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The Death Panel ask themselves questions.
- Pinworm Fatigue
- Historical Joe Mansion Town
- Update on the Long Awaited Holocaust Debate
- Crisis of Legitimacy
- The Merchant Minute
- America is Asshole, to Iran
- CrossFit is Disturbing
- The Tribal Mask of Modernity
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Oh no
the end show dialectic was epic
Looking forward to the late great fake holocaust debate.
No, we don’t speak the way that British people spoke in the 16-17 hundreds, we have retained certain features from that era that were lost in the mother land. For example the rhotic R, a common feature in English during the colonial era, was for whatever reason lost in british english, but is now one of the distinguishing features of standard American english.
Best part of the show is McNabb saying the shitlib was owned by a cyclist, Sven’s laugh and mine were in unison. Great show boys.
I think Mike is right. Every conservative right now is bitching about how masks are the greatest impediment to their lives ever like a bunch of snowflake faggots. It’s like SHUT UP. Why don’t you talk about something serious faggot?
Then they accuse you of being an undercover Democrat SOCIALIST.
It’s like, well I am a socialist. Nothing wrong with that. But I’m a Trump supporter (i just say this). And this confuses them.
So edgy! The white nationalist version of the libertarian saying I’m socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
So what you’re saying is you love clown world and will dunk on people who complain about it because that’s low status and impotent. You’re a socialist, but when you hear the average White person lament the fucking weird, antisocial and dystopian immediate conditions of their everyday lives, it makes you want them to shut up? I think it’s pretty fucking serious that within a few months it became the social norm to hide your face in public, isolate yourself from the world and now if you don’t let kikes prick you with a mystery substance (because they said so,… Read more »
They managed to get everybody to wear masks. Every corner of this continent, from coast to coast, you’ll see littered masks, car mirrors dangling multiple surgical masks. Tiny children walking to school every morning with face coverings. Required to “social distance or else!”
The masks and anti-social policies are being underestimated in regard to their negative psychological effects on the populace.
Like Mike says, the mask issue is a huge finklethink game. It’s literally to give Republican retards something to complain about INSTEAD of race just as Whites are a year or 2 away from minority status. Mike is right.
In 20 years people will be like, what were White people DOING the year they became a minority? Answer: 1984 posting about masks. 😐
You can give a fuck about both issues, retard. It’s not either/or. Being in public feels so fucking weird and dystopian like a horror movie. It’s not normal to wear surgical masks in public all day, every day never see a person in public anymore without this creepy plague doctor scrub covering their face. Non-compliance results in public humiliation and potentially life-ruining consequences Every single White person has a moral right to demand an end to this and make it an issue. Some “man of the people” socialist you are if all you think when somebody is unhappy with covid… Read more »
Wearing a mask is easy. It’s no sweat off my back.
Pretty much no red states even have a mask requirement anymore. Look at the map of the states with mask requirements and those without and it’s basically an electoral map. So what are conservatives even complaining about?
“Chocolate pinworm and hotdog flavored river.”
I fookin’ died.
If you want to do an mRNA vaccine why not do it with a virus that has been around for eons and had time to study. Its like boom a new virus we don’t know anything about time to add a second unknown to the mix
Tangier Island – crazy pirate accent
“Expressing one’s sexuality” in public is sexualizing the public space. If there’s one thing the public space SHOULD BE is safe for children. This is what all decent people agree with: Don’t talk about sex around my children. Talking about sex, or “expressing sexuality” in the public space is therefore sexualizing children. If you remove sex from procreation, and connect it to some kind of pleasure you identify with IN PUBLIC will therefore lead to pedophilia, eventually.
It’s a “tragedy of the commons” kind of argument, but it stands up: get your faggot shit away from children.
Just waiting for the normies and golems to start the peer pressure… 30 people in the office, 2 aren’t vaccinated. Ruh roh
Dye jobs with rifles are up there with office workers with f150s
Fitness expert recommends eating coom.
Fitness expert is also a homo.
My great great great great like 150 more greats INVETNED the wheel.
736 is still on the RSS feed
Pinworm Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sven, YouTube search “knees over toes guy.” You can fix your knees right up and get back to doing squats that I know you love to do.
I’d actually wager that Scottish English is the most conservative dialect. They hardly drop consonants unlike other forms of English and they preserve the original pronunciations of vowels. ‘Aboot’ is the more traditional form for instance.
I also suggest researching the dialects of Southwest England (Devon, Cornwall, Sommerset). Local speech there preserves and emphasizes the hard r and is the basis for the pirate accent.
Baby Boy is the absolute pinnacle of GCU. You can give up on nigger-movies after that
Trust me, Snoop Dogg has many lines in it that can be mined for drops, its hilarious
chocolate pinworm and the hotdog flavored river.
Is that an old Burl Ives song?
I love Mike’s thinking but when he goes bone-headed is maddening. Covid has a huge impact and the masses are going insane because of it and the restrictions on movement are HUGE. To say Covid is just a distraction is insane.
What he’s saying more is that Covid is a distraction from White issues the way the GOP addresses it, but I really don’t think he is saying it’s “just a distraction” in general.
Covid is not a White issue in my opinion. Covid policies, whatever you may think of them, are not directed against Whites specifically. If normies are mad about it, I think that’s because they are actually mad about a lot of stuff, and this is the safe outlet that they have been given to vent. Think how dumb it was to see anti-mask protests in the middle of literal race war riots over the summer. That’s why I say the conspiracy is the conspiracy. The GOP wants you mad about Covid, so you don’t say anything or expect them to… Read more »
On its surface Covid might not be an explicitly White issue, but it’s been a vector for antisocial, dystopian oppression and only White people in America are oppressed. 9/11 changed foreign policy and jewish hegemony in America forever but Covid will forever be the reference point for domestic discrimination against White people. My clout’s on the line here, but Mike, you just said it yourself: they’re using Covid as the reference point for a debate on denying White people medical care. You’ve always been excellent at point out differing narratives or real life standards regarding White people and healthcare, but… Read more »
“what happens when they want White people to be first in line for a procedure?”
The procedure they want Whites first in line for is White privilege racism awareness training.
True, point taken. But about travelling, maybe you haven’t noticed that big difference in the US because you travel less internationally but here in Europe it had a big impact. I have not been able to see my family in months and a lot of people here are very depressed… it’s taking a toll on all of us.
What are the travel restrictions? Travel restrictions to other countries, that most Americans don’t even go to? International travel is gonna affect elites and Jews way more than average people. Only 7% of Americans have a passport. What are the internal travel restrictions? I honestly don’t know, and when I ask people get mad at me instead of telling me.
We cannot travel internationally at all unless we can prove it’s for business and even if we can, we have to take tests or quarantine. For example, I have not seen my family in a year and my family has not seen my daughter yet… it’s very tough. In many countries you cannot travel between regions, not even for work. And more than anything, the biggest toll is the psychological toll. A friend of a friend is a psychiatrist specialised in children and he tells me that the number of cases of children with extremely high levels of stress and… Read more »
I’m sorry that this is happening to you regarding international travel, but like I said there are no internal travel restrictions to the US. You can go wherever you want within the country, which is all 93% of the population ever do. My international travel has been restricted for my political views for years and that won’t go away once the covid crisis stops. Requiring vaccinations for international travel is not a new thing, Most countries require certain shots to go there. That rule is more problematic in the breaking than the observing, because those requirements are thrown out when… Read more »
That’s another fucked up part Mike, immigration is still total open borders with Africa while at the same time they say Covid is going to kills us all if we don’t wear a mask outside. While at the same time nobody can enforce masks on blacks and they do whatever the fuck they want. The levels of dissonance are unbelievable… I think at this point becoming a nazi is not only the way to freedom, but the only way to remain sane. By the way, massive thanks to everyone at TRS for your work. You’re affecting not only American politics… Read more »
“immigration is still total open borders with Africa while at the same time they say Covid is going to kills us all if we don’t wear a mask outside.”
Well, this was my original point. I understand why people don’t believe shit the system says, even if I don’t agree with every conclusion that they come to.
Part of the disconnect here I think is US vs. other countries. Europeans seem to have it worse with the COVID dictatorship. The state has had a heavier touch in Europe, where in America there’s been less police harassment, etc.
Gooks from Korea, not Gooks from China, provided the founding stock of Japan.
Also, Mike should write a 30-100 page modern version of Stoic virtue system and how to be a credible voice, pitfalls to avoid, like Marc Aurel
Gooks is gooks.
I still get a 404 but I was able to change the filename to trs738.mp3 which worked if anyone has the same issue
“15 known blood clot cases”…. my best friends aunt threw a clot 3 days after her Moderna vaccine, was hospitalized, but it wasn’t reported to VAERS because she’s a liberal & trusts all authority. The vast majority of vaccine injuries are not reported to VAERS. I didn’t report mine or my kids, because I had total trust in the system. I also didn’t know there was such a thing as vaccine injury or VAERS. I pulled all of our medical records however, and every single vaccination correlated with an emergency room visit resulting in a new diagnosis. (ie asthma, ADHD,… Read more »
The last half of today’s show is why you need everyone you know to listen to TRS
Some people are afraid to listen to TRS in case they hear the word “Finkelthink”, which will immediately cause them to lose control of their bowels.
Close ticket on mp3 pls need racism for commute home thank you
Vaccine side-effects can be an indication of an immune response. Flu vaccines trigger fevers sometimes (for a short period of time, usually a day) because your body detects the foreign bits of deactivated virus and begins to fight it the same way you’d fight a real infection. In the process antibodies are made by T-Cells to immunize against future infection, and when the “dead” virus is defeated your body goes back to normal. Not saying that the COVID vaccines are safe, just that feeling sick can mean the immune system is doing stuff. Fevers feel bad, but there is a… Read more »
Is that how actual immunity works ie all the positive “cases”…are these people
contracting the virus and developing immunity?
Yeah, you can acquire antibodies by getting the disease and surviving it, or getting a vaccine. People get vaccinated for measles and tetanus because having those diseases are risky to long term health and can cause death.
Chickenpox can be vaccinated against, but sometimes parents intentionally infect their kids because the actual disease isn’t usually severe (for kids).
This was my point. A fever feels bad, but it’s an immune response. Allergies are terrible, but they are actually an overactive immune response. If you get symptoms from a vaccine, this is literally the vaccine working. That is just how it is. Not saying anyone should get a vaccine, but that is how they literally work.
As they said, this vaccine might well be a good vaccine but if it comes from the powers that tell us that trannies are real, blacks are equal, women can be men, families are oppression and going into infinite debt is perfectly fine… can we really trust the vaccine? I don’t.
There is a Saki story where girl can’t bring herself to marry boy because his name is “Snooks”. Her girlfriend marries him and gradually changes his name to “Sennoaks” and finally “Sevenoaks”.
Voted for
Bush in 2004
Obama in 2008
Johnson in 2012
Trump in 2016
Trump in 2020
Striker in 2024
3 way clone of Mencken, Junger, and Uncle 2040.
Is Moike talking about “Splits”???
The saltiest pretzels to ever exist.
I buy them buy the case of 12.
So now we are discussing pinworm nutrition content, Upstatenormie on suicide watch…
I have fixed the audio file
And not a moment too soon.
close ticket
Tries to redownload 736
Thanks boss.
Fixing all Jewish males fixes the Jewish problem.
I can’t tell how much I want to forcibly give them sex change operations as poetic justice for pushing the tranny shit on our kids
That’ll be $14.88 boss
Did I travel back in time? Am I gay now?
What do you mean, now???
Time travel makes you gay.
Yeah, I know. Reread.
“What do you mean, now???”
Well done, lad.
Like, when someone asks, “Are you just blowing smoke up my ass?!?”
And you reply, “What do you mean, just?”
If you could fix the file for the mp3 download that would be great yeahh
RSS gang is hating life!
LMAOing @ RSSfags
Thank you McNabb for the Geordie. 🏴
You posted the wrong show on the RSS feed you dumb fucks
The audio player has last weeks show (736) loaded up
Download, too.
Once again Libtards being so shitty Moike got tricked into white knighting for Marjorie Taylor Green
I heard the original American accents are descended from East Anglia, which is what gives them that unique sound. Another interesting thing is I saw a video of a man from either Virginia or West Virginia (cant remember which) talking in a dialect that included Gaelic/Scots words every so often
Here is the explanation:
Albion’s Seed – Wikipedia
Cheers Spam!
Vegans are harmless retards until they have a baby and they destroy their child development by depriving the baby of meat. Law should limit vegans from having babies. Vegans are child abusers.
Just make vegetarianism and veganism illegal!
There is no such thing as herd immunity via vaccinations. The only herd immunity is if the vast majority of a population gets the illness & recovers.
But coronavirus doesn’t exist IMO.
whoa edgy
Usable link.
Downloadable link https://podcdn.zencast.fm/download/media/1332/2a9e9f9c-d175-4470-bc03-7117a594b6cb.mp3
Yall best do some pajeeting
OK so I live in a small town somewhere in Deseret. Today I was driving home from the supermarket and I saw a banner advertising the performance of the local amateur theatrical company. What are they performing? Fiddler on the fucking ROOF!
starring Spam Houston as the cossack captain
Yuh fuckin’ A RIGHT!
More like diddler on the roof
Believe it or not I don’t know what that play is about. I heard the title my entire life never looked into what its about
It’s about kikes
Icky shtetl kikes
Literally the kind of jews that middle-class German jews NAMED kikes!
Mike, the island is called Tangier Island. I went there and found it a quaint place with a white population >99% and an interesting history. I highly recommend a visit. The only problem is that the mayor of Tangier has an Israeli flag flying right under the American flag at his house.
They also use that wire they hang around the community to avoid paying taxes. Because they deem every house under that wire part of the synagogue and then comes in the part about churches not being taxed. I have to tell my Dad to sell the house before its too late
Case of the Monday’s on a Wednesday alright- “download link??”
Guuys I’m eating stop talking about that thing.
I’m sorry I won’t be able to do that.