Jazzhands has emerged from his local abandoned Sears store, with more shots.
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by Seventh Son
Jazzhands has emerged from his local abandoned Sears store, with more shots.
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Man They keep saying shot, I’m gonna be bltzed.
drink drink drink
ahh man I had a great joke about floyd george
I finally called in and this happens
I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean to take up too much time.
LOL! This happens EVERY time!
Sven battery drained, time to look for the cord…
“Two Jews, one Cuck”
maybe they will make a george floyd $20 bill
YES, THEY NEED IT SPOON FED TO THEM. Do you realize how fucking stupid normies are? They need a dumbed down clinic. I’ve been working to get normies to TRS for the past 5 fucking years. Trust me I know what normies need.
“I know what normies need.”
No you don’t, obviously.
Yes I do. I’ve been constantly trying to redpill my normie friends and get them here for 5 straight fucking years. I’m just trying my part to save the white race from obliteration. I can’t say it like these guys do. They need some baby food.
If you’re unsuccessful after 5 years of effort, the problem is you.
I’m not completely unsuccessful. I’ve brought 3 other paychads here but I’ve failed to make regular listeners out of several people too.
Maybe the problem is me. If so, maybe a podcast series by those who say it better would help. That’s all I’m saying.
Why wouldn’t they “get over here”?
What did they say?
Then they have to experience more pain from the system. We’re not going door to door in cheap suits on little bicycles to cater to big normie.
I haven’t missed One FTN, TDS or strike and mike for 5 years. It’s not a criticism, it’s a suggestion. I’m not saying you need to dumb down or cuck your material. This website is the most powerful media source on earth. I’m suggesting some concentrated material targeted for babies.
Let me extend the Mormon analogy to bringing people into our thing: Mormons actually do convert some people (read: normies) going door to door in cheap suits, HOWEVA, the odds of these people turning into members that actually participate in the church, are self-sufficient, and grow the community are very small. The ROI on door to door and all the church’s media campaigns is very low. Almost nonexistent. The good converts are the ones brought in by their friends and family and who **readily accept the teachings** because it coincides with their worldview. TLDR: Appealing to normies is dumb. Prep… Read more »
“ tell them they’re a homo if they don’t listen.”
But I thought normies LOVED homos.
This is the hottest take on the “how to convert normies” debate: “Pain from the System” is really the real reason all of us are here. I have found the most provocative thing to say to normies when they express frustration and disdain for how things are is simply, “Ya know, we shouldn’t have to live like this, and we don’t have to live like this if we just took our own side. Here’s a link to NJP.”
Normies need electrolytes
Borzoi, why would I ask you guys to do it if I could? I don’t mean to sound ungrateful and it’s not a criticism. I’m a customer and fan making a suggestion. There is an ocean of clueless normies out there. I’m merely saying that maybe there’s a way to fast track them with some targeted, entry material. Maybe I’m wrong based on the wrath that’s come down on me for suggesting it.
Sorry not sorry for the length of this post. “I’m merely saying that maybe there’s a way to fast track them with some targeted, entry material.” I’ve been thinking about something like this too. A type of primer that explains why certain things are spoken of so nonchalantly and why other things are treated as extreme issues. Back in the day TRS had a joke/term glossary, yes if you’re somewhat intelligent you can use context clues to piece your way through a conversation but when Sven, Mike and Ghoul would constantly use the term “SWPL” I’d be a bit confused.… Read more »
I want to be better at bringing even more people here to hear YOU Borzoi. I don’t have the platform. You do. Podcasting is not my talent, yours is. I’m out here working to raise 3 white kids with a wife at home. Im making a suggestion. I want this movement to win yesterday. There isn’t any time to waste. I’m constantly looking for material to share to get people here. Is this website great? Hell yes but I’ll be honest, I’ve lost friends after sharing some of these shows with them because they make me out to be some… Read more »
For what’s its worth, I posted the same suggestion under this weeks strike and mike and it was well liked in the comments section. I have no desire for fractious interactions here.
I really enjoyed this thread. LOL!
Ball sucker status confirmed!
ABOUT you not BY you!
5.5 hour j&j
lol captain obvious.
merchants are not sponge-worthy
The young Jew of the sponge merchants
The notion that there is a solution for me or you or anyone, thats dumb. There isnt one, so do what Nixon says at the end of some of the shows, sometimes. “Always give your best…
Jazzhands contempt is good
B-b-but Sven it was a paywall show
Holy shit, Tiger Wood’s kids are abominations.
And that surprises you why?
Does anybody know is Amway Jewish?
I almost got into that shit around 2002 and they were talking about everything being delivered to your door in ~15 years. Also “Amazon hasn’t made a profit yet…”. FREAKY
Surprisingly enough, no. Two Dutch guys started it.
Please do a Jewish question deep dive episode made for sharing with normies. This is a key to this entire movement!
I’m downvoting so I’ll get on the show faster!
But Sven I can’t share it because it’s behind a paywall!
That’s exactly right. What good is Strike and mike (The best political podcast ever created) when it’s always in an echo chamber? Fuck is wrong with y’all?
Stop, you tried, just stop it
{wojak tiny brain, retard face meme}
You could work really hard and develop a redpill pogrom or you could take the chad approach and let the media do it by themselves. They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it recently. After all of the events that have transpired if they haven’t started noticing they will most likely not notice even if you spoonfeed in a high chair every day before their morning shite.
The problem is that a great many of them that act like they haven’t noticed actually HAVE noticed and are just too cowardly to admit it!
I want to see you play City Skylines.
Just look it up on YT. It’s got some of that.
“They trigger my anxiety”
Shit, I thought I triggered your anxiety.
Wait, maybe that was anger. I triggered your ANGER.
OK nevermind!
They will turn his legs into rocket ships like the guy that shot his wife in the face
Oh no, Sven’s battery is running low… mmmmmbetter wind the ol cord out for a recharge on this one fellas.
Golf just makes me think of the walrus himself, Craig Stadler.
Do you think that’s FUNNY?!
I sharpened the bed knife and blades on my reel mower today.
Did you use a stone or a wedge that you run along the edge?
A wet stone.
retvrn to scythe
This is a perfect example of how over-reliance on technology saps our Aryan will. If you had goats instead of a fancy mechanical lawnmower you’d have 6 kids by now and Hitler would have won WWII retroactively. But I guess your convenience is more important.
My libtard says it’s all manchin’s fault
Oh gawd the old Finklethink is back with Palestine and Israel.
Biden is going to start sending lots of money to Palestine again. That Israel is pretending to be upset about but will just do the old keep 99% of it and maybe trickle down 1%.
Paying Palestine to not elect a based government. Just in time for the election at the end of May.
And conservatives will have their finkle: Biden’s supporting Muslim terrorism!
Because resisting being genocided by kikes is terrorism. Too bad conservatives don’t realize the same op is happening to them.
Oh look Hamas down in the polls. All the hardliners were already removed from social media so now they cannot win.
A bunch of Abramabitch’s steel was going to the cancelled pipeline, maybe his stock needs a bounce something has to get built. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-reverses-pledge-to-mandate-us-steel-for-keystone_b_58bbae99e4b0fa65b844b451
It went to the wall instead
Who remember when the wall went from big beautiful concrete to “SEE THROUGH” steel bollard fencing literally overnight. Oh look, it was just a few months after the pipeline pivot: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/13/trump-explains-why-he-wants-to-be-able-to-see-through-his-border-wall.html
But Jazzhands don’t you know that ladders and ropes exist, therefore, walls don’t work…
t. Libtard cope
The left got defanged by trump, dude. Trump turned the entire left into neoliberals. The fight went from the 1% to blue collar conservative voters
salami > pepperoni
Thats a richard spencer meme
i feel like spencer would prefer salami, its got more girth
I dont know that feel…
The secret to awesome pizza is smoked cheddar sprinkled on top.
H-Hot double stuffed
Hey jazz – is FTN ever going to do a deep dive on freemasonry?
YES. Borzoi needs to pony up that prep.
Masons believe that they are going to rebuild the third temple.
Here Borzoi use this brand new craftsman battery operated pressure washer and clean off this bus stop shelter.
“Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” (Dr. Isaac M. Wise, Israelite of America, 1866)
Jews have created Freemasonry to corrupt the nations of Christian civilizations and to propagate behind this veil the general revolution which is to bring about the domination of Israel. It is simply a tool and a means in the hands of the Jews.” (Vicomte Leon de Poncins, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, Freemasonry and Judaism 1929 p. 101)
Maybe the doctor would not gibs marijuana card?
Groids aren’t gonna pay for a card, I’ve never ever seen a black in the card office when I go and they pack like 100 people through a hotel room in an afternoon.
Not makin me feel any more favorable towards marijuana
Possible cuckhold
Is this Prison Reform Round 2 with football concussion nogs?
“It’s just CTE bro!!”
Or this doctor didn’t qualify him for some head injury bucks he already got a loan for.
He lived in the same area of this doctor.
media is blaming the concussions
Great call but it broke the contempt kfabe
For abortions?
A faux bump stonk thing
Yes. For aborting niggers. En masse.
“Make good,” is the common idiom.
Well he did say we could imagine what the coat hanger was for.
A vagina? Oh I thought they were doing back alley abortions.
It’d be an excuse to… not the reason why.
Good lowkey fed post at the end, I like caller now.
I was looking into this and couldnt even find a press
None of us own firearms or ammo.
Boomers love the Israel ammo costing $1 a 5.56 round
Faceblack meme quality caller
It means i was in my car and the quality sucked. I keep forgetting to buy your book and I’m sorry for that.
Bull shit i just bought 1000 rds of tula
You didn’t buy any steel case Russian ammo.
Your brother in law did.
Good man.
Wait, I thought that Russian stuff was shitty.
Ruger Mini 30 – YouTube
Start at 4:40
It is shitty. According to my brother-in-lawr it frequently jams.
I sort of hate all the boomers who are stocking 30,000 rounds in their basements. Like, what the fuck are you going to do with it, faggot? Fight the government? Nope. Shoot criminals? You don’t need 30k rounds for that. Defend your family after the collapse? Well maybe you should stockpile food and supplies instead of just ammo.
Maybe the only benefit is that they’ll be easy to take the ammo from when we really need it wink wink.
Sell it for their retirement fund, that’s the most common answer I get
Good reason to hate them even more. Grabbing resources other people need more than them so they can buy a fucking RV.
More the realization that massive ammo stashes for use as such are pretty unnecessary on the personal level. Shit holds it value better than gold tho
Blackpilled pointed out that if you were to ever get into a serious firefight, which I don’t condone doing, you’d most likely not get through more than a few mags of ammo before getting yeeted.
Its an old chris rock bit. Dont make guns illegal just charge 10 grand per bullet
Not wanting clout is the incorrect path. It helps us all own the libtards.
Daniel Boone was a man
But the bear was a bigger
So he ran like a bigger
Through the trees