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Anglo & Nike welcome the biggest TYH 'fancast', The Learned Elders of Zyklon, to the TRS Network! We dig into the newest depths of low-effort content on YouTube; catch up with the Episcopalians on the forefront of gibs; and read your comments for pleasure & posterity. Can't leave comments on the episode? Send us an email: [email protected]
Nike has single-handedly compelled me to take Martin Bernal’s Black Athena trilogy seriously.
Not very seriously mind you, but seriously.
Shakespeare will always be taught because Shakespeare was black.
Sometimes I think about how some FBI agent has to listen to all of TRS, and them I wonder about what else they monitor.
Is there a hierarchy? Like do the veteran special agents at the bureau get assigned to the Daily Shoah and TYH and the newbies get stuck listening to inferior podcasts like Nick Fuentes’ show, or Scott Greer’s podcast?
At least being the agent assigned to The Right Stuff would have the potential to be entertaining. But being assigned to watch all the groypers would just be a slog.
I would love to be paid to listen to podcasts.
Guiyana: Designated Shitting Colony
I also do not consume cringe.
I hated literature lessons in school.
Will there ever be a learned youths of zyklon someday?
TYH is Zoggers (zog + poggers)
‘Fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. A Venetian Jewish moneylender, Shylock is the play’s principal antagonist.’
OH GAAAAAAWD, 6 trillion canards
I had been waiting.
I used to use a Turtle Beach headset for my PS4 and it worked fine cause I only played for 2 hours at a time max, I quite using it after a few months in online school, that thing hurt my ears after a little while, now I just use Beats bluetooth earbuds for everything, idk if that makes me a fake gamer or what. Also the bit with the ebonics Shakespeare had me jerking the mouse around with laughter while gooming, got some great trick shots in a way that just made me laugh more. Sorry for the Spam… Read more »
…not to anything in particular. They’re just listening.
Thank you Nike for exposing this LIBERAL LUNACY! It all makes sense now: the DEMON-KKK-RATS just want to defund our GREATEST ALLY just so they can give our hard-earned tax dollars to the NINCOMPOOPS to keep them on their PLANTATION! Good thing we figured out their GLOBALIST PLOT! I know that together we can raise enough money for Trump to repeal OBOZOCARE and beat rich old white man Biden and his CRACKHEAD son with the help of our BASED BLACKS and HOT CONSERVATIVE WOMEN like Caitlyn Jenner! BQQQQQQQM!!!
Don’t forget BRAVE Conservative warriors like Karlyn Borysenko, standing up for the rights of ALL of us against the anti-human LUNACY of CRT!1! Those DemonkkkRats want a white power movement in America! Not on our watch!
People are listening
FTN on a Saturday plus TYHs? Nice.
we live in the best of possible worlds
Do you?
Petition to add Nike to TRS is tied.
I’m excited
Where’s the episode?
Gotta keep up with the LEZ amirite?