RSS Feed
The Death Panel ask themselves questions.
- Pinworm Fatigue
- Historical Joe Mansion Town
- Update on the Long Awaited Holocaust Debate
- Crisis of Legitimacy
- The Merchant Minute
- America is Asshole, to Iran
- CrossFit is Disturbing
- The Tribal Mask of Modernity
PO Box 100
Greeley, PA 18425
Use backup RSS.
I have no idea how to do that but thanks for the advice.
Put this is in podcast app. It is their backup feed. It has the correct episode.
On behalf of all of the RSS Niggers, we thank you!
The only thing I hate about Germans is their obsession for nudism. NO.
bro your vitamin d?
you wanna haul stuff? go get a >1300 dollar 90’S f150 with the 300 in it. The bed is the same size as the 75 grand rolling computers.
I wish I had time for those repairs but I will say the 83 f150I had was a beast and the 302 is an ok motor yes.
And suffer you will
The “unregulated supplements” the fake mask lady suggests are just vitamins and two or three common standard supplements.
Why am I listening to last Friday’s show? I’m not paying for this level of service. I want my monthly payment prorated or you’ll be hearing from my lawyer Schmuli Rosenbaum Esq.
Second half of audio is from friday i think
Download is Friday’s show.
I thought I was crazy
assateague island that’s off the coast of benis town
I hear Pen Island is up the road
You know the difference between Arizona and North Carolina. Ones got a why town and ones got a why not.
When do we get to download the show… ;_;
I forgot about Al Bundy’s shitlib feminist neighbor and her beta husband and he would berate her for looking like a dude
Marcy D’Arcy? I think she was a dyke irl too.
I thought I had a pin worm in my brain but yeah it’s 736 not 738
Dark days, dude…
So dark.
TorahHammer 6 million
Pinworms v. Giardia
RSS feed gave me an old episode.
Tangier Island
Damn Jamie uploaded trs 736 from last week….
Kinda squirrelly.
looks like somebody is getting taken out back
Dark days at TDS…
Wahmen moment
Jews are fags
Simple as
Opening many tickets.
I hear “close ticker”
Colonial accents/dialects are almost always more conservative than the mother county. Also, the island in the Chesapeake you were looking for is Tangier Island. There is also a thought there was a concerted effort to change the English standard accent around about 1750, so as to remove the “harsher” sounds when compared to romance tongues (compare the typical American pronunciation of “can’t” to that of the typical English). The thought also goes that what little effect this change had on American patterns of speech was limited to harbor towns. Again, as dilalectical conservatism is common among colonial speakers in all… Read more »
Sven you uploaded 736.
Intermittent fashing
I prefer fire hose fasching! NON-STOP!
There’s also the Boston Brahmin accent which is halfway between an American accent and a British accent
Mid-Atlantic accent – Wikipedia
The Island is called Tangier.
1 hamburger a month is so stupid. Use your brain. You can easily eat 1 hamburger a meal.
Blacks use Lincoln as a first name
Linc from The Mod Squad
The Mod Squad 1968 – 1973 Opening and Closing Theme – YouTube
How to train your pet pinworm
Chocolate star of David and the hotdogs flavored manichevitz
Hotdog Flavor Flav.
full disclosure. I work out naked, but thats only because I’m alone in my room where my equipment is. It’s not sexual at all, it’s just comfortable
I can do 1000 crunches now….
What is the connection with Rudolf Hess gassing Jews and Hess Gas Station hmmm.
I saw a Tucker clip on the Killstream last night, and I swear to god Tucker did an impression of Sven doing an impression of him
Is Tucker /ourguy/, I swear he’s about to ranchpost.
Listen to FTN 400
The previous owner of Rod Dreher’s childhood home was like Leo Dicaprio in Django
Its almost like it’s like breaking.. the.. fast…
What a concept, we need a new word for this, how about ‘breakfast’?
Googled “birth control Israel,” it’s available OTC but of course not free like it is in goy countries. Not a lot of results, but I got a bunch of articles discussing a birth control injection that was given to Ethiopians lol
I went to a zoo today and there was a nigger hooting and hollering at the monkeys, I was gonna ask him if it was a black lives matter rally but I remembered the bang forum told me “Be A Nice Guy”
For your own good. Its open season on white boy summer. They ALL have dey fones now. And if it attacks you and you throw it into the harambe cage, guess whose getting new bracelets?
great joke but this is how it would go:
-you say joke
-nigger pulls out phone
-gets in your face yelling “what you fucking say to me?? everyone, dis white boy said this….”
-you get arrested
Wear your meeeeeeask
You should’ve asked “hey, how’d you get out?”
Innocently ask “What are they saying?!”
Talking about lazy peasant class speech is missing the point. When you compare upper class speech across UK and USA, clearly the American form of English is more precise. And within America, it seems the upper West Coast has the most neutral accent.
Alex is a Nootropicsfag?
Mike – “Americans like pronounce words more than any other language.”
No, I said we pronounce more of the word than other English speaking groups.
Show starts at 17:09
Felt like 45 minutes. I miss 3×5 card guy.
Make that 25:00
Show starts at 45 min.
I’m not even registered to vote; I always thought it was fake and gay, but now I know why
They carved Elie Wiesel’s head into the Washington National Cathedral.
“Democracy dies in darkness…” lol
Take that Moldbug: you called our institutions the “Cathedral” to cover for their Judaism, but now the literal “Cathedral” has it out there. Brazen.
That’s fucking hideous.
I don’t know which is more gay now: USA or Catholic Church.
Never forget the Judensau!
“In a 1996 essay, Naomi Seidman, a Jewish studies professor at Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union, detected strong notes of vengeance in the Yiddish version. In the final scene, after the camp has been liberated, Wiesel writes of young men going into Weimar ‘to rape German girls.’ But there’s no mention of rape in the subsequent French or English translations. Wiesel said his thinking had changed between versions. ‘It would have been a disgrace to reduce such an event to simple vengeance.’”
Nothing to see here, goy.
They really are the slimiest most vicious people on earth.
Daily reminder in LOTR the Orcs are Christians
I love it when hour one is two hours
Bout time.
F5 Gang
The autism will touch the sky!
the daily shoah