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The Death Panel ask themselves questions.
- Pinworm Fatigue
- Historical Joe Mansion Town
- Update on the Long Awaited Holocaust Debate
- Crisis of Legitimacy
- The Merchant Minute
- America is Asshole, to Iran
- CrossFit is Disturbing
- The Tribal Mask of Modernity
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Greeley, PA 18425
The Majorie Taylor Green presses she was doing are called a Push Press. It’s a legitimate movement. The problem with cross fit is that it’s a sport marketed as a way to get in shape. The people at the top of the CrossFit sport didn’t get there by performing CrossFit they get there by doing actual real strength and conditioning training.
That island off the coast of Virginia that talks in old Elizabethan English is called tangier island. I’ve been there a few times. They have a ferry that goes out there once a day out of crisfield, md so you can eat at their restaurant. It’s a lo journey but the food and people are awesome. They even pick you up via golf cart to get to the restaurant. For anyone that has not heard that accent, it is impossible to describe and chances are you will not understand a word 😂
The odd accent of Tangier VA – American Tongues episode #3 – YouTube
Dude that is exactly it! They still talk like that. Before I had gone to tangier, I saw one in the wild one time. He literally gave up and wrote down what he was trying to say to me
Check out the oxygen advantage. It’s a scientific based technique for improving cardio. They sell a mask to “bring the mountain to you “. Cardio at high altitudes is a well known hack.
“crimes of apartheid and persecution”
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé (goodreads.com)
The word ‘no’ in Australian is the only English word that has every vowel in a row in it:
Noaeiou (y)
Conservative and Liberal Pliers!
Here is my favorite part of Married With Children:
Al Bundy beats up people – YouTube
If I’m not mistaken John Kerry was revealed to have jewish blood
He is half jewish. His real surname is Kohn
“John Kohn” those are some uncreative Jews
JK. Are they fucking with us?
Universities in California are mandating vaccines.
When the death panel watched “Triumph of the Will” and “Birth of a Nation” was top notch content. Excited to consume live stream content of swindlers list.
Which episode of this was the live stream for the ignorant?
Unfortunately it was on the Heel Turn channel i dont know if they still exist.
Can someone explain to me why that guy the shitlib was canceling referred to poc as dolphins. That went over my head
Moike is allergic to agreeing with Sven.
Even if you ban beef consumption you are still going to have cows passing gas. So unless they plan on genociding bovine its really stupid
As if stupidity ever stopped them before!
“Maybe we can get them to speak Italian to each other.”
Holy SHIT! Can you imagine Striker and Mattogno getting into a conversation together???
That would be, like, ten HOURS!
If they want certain testimony, just ask if they will stipulate that Hoess was tortured and describe the torture. They can cite his testimony, but it is backed by the prior stipulation.
Blacks all had last names by the time Lincoln became president
“Jews who appointed themselves experts…”
You mean like George Weinberg:
George Weinberg Dies at 87; Coined ‘Homophobia’ After Seeing Fear of Gays – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Um, Dr. Ruth is still alive.
And is a veteran of the Haganah and the Palestine war.
She also worked at Planned Parenthood when she first
came to America.
Ruth Westheimer – Wikipedia
These evil Jews never die!
They live so long because they have no souls.
Lol born in Weimar Germany.
Appalachian English – YouTube
MOUNTAIN TALK (full documentary, official video) – YouTube
“I need to be put in charge of everyone’s moral compass.”
They should just admit that all they’re injection people with, is 20CC’s of copeium.
By this point everyone seems to have forgotten how biology work anyway.
You get sick from a vaccination if your immune system is weak I think, correct me if i’m wrong. In any case, to say this is a good thing is retarded.
The Pinworms leaking from the hole in your grundle means that the social justice is working.
Sadly, where I live, most people are wearing masks outdoors. It’s really disheartening.
I just laugh at them now.
Wearing mask OUTDOORS?!
Shit dude, I see people wearing a mask when they’re alone in their CARS!
And I don’t mean they just have the mask on but pulled down so the can
quickly pull it up when they get out of their car! And they look at me like
like I’m a fucking child molester because I’m NOT wearing one! IN MY
These fucking people wouldn’t have a problem with an ACTUAL child
“The Room” is actually the pinnacle of American cinema. No work before or since has matched.
I like how we can’t have competitive internet providers installed on the poles because it’s too risky but hanging jew strings is totally fine.
In Australia we call our mates cunts.
You guys should do an episode on pinworm and StarTrek.
I think we’ve had just about enough of….STAR TREK!
I agree. I fucking hate star trek. Moar Warhammer.
Hey Mike. You should really look into the very real social-control structure they’re at least testing out with this vaccine and vaccine passports.
I know a number of upper-middle class people who have signaled about not only getting the vaccine — but signaled about getting the higher-status, lower-supply 2-dose vaccine. “That second shot really got me,” and “all vaxxed up, loving life.”
The Dodgers, Rangers and Padres will soon be debuting “vaccinated-only” seating sections — which are going to be all the good seats.
It’s, like, real, guy. Take a peek.
The same people that love to virtue signal are virtue signaling. What’s novel here?
What’s novel is they’re tapping into virtue signaling to get people to take a vaccine that is totally unnecessary, possibly dangerous, and, at best, underdeveloped. And corporations are introducing official classification policies for their own customers based on vaccination status.
My point is, this vaccine is not just a news story, it’s having real world effects.
It feels like any day now I’m gonna get an invitation to some social event from someone I know that is “vaccinated only.” This feels like a thing that’s going to start happening.
Yeah, virtue signaling has always been about getting a segment of White people to do something that is against their best interests. This isn’t novel. (((They))) are just amping up an old tactic.
What’s novel is they’re using social pressure and corporate policy to officially otherize the people that won’t obey.
They are seeing results in their efforts to create artificial social classes.
It’s shit-testing to a “you have to consent to us literally changing your DNA” degree.
“You just got owned by a cyclist, for being a fag” god I lost it at that.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Tider accent of Tangier, Ocracoke, etc.
mike is a vax cuck
Worse. He’s just uninformed and incurious about it. He presented it as an inoculation and it’s not. He denied that international travel requires vaccination in a lot of places. He acts like white working class Republicans are being instructed to resist the vaccines when every Republican had promoted them. Their skepticism is organic.
I generally like mike more than any other commentator on the site but I think he’s sometimes a bit too dialed in on certain topics (albeit with aplomb) and then sort of brushes over some major things on the world
Yeah, I don’t know where he or Striker are seeing Republicans telling people not to get the vaccine. There’s actually such a great opportunity here to call out conservatism and make gains politically. The Fox News narrative is “go get your vaccine so this can all be over finally” which actually is consistent with a lot of inherent losing conservative logic and offers us a silver platter to take an organic stance the GOP and Fox won’t. The “if you give up on X, you’ll get Y” compromise is forever failing and done this way on purpose. If anything, White… Read more »
I didn’t deny that international travel requires vaccination. I said that international travel requiring vaccination is nothing new. And it’s not. They’ve been doing it for decades.
I admittedly was a Bernie bro Reddit guy.
I stopped in 2015 when he got fucked in the primaries and I realized that the DNC does not actually care about the will of the people.
All of those documents would be digitized. They are fucking around with you. There is no need for them to travel to Germany to obtain a document, the archive would email them a PDF. Even professional historians barely need to travel any more (except in rare circumstances) because everything is digitized.
Jerking off is jewish
You guys should all watch there will be blood next for coomtent
Already did around a year and a half ago.
I won’t be happy until the pin worm is listed on the ADL hate symbol database
I guess Sven had so much fun with his Iraq war troll that he’s going for round two
Man! Mike can act like a total shitlib sometimes. In that ending segment he uses all their tactics to argue with Sven. The tatical nihilism, his denying that covid restrictions can affect people, specially peopel that have to work for a globohomo company. This and his fedora atheism always annoy me.
Imagine saying “fedora” as an argument. Where are we?
That’s what was really breaking his balls, right? Well the anti-mask evangelical guys are over there somewhere, but they ain’t here.
Thank God! It’s all Republican retards are talking about. Whites are a year or 2 away from minority status and Republicans and thekr flock are off bitching about fucking masks it’s sick. It’s demented.
100% and I it gets my blood boiling more than anything. Friends and family all around me keep talking about where they can and can’t go based on mAAAAsk enforcement and I just ask them, “yeah, but do they enforce against TNB? CUZ I’M MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THAT! Fuckn wear your mask so the BQ can’t hide behind it this summer.”
…since the Wuestenbergs, I’m to the point where I won’t allow my wife to go almost anywhere with myself or another able and WILLING male in the Family to defend her. It’s fuckn dangerous out there and these shabbas gollum need to be recaged.
You know you can push on more then one front. One does not exclude the other. Republicans being retarded is the norm, my opinion isn’t influenced by whatever grug agenda they are pushing.
Institutional religions has been coopted by jews, show me a major institution that hasn’t, specially a secular one.
The thing is, Christianity held them at bay for years, then jewish propaganda undermined it for years in every opportunity they had, it’s something that is constantly in their minds.
Go to American Atheists twitter to see com jew com guzling.
All modern interpretations of the bible, like jews being gods chosen people, where pushed by (((neo-charismatics))).
A lot of moike cock suckers in the replies.
Only 1 infighting, limp Right punching, semite mouth who missed the shot however.
Who started the infighting? Who always runs his mouth against christians?
Go back to goo guzling mike’s cock you fagot.
Regarding Freud, look up his grandson who is a famous celebrity psychologist in England. He was outed as a pervert as well. It runs in the family.
I’m more concerned that people are being weeded out with vaccine shit than the schizo theories surrounding it.
Alex alluded to it earlier that it’s a tribe signaler thing. Every libtard I’ve seen has picked up on that while conservatives are blundering around unaware that these people want their lives completely fucking destroyed.
Imagine buying a new vehicle.
In my opinion, all promotions including coronovirus fear-based consensus and opposition to it, is designed to drive all of society further into a schizophrenic state. Looking at the covid vaccine (all are gene therapy save the J&J vaccine) issue a bit closer, the false sense of societal superiority shit-Libs have been awarded for their compliance to this latest promotion has already resulted in their total abandonment of their previous distrust of big pharma. On the other hand, the distrust of big pharma among libertarians, ‘patriots’ and the conspiracy crowd has also trickled up, via jewish promotions, and overtaken mainstream conservativism,… Read more »
It’s escalating quickly. Prime Minister of Canada recently said vaccination certificates are “to be expected” as a consequence of the pandemics. The sensory interference you mentioned is significantly impacting kids 10 years and younger, retarding their social development. I can’t wait to see how that generation turns out.
“Power always craves more power…”
Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson – The Year 2003 Minus 25 – YouTube
Fuggin Sven ranting at Mike and his only response was, Oh.
Boy does Mike get mad when he’s wrong.
The issue with vaccines today is that vaccines were first developed to combat actually debilitating horrible life-altering diseases, whereas now it’s like Pfizer wants to make a vaccine for everything and laugh their way to the bank
Sven and Mike should use separate teleprompters lol
Not going to stop Mike from autistically screen watching.
I was expecting hot takes on pornhub jewish lightning in Canada
Sorry guys, I would do the free pooping…
“It’s not terrorism when we do it.”
The motto of Zionism.
Good, finally some Freud-bashing, That jewish charlatan was the beginning of the real downward slope for western man. I hate him deeply. I were always suspicious about his on the face of it absurd ideas and when I got to Unicersity I read up on what evidence there was for what Freud said was true and there is no experimental confirmation of any Freudian concept, except if that concept was formulated in it’s most banal and benign form, to be found in the psychological literature ever, or at least there were not 25 years ago. And things have only been… Read more »