promoted to them and personally support a suite of anti-fertile habits like veganism, atheism, cosplaying, paganism, metal music and standard f parties.
I had to wear a mask today it was humiliating
My glasses fogged up and I tripped over my shoes
Oh gawd
I havent had a vaccinne of any kind for at least 15 years. So where did all this autism come from?
Sorry I’m late. Was watching a guitar tutorial.
Happy Thorsday my niggas!
Diaspora (di-as-per-gers)
Even more concerning are the miscarriages that pregnant women are getting after the jab. And I’m convinced they don’t want to make us infertile but just baked in the sauce so so bad that we are more dependent on goy pharmaceuticals.
Half the people I work with still wear masks at work all day, like fucking gay retards
You should wear the siege gaiter and see what they say
I’ve been wearing it around my neck since day one of the mask shit lmao, noone ever asks me to pull it up- maybe once or twice when my boss’s boss was there
Yep. At my place you are supposed to wear them 100%, many are lax though.
Women bleeding from the vax is NOT part of reproduction, it a severe medical problem.
I’m trans-vax and identify as Vaxxed. Respect my pronouns.
J&J isn’t actually a traditional vaccine, i.e. an inert copy of the actual virus to spark production of antibodies. It’s a vital vector where the inert virus injected is similar but not the same as the underlying virus being vaccinated against. In this case, it’s an adenovirus that had been genetically modified to encode antibody instructions for covid antibodies instead of adenovirus antibodies.
…and since I had it, I now hate Nazis and yearn to fuck fat nigger shebooms and misegintate the white world away…what’s the down side?
such a coincidence that after pulling out after 20 years in Afghanistan, 48 hours later there’s a brand new boots-on-the-ground opportunity in Cuba. What a coincidence!
Don’t modify my genes, bro!
Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!
i’ve heard references to volcano demon worship for a while now but still don’t know what the deal is with that, could y’all give a quick rundown or point me to some reading
Kikes. Their so called religion. Full stop.
The Indians in South Afrika will be rediscovering the beauty of the swastika soon.
28 Days Later predicted everythang that’s habbening in South Africa. Spoopy, right?
Redpilled on the prussian bluepill
hello svenjeet show calls and callscreen
I loved the piano version of your new song Sven
I’m listening live AMA
ass or titties?
From the sound of this show Bob or vagene?
please to present bobs madam
Black pill- “fuck Drumpf”-fookin’ Thursday Guys. ..yee haw.. !
let’s fucking goooo
*Gets here an hour early to dance to Sventunes*
Relatable haha.
Don’t take any calls just talk about sound engineering and music production.
General homeownership, automotive and landscaping things as well.
Laura Loomer is running ads for an ostensibly privacy/security-focused smartphone. The registered business address for the company, Freedom Phone, is listed on bizpedia as 2884 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn NY. (Originally discovered by Nike on poa.st)
This address belongs to Ha’Or Beacon School, a private, special education, all-boys, Jewish K-8 school with 49 students that allegedly has a 96% POC student body according to https://www.privateschoolreview.com/ha-or-beacon-school-profile.
Is it already time for next F5?