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We bananz if we want to.
- Mama Mia, Striker Copy Pasta
- Memorial Bananas
- Where is the Justice for Hunter Brittain?
- He Wrote Things Down
- We Binance
- Jim Norton Gets Stuck in Traps
- Can't Escape Gay Product
- Brett Weinstein Says Genetic Cohorts are Cringe
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Greeley, PA 18425
I appreciate Alex’s unnoticed criticism of the space ship in predator. Granted you still have the trailer to contend with as a twist ruiner. It wouldn’t be dusk till dawn tier but it would be nice.
Why is this kayak Weinstein talking as if we’re not in the room, like we’re a child that is sitting in the hallway with a thumb in our mouths. God dang, the superiority complex this subhuman race has is aggrevating.
le qui face
Dude, that fucking surf rock thing at around 23 minutes is a fucking Burzum song lmfao!
lol, I missed the split second he actually said Burzum. Dunleheit for those wondering.
Yes, Dunkelheit. As it says in the video title if you look it up 🙂 Burzum Surf Rock.
yes we buhnaaaaaaaaaaance, we buhnance
Great episode. One of the best in awhile.
We bananz, we bananz, Alexander Gordon Jahans
The unarmed addendum gets added to blacks (and not to whites) the way ‘college educated’ gets added to whites (and not to blacks).
Same Talmudic bullsht.
Akchually if I was in the US Army and the KGB wanted information from me i would give it to them, especially if they paid me. And I’d try to get more information.
I have more sympathy for the Russian military than our spic and nigger military.
Doing donuts on a police station LMAO, ya get it? Because they eat donuts
“Liberals and Conservatives”
You mean the two wings of capitalism.
I did the Safety Dance arm thing, to We Binance
Goys Without Polos?
Best Shoah in a while
God I fucking hate that shit so much, “DEY NEED AN ENEMY TO EXIST” holy shit so many people say that shit it’s so stupid.
IMHO Sven Burzum is actually better just as riffs, like the vocals are jarring.
Ryan Dawson doesn’t hold back on calling McAfee every dirty name in the book. Pretty gross if the accusations are true, but if Ryan said it, it’s a pretty for sure thing.
In hour 1 when sven was discussing song choice i thought he was saying “we banans”. I assumed there was a new banana mayonnaise tribute song coming.
Who is this Brett Weinstein guy and where can I find his “genetic cohort” video about the dangers of pinning the goyim against the wall?
Dont get sucked into the intellectual dark web my dude.
We Binance had me dancing in the workshop.
you guys need to play Emily youcis’ song “red velvet” on an episode one day
The world needs to know your girls “got bars” as those urban youth like to say…
Sven and Emily collaboration would be pretty fking great.
Blues musician here. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately. The guitar is from Europe and country music is just a continuation of British and European music. Rock really grew organically from Country music. Think Buddy Holly and Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, etc. Blues really was the grug version of European music with European instruments. When whites started playing blues they did it better, think Roy Bookbinder and others. Don’t let them say bLaCkS iNvEnTeD rOcK aNd RoLl.
Where is the tartar stuff coming from? was it something discussed on poast or the paranormies or somewhere else?
last show bubba
The Paranormies have been talking about it.
I had a negro threaten to kill me once on a job site when I said SRV was a better guitarist than b.b King and Hendrix.
LOL. its all they have!!! the claim to creating american music, which we all know is a lie. They talk about all these old blues musicians but ignore the old white banjo players Clarence Ashley, Old Dave Macon, Dock Boggs, Buell Kazee, Roscoe Holcomb, etc
Roscoe Holcomb!
My favorite SRV song:
Stevie Ray Vaughan – Slide Thing – YouTube
if it was a teenage girl writing on the police station the dot on the i would be a circle
Or a heart.
lol yes….and in glittery ink
Great show gentlemen, Thanks.
Tartaria is the land of the Tatars, not whatever the fuck the Death Panel was talking about. I was cringing internally and externally during the entire ‘Tartarian’ discussion.
Sam Harris conclusion that he is willing to believe jews might be a parasitic ethnic group but we shouldn’t look into that because it might lead to genocide 1 shows the jewish persecution complex extremely clearly and how deep it goes and how completely irrationaql it is. Since the holocaust (I can’t say more due to the laws of my country) 2 Jews have founded a country that is a regional large power (although only with the backing of the US) that explicitly gives any jew any right to “return” and itäs very improbably that another people would somehow in… Read more »
Guy who made that Jim Norton documentary is one of us BTW. In fact he watches TRS.
Porsalin? His docs were badass when he was still around
That’s the guy. Great dude.
Shoutout to him, as I said his documentaries were badass
One fukin banan. Would have spared billions of dollars in damage and countless lives.
ehhhh maybe, I like the angle I heard (probably on trs) that they were all geared up for race riot shit prior to groid floyd and that’s just the one they picked to make a scene out of.
Tough Crowd had some wild stuff in it by today’s standards. I’ve watched replays in the last few years. Colin Quinn’s nonstop bashing of blacks doing all the crime was great. One episode they had a white female comic on there and they all started riffing on how her and Quinn were so white and Colin said, “Yeah we’re white and proud. We’ll make white babies and they’ll be beautiful” or something to that effect. I still kinda like Patrice, too. Sure, if he was still alive I’m sure he’d be in on all the BLM shit but his opinions… Read more »
The whole thing about the “white supremacist” shooter screams schizophrenic to me. Disheveled, without shoes, according to one commenter here passed several non-whites before the shooting and the two blacks that got shot happened to be two blacks who tried to stop him. Obviously he was not going to shoot up a synagogue, or at least there is nothing, zero, zilch, pointing to that, and that whole narrative is jewish victim propaganda. I guess he was truing to do a sucide by cop but it’s just a guess. But honestly I would not be surprised if a schizophrenic today would… Read more »
I wonder if when that Florida condo collapsed there was a young Polish girl watching and shouting “GOODBYE JEWS!…GOODBYE JEWS!…GOODBYE JEWS!…GOODBYE JEWS! ”
…I certainly hope so.
That whole thing is looking to be quite shady or at least a huge anomaly and they aren’t even bothering to do or say anything about all the missing bodies.
Funny thing is while the death toll keeps going up the missing number doesn’t go down. Maybe that’ll change but it’s something I just noticed this morning.
I hate people who dress up thier speaking in the tone and big words to come off as super intellectual. Its so obvious Bret Weinstien your doing intellectual speak as Rush Limbaugh nailed as a fake and gay shtick these people do.
Good takedown of Weinstein. I tried to watch his COVID vaccine video, but he’s so boring. Daniel Harper loves picking on him as adjacent to us, which shows how far down the “everyone I don’t like is Hitler” hole his fat ass has fallen into.
He is insufferable. I’ve only seen one video where he’s insulting the guy from Veritas in a condescending way and he is the quintessential fart huffer. Immensely self-satisfied but empty like most people on the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’.
The shit dick song is by the people haters. They’re an rac band
I suspect that sexual market value that came with being a cop has quietly reversed over the past couple decades. What does Derek Chauvin and this retard who killed Hunter Britton have in common. They both had to settle for non white women or you could be a fed and have to resort to extortion or raping minors. Personally if your dumb enough to marry a black woman you have no business being a cop.
Yeah, that cop is disgusting. “Married a black woman” is just a euphemism for his being into beastiality with wild African monkeys. Disgusting.
I think this is relevant. Whites who mix with blacks are fundamentally broken inside and easily molded by their partners. You see it more with coalburners who adopt the affectations of negresses, but I could easily believe this oil driller got radicalized into anti-Whiteness by his black wife. I don’t think it’s coincidence at all that he killed a White kid for doing nothing. Maybe he’s not conscious of it, but I think he internalized anti-Whiteness. I think this is a crime caused by the anti-White racial hatred pushed by Jews and their golems.
The only good blues is the white interpretation of blues. Even though he was politically a cuck, SRV used a Hubert Sumlin lick in “Rude Mood” and it was way better. And black blues players covered white artists too. B.B. King was a prime example of this playing standards like Hummingbird by Leon Russell, none of their versions are any good really, best version of that song is Joe Bonamasa in a live performance.
American “Black” music is British gospel and folk songs that niggers couldn’t remember all the words to.
Please don’t ban me, Webbengruppenfuhrer Sven, but when will someone explain why this Mega.nz download for some TDS shows? What are you trying to get us to do, and why? One hour downloads that used to take minute?