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We bananz if we want to.
- Mama Mia, Striker Copy Pasta
- Memorial Bananas
- Where is the Justice for Hunter Brittain?
- He Wrote Things Down
- We Binance
- Jim Norton Gets Stuck in Traps
- Can't Escape Gay Product
- Brett Weinstein Says Genetic Cohorts are Cringe
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Greeley, PA 18425
I can add some insight to the thing in Winthrop. Not going to get super detailed for obvious reasons. Winthrop is a 90+% white town. Its a lower-middle class town that in recent years has had real estate prices skyrocket as more people leave Boston for whiter areas. Winthrop is one of the last extremely white immediate suburb of Boston. Now despite the demographics of people that live there the town gets a lot of visitors in summer. Nearby beaches in Revere and East Boston have become really crowded and awful, full of druggies and all kinds of hispanics. Winthrop’s… Read more »
“He who ironically poopposts degeneracy might take care lest he thereby become a degenerate. And if you gaze for long into a bussy, the bussy winks back at you.” – Kenboy
Please more Devon Stack as a guest. His convo with James was great. He and the TRS gang have a lot of the same thinking but the dude is out in the desert living an isolated nocturnal life interacting only with cacti, critters, his cat, and his dead neighbor.
What’s wrong with white nationalism?
It scares jews.
Exactly. So they made it a dirty word. Nationalism only has a negative connotation in white Western countries. No one has a problem with Thai nationalism.
Let’s translate the latest conservative message a la Weinstein, Crowder, and Borysenko: ‘We don’t want whites to collectivize because they’re smart and they work hard and they invent shit and they generally work well with Asians whom we also can’t compete with and we want power over them which we can’t attain honestly so we’re going to bring up slavery and the holocaust and use institutional power to lie and brainwash and to take advantage of the weaknesses beautiful white women and high estrogen bugmen such as pathological empathy and the effeminate desire to nurture the disaffected and Christian propensity… Read more »
We Binance. That’s brilliant
Blues fan here. Blues ROCK specifically. And no one should care what Robert Plant thinks anyway. He was the most replaceable member of the band.
I agree with Sven that Boomer Rock is awesome.
The opening guitar riff to FTN is quintessential Boomer Rock.
Google “hunter Britain murder” what a fucking joke
In The Pines is Leadbelly, not Howlin’ Wolf. Killing Floor, Smokestack Lightning (which all the Brit bands did) is Howlin’ Wolf.
In fact, Zeppelin directly plays the Killing Floor riff in The Lemon Song (which that song is a piece of shit yes)
Hol’ up now.
I must defend Surf Rock.
Surf Rock is the whitest Rock there is. It is derived from Classical European Spanish guitar music, instead of the more Africanized Rhythm & Blues like other Rock.
It’s also extremely wholesome, as it hearkens back to Peak White 50s/60s America & has zero lyrics to get pozzed.
I highly recommend it for workout music. It’s high energy & each song lasts about 2 1/2 minutes, so great for speeding up your workout pace.
Great Fender Strat, Amp and Reverb tones.
Although, “Africanized” R&B and Blues is all taken from Irish Folk especially. You think Africans were playing that shit on the dark continent? Nah son!
“Burnout” Absolutely pathetic.
Heh, I do that same thing with the sudden shark terror thing. I think if I could just see into the water I might be more relaxed. It’s too dark.
like niggers
When the levees break is a blues cover and it’s one of Zeppelins best
Song is absolutely based, gj sven
Run Through the Jungle, that’s the third Vietnam soundtrack song, also by CCR.
This is my favorite CCR song:
Up Around The Bend – YouTube
“Who do ya love?”
~Juicy Lucy
Watch Lex O Pokers latest video on YouTube. Redpill moment for normie white guy.
Basically he got banned from a poker room in FL for being white.
It’s difficult to watch Brett and not feel pity for that pot-plant stood behind him
Dread Zeppelin is better than Led Zeppelin
Nigger, you gay
All niggas is gay, but my point remains the same. See what I did there?
Nobodys fault but mine…
My favorite Zep song:
In My Time of Dying (1990 Remaster) – YouTube
We Gotta Get Out of This Place by The Animals would be a close #3 after the two ‘Nam songs Sven mentioned.
This is my favorite Animals song:
The Animals – House of the Rising Sun (1964) HQ/Widescreen ♫♥ 57 YEARS AGO – YouTube
Nigga, that’s like THE song when someone brings up the Animals.
There are some negro react videos for that song. Funny stuff. My favorite quote?
“I didn’t expect that to come out of the little face!” LOL!
I dig that song a lot.
The Emperor – I am the Surf Wizards was the best Black Metal surf rock reimagining. There is a really awesome Synthwave version of Darkthrone – Transilvanian Hunger out there too.
Mike’s not quite giving Robert Johnson his due, he played his songs with his own bass accompaniment played with the thumb of his right hand. Hendrix could do the same, be a one man band. Page was just a twiddly ponce. Not a colour, it’s a guitar thing. Johnson, like Hendrix were among the best ever. They didn’t need a band. But they both died at 27 and sold their soul to Satan….but I would say they both weren’t quite the corporate pussies of the later rock-stars who grow old and just bore everyone.
This is fucking bullshit this is just the niggers they put out front for you. You actually think Hendrix was a good guitarist? He played guitar like a nigger. How about Frank Zappa I’d rather listen to that faggot any day over Hendrix. At least he had some real riffs.
I prefer Duane Allman myself:
Awesome Duane Allman Solo Compilation – YouTube
Robert Johnson deserves praise, regardless of the technical perspective, his music was rather groundbreaking and influenced tons of future music. Hendrix was a great guitarist as well, that being said, Page and Clapton are the top two guitarists of all time in that order. Jimmy Page was also a master of the mandolin (Battle of Evermore) as well as the sitar, which is why Kashmir was played in DAGDAD tuning, to mimic the tuning of the sitar
edit: apparently DAGDAD comes from celtic folk music
nigger watch the Knebworth live version of Achilles – Page is literally doing that whilst playing all 5 guitar tracks
The Spanish are white but we’re in the limit of white… it’s fine. Legend says that in the SS, officers told Germans soldiers that if they saw a disheveled soldier with three buttons open in their uniform jacket they should leave him alone, because that’d probably be a Spaniard and what he lacked in discipline he made up with courage. I think Varela told that story. But yeah, Spaniards and Italians, we’re a spirited bunch.
Striker sounds very Spanish, honest and brave but he interrupts all the time. Extremely Spanish.
the Blue Division performed heroically on the Russian Front.
Those were the Incarnations of Immortality books by Piers Anthony. They descended in quality as he wrote them.
On a Pale Horse
Bearing an Hourglass
With a Tangled Skein
Wielding a Red Sword
Being a Green Mother
I was on holiday on Hungary and every church was open and free, the sinagogue charged 20€ and it was closed like a vault. Not that I wanted to see it but there you go, Jews.
Who the fuck is Jim Norton?
A comic in Anthony Cumia’s orbit.
That doesn’t help because I don’t know who Anthony Cumia is either.
OK Anthony.
OK Opie
A literal tranny fucker who spent his childhood days under a porch with his friend jerking each other off.
Well, that’s great. Why take up valuable air time that could be devoted to broad-based racisms discussing faggots no one outside of New York has heard of or cares about?
the exact opposite of ed norton
F A T H E R :: V I N Y A R D ! ? ? ! ! ? !!
For about 5 minutes I thought they were talking about the American History X guy.
Speaking of pro Iraq war comedians, anyone remember Jeff Dunham with Ahmed the dead terrorist?
The ventriloquist. Yeah, I remember him.
I remember him too but I don’t think I ever heard about Achmed until now.
I actually think it’s a funny routine:
“Meet Achmed the Dead Terrorist” | Spark of Insanity | JEFF DUNHAM – YouTube
There also the 3rd Vietnam song. “Look there whats that sound” I don’t know the title of the track
“For What It’s Worth” Buffalo Springfield
Is this like celebrity irony bro behavior. When they hate the shit that made them famous. Like Harrison Ford claims to hate every franchise he’s known for
ACKSHUALY, Jimmy Page (b. 1944) is technically not a boomer.
Why does he look like a jap in his old age?
Alt Hype did an incredible video breaking down the likelihood of a cop shooting based on race. They’ve been trained to shoot whites and ask questions later, flat out. And all that data was collected even before Floyd.
I mean we all inherently know that though. Not only do we have to fight the system but we have to fight the lies of the system that offer a narrative in the complete reverse of reality. Only kikes would do that, anyone else would just brute force oppress you and say your bad.
Shitlibs have no response for table 43 other than your racist. Or pull up fact check on deaths by cops by race. This year alone 100 more white men were killed by cops than nogs. But facts dont matter when THEY control the system.
What was the Phd?
Based on the fact that they guy is nearly clean cut with his shit together. Disheveled barefoot unshaven wandering around in a daze with a gun says glowies wound this guy up and let him out
Fun fact: If Jews go into a church, they burst into flames.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
So is there some Christian equivalent to an eruv that could turn, for example, the entirety of New York City into a church?
Tech support, the embedded videos wont load. I get Error 1002 network error. What do i do?
Danku berry berry much for your question a ticket has been submitted…
No really though what device are you using? Mobile? Opera browser in desktop mode, computer? Brave browser.
computer with chrome
First step, always try a different browser.
Second try disabling add-ons.
Third, try a different device.
Tank you please be sure to fill out survey
I close ticket now
What if someone were to put the idea out there that Floyd’s statue has fent inside and a pack of niggers breaks it to get the fent? Could we make it happen?
If you can pour out a 40 for a homie then why can you leave a banan for George Floyd?
Was that photo of the Arkansas cop married to a sheboon legit
I bet he lived with his grandma because his parents were sackler victims
Hunter Brittains story hasn’t even been aired in Memphis, right across the BROKEN fucking bridge. Yes, the Memphis Arkansas I40 bridge is broken. Just like this country.
Regarding impossible architecture, I would just read the official story of the Chicago world’s fair and Louisiana purchase expo and look at the buildings. That’s what got me.
Then look at this panorama of San Francisco from 1878 and consider that all of this is claimed to have been build in 30 years.
There are a lot of stupid normies getting into it over the last year or two and it’s really brought a lot of stupidity and people who dont really get it.
Btw there are also no crosses on the “churches” in the San Francisco panorama. Zoom in on some of those strange antenna looking things. pretty interesting.
Billy ocean also did get out of my dreams and into my car. That was a really big hit
More of the lying we’ve come to expect.
Harry Chapin – Thirty Thousand Pounds of Bananas
Omg, these gas killing animals make jokes about Jews!
I feel pay cuck broken
Never thought I’d be the Chad.. without benefits 😆
Manlets BTFO
BUCK BROKE! Gnomesayin?!?
ohhhhhh archie! weeehhhhh!!!
edit sorry I fucked up the tower by not replying to end guy. it wont happen again.
another edit. it is now at the bottom like I thought it was supposed to be. N Tower repaired
Height=’auto’ early
I checked my account.. still a paychad so there is that
Yeah, I did that too.