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Striker and Borzoi return from hiatus with John from American Defense Skinheads to talk about dissident music and art
National Justice: https://national-justice.com/
Cultured Grugs: https://www.antelopehillpublishing.com/product-page/cultured-grugs-dispatches-from-america-in-collapse
https://dlive.tv/ThePeoplesSquare (not being used tonight)
Donations/Superchats: https://entropystream.live/app/ThePeoplesSquare
Email [email protected] if you want to use Bitcoin. I will send you a one-time use address. Include what you want read out in the email body. Recommend using a sock or burner email.
People's Square RSS Feed: http://peoplessquare.libsyn.com/rss
Songs played tonight: https://www.pastefile.com/v5qa64
Striker: “The things you hate most about the Jews are the things you hate most about yourself.”
I mean this in good faith. If you are personally familiar with anti-social behaviors or just generally degenerate behaviors then, I think, you are most sensitive towards those behaviors in others. The antisemitic vaccine is experiencing the social ill.
Unfortunately the average TikTok video is a teenage girl dancing or lip singining to a trashy nigger rap song. I was repulsed at what I saw after checking out the homepage a few days ago. I think the fashy aesthetic clips are popping up due to the personalized algorithm based solely on what you like or follow. Sign out and you’ll see the most popular filth.
Great conversation. I tried to donate on Streamlabs before the show. Now I know why it didn’t work!
I want them to actually try this moon boon thing.
We wuz flyin through space before whitey got dat fire. We taught y’all how to plot orbital trajectories n shiet.
Why Not A Movie About Jack Crenshaw?—The White Man Who Actually Did What HIDDEN FIGURES Credits To Black Women | Articles | VDARE.com
America Should Be Ashamed: Why Isn’t HIDDEN FIGURES About “Nazi Scientist” Arthur Rudolph? | Articles | VDARE.com
HIDDEN FIGURES Myth Dissolves—It Wasn’t Blacks Who Got America To The Moon, They Actually Wanted To Stop It | Articles | VDARE.com
Ignorance is infantile : https://argentbeacon.com/music/
Without having listened, I just want to point out that the bad guys have nothing like the creative energy that’s seen in this thing. There are literally dozens of full albums of Moonman content alone.
Borzoi, I laughed when you said your wife loves mayonnaise and considers food as a delivery vehicle for mayo.
You remember the Friday Night Lights movie and the whipped cream bikini? Well, you should consider learning how to apply mayo to yourself in a similar fashion. That’s one way to spice up the love life.
That makes me want to vomit
“That’s one way to spice up the love life.”
Also congrats to the moma borzoi also
Congrats daddy borzoi
I’m F5ing as hard as I can!
Only have to F5 for 8 hours.
The F5ing started almost immediately.