Striker and Borzoi talk to Jarno Alander about the translation of Burning Bush, now available from Antelope Hill, and the Finnish nationalist scene
Burning Bush: https://www.antelopehillpublishing.com/product-page/the-burning-bush-by-elias-simojoki
National Justice: https://national-justice.com/
Cultured Grugs: https://www.antelopehillpublishing.com/product-page/cultured-grugs-dispatches-from-america-in-collapse
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Can I get a link to the show Mike was on? You don’t wanna know how long it took me to find TRS. well after I’d been listening to FTN and the POZ button on a different host..
Modern state of the nationalist movement? Prepare your jimmies, because it’s time to get Finn klethinked.